I just did my 500th race…and nobody cares

My family has all of our medals on a wall, parents, kids, etc. Unless we’ve all done the race together, then it’s just one medal for all of us. And man, sometimes I walk by that crowded wall and the ghost of the beancounter comes out and scares me about how much money I’ve spent in entry fees, to say nothing of all the associated travel and hotel costs!

But the memories and experiences are what matters.

Congrats on the big Five-Double-O. That’s really cool. It’s like the Forest Gump of racing :slight_smile: “I’m pretty tired, I think I’ll go home now.”



More people care than you realize. The recognition gets muted along with much of the non-verbal caring of being a spouse, parent, teacher, caretaker, and as a person on our planet. BTW, congratulations on your milestone. I probably competed in an estimated 1-2% of your races–those Phoenix years went way too quickly. Hope the hips hold up for all your future races.




Hi Doug,
Hips are doing well. Hope yours are too.

My family has all of our medals on a wall, parents, kids, etc. Unless we’ve all done the race together, then it’s just one medal for all of us. And man, sometimes I walk by that crowded wall and the ghost of the beancounter comes out and scares me about how much money I’ve spent in entry fees, to say nothing of all the associated travel and hotel costs!

But the memories and experiences are what matters.

Congrats on the big Five-Double-O. That’s really cool. It’s like the Forest Gump of racing :slight_smile: “I’m pretty tired, I think I’ll go home now.”

Better than spending cash on cigarettes, hookers, drugs and alcohol but then again one could be racing and spending money on all of that so pick your evil lol

*Hey now!!! *I used to do ALL those, and I was fast as ■■■■ back then!!!

Ok, I didn’t spend money on hookers; they were friends of mine


Racing is the heart of the sport, whether that be tri, running or whatever. Participation is integral to keeping any sport healthy. Good on you for contributing to that.

Like Monty, I would’ve knocked out over 1000 races.

Up until 2001, I used to keep a list of my more significant races. By then I’d done over 200 triathlons, 60 marathons and 100 ultras. I have little idea how many shorter running events, open water swims, duathlons I’d also raced, but I can comfortably estimate I would have completed well over 500 races by then.

So often when looking at a weekend’s race options, I wouldn’t ponder which race to do. Instead, my brain would default to “How many of these can I do?” That led to no end of adventures… and the occasional misadventure.

I no longer do the long races that I used to, just an annual IM pilgrimage, but I still race often. By early June I’d already knocked out over 30 races this year. Despite working on alternate weekends, I still often race 4 times each fortnight; track on Thursday evenings, plus a Saturday parkrun followed by another race on Sunday.

Hey Andrew, Congratulations Man!!! Last time we locked horns was @ Deuces Wild Xterra about 10-12 years ago I believe? Maybe more? First time was Saguaro Lake Xterra, late 90’s? With a few of the AZ Trail run series in-between? So awesome you have kept such good records! Coincidentally I just made the trek to our place in Show Low today from CA. Keep it up man and if you happen to be in the White Mountains in the next week, pm me!


Hey Andrew, Congratulations Man!!! Last time we locked horns was @ Deuces Wild Xterra about 10-12 years ago I believe? Maybe more? First time was Saguaro Lake Xterra, late 90’s? With a few of the AZ Trail run series in-between? So awesome you have kept such good records! Coincidentally I just made the trek to our place in Show Low today from CA. Keep it up man and if you happen to be in the White Mountains in the next week, pm me!


Hi Bruce,
Those Xterra races were great events, especially Deuces wild Xterra. One of my favourites - what a beautiful course and venue. Enjoy Show Low. I love that area.

Nice. Pics of your storage facility full of race medals?

And library of scrapbooks full of race bibs (I have four full Volumes myself, working on a fifth - 3.5" binders, starting in 1982)

I spent way to much of my life working on a fifth.

And here’s me being nervous about my Olympic Distance Race in 2 days :smiley: But nervousness has been way worse. It’s way more exciting when there’s less nervous energy. That’s where I want to be with the racing, feeling more of the enjoyment, less of the nervousness.
Your post helps, thanks!

I’m impressed you even know the number. I couldn’t tell you how many races I’ve done. It’s more than 100, less than 500. But that’s all of the accuracy I can dish out.

Dang. Incredible achievement congrats!

I’ve been in the tri game since 2001. I didn’t train or race at all from 2019-2021 so I’ve got 20 active years in. I did two races in 2001 then I’ve averaged 4-6 per year since. So I’m probably at 80-ish, maybe more. That’s just triathlons or duathlons - doesn’t take single sport races into account. If you threw in local road races and time trials, it may be near 300. But I don’t save bibs nor do I collect medals. Every once in a while I’ll win an AG award - I don’t display those either. I’ve got awards and finisher’s medals in boxes and drawers all over the house and storage shed. I’m not a fan of finisher’s medals anyway. Never have been.