I am too drunk to pay taxes

Hunter Biden intends to switch his plea and intends to plead guilty, shocking federal prosecutors. He initially pleaded not guilty.

The development comes after Hunter Biden’s lawyers had prepared to argue he was too high or drunk to pay his taxes.

Who else has been too high or drunk to pay their taxes?

I’m guessing you?

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No. I am a licensed CPA and have State licensing standards. Did it all myself for 2023, Fed/ State Tax of $40k paid up front and a a sweet refund to take my baby to Applebee’s a couple times this Summer. I really hope Trump wins and goes after the Bidens and others for influence peddling.

The leader of the GOP says not paying taxes makes him smart.

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Do you really think the Biden traded influence more than Trump?

Trump’s entire tariff plan is to enable him to be a king maker by giving tariff discounts to those who make him happy. Why do you think foreign governments spent millions in his hotels?

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I wonder if he will go after jared and Ivanka.

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Do you live in Vegas by chance?

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Doesn’t SDG live in a wealthy polygamous enclave in Texas?

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Wealthy - yes. Polygamous - in a Moms for Liberty way, yes.

Hunter Biden accepts legal responsibility for what he did, and your takeaway is to attack some angle of defense his lawyers might have used should he have pleaded not guilty?

Maybe you’re missing the big picture?

There is also the small matter of Presidential immunity, for Joe.

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Mee tooo

You joined 2 hours ago and viewed one topic. That is not suspicious at all.

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Not me. But I have known some people who were that messed up. One sad case was a guy who had a coaching business with several affluent clients. Just months later he was arrested dressed with face makeup like the Joker (for no reason) on the street, about 30 lbs. lighter from meth. If I was told he messed up his taxes that year, I’d have 100% believed it.

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One of my childhood best friends lost his house and his car, because he’s an alcoholic. So he was definitely too drunk. He had money, he just didn’t pay his bills.

With just a few sentences there you have lost all credibility, but you do you.

[quote=“oldtrigal, post:3, topic:1278163”]
I really hope Trump wins and goes after the Bidens and others for influence peddling.

We can safely assume that this thread was started to say this.

I have read your historically far left progressive posts over time and you can certainly do you too. Does it not ring hypocritical when the Biden admin pushes for more IRS agents and their dumb, drunk son who has connections all over the world and makes millions of dollars from foreign connections can’ pay his f’ing taxes?

Hunter was investigated by the IRS, indicted, and pled guilty. Where’s the hypocrisy here?

Assuming his sentence isn’t pardoned or commuted.

The Biden administration hires extra agents so the IRS can hold tax cheats accountable. Hunter Biden admits his guilt and paid millions in back taxes and penalties. In what bizzarro world is that hypocritical?

A better example of hypocritical is MAGA world screeching and wailing about Hunter leveraging his family name to make money while they are silent about the Kushners selling golden visas and getting $2 Billion from the Saudis to do nothing.

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