I am too drunk to pay taxes

Can you explain how that is hypocritical?

It would be hypocritical if he got off.

Hunter is not the Biden administration’s son. Actions and initiatives taken by the Executive Branch when a particular person is in office are not necessarily tied to the actions of that person’s son who doesn’t work for the government and who took those actions years before the father was in office.

Maybe you don’t know what hypocrisy means. Or maybe you don’t care because you’re just here to spew nonsense. Six of one, half dozen of the other.

Maybe you’re too drunk to post on the internet.

So Slowguy you are A, OK with the entire perspective that Hunter Biden made his own bed ( $1 mio deals) without ANY influence, recognition or assistance from his father Joe Biden’s 50+ year political career prior to Joe taking office… so its like a clean slate? You sir are a piece of work.

That’s not what I said, but it seems like you can’t maintain a consistent logical connection between one post and the next.

What I said is that Hunter Biden’s failure to pay his taxes from 2016-2019 doesn’t really have anything to do with the Executive Branch’s efforts to increase IRS agent numbers during the Biden administration which didn’t start until 2021.


What’s a $1 mio deal?

But I think we’d all be in agreement he’s a slimeball and tried to leverage dad’s influence. I’m glad he was never in the U.S. government. Also not disappointed to see Joe go, though there’s precious little implicating him in Hunter’s shenanigans.

It sounds like you’re very concerned about the family members of Presidents leveraging influence for personal gain. Me too. Definitely informs my choices for the current race, and I hope it does yours too. Choose wisely if you’d like see see that sort of thing lessened.

Biden was, maybe is your President and VP for four years and a Senator for like50 years. That doesn’t bother you that Biden’s entire worth is influence peddling? So, yes concerned. so we are talking abut a sitting President. If you don’t acknowledge a big problem, then I am beating a dead horse.

OMG you have never seen this used in large corporations, “$1 mio”? For you simp its MILLIONS of dollars ----> $1,000,000.

Hate to break it to you, but most people here don’t work for large finance corporations where they use the German abbreviation for “million.”

Also, you might dial back the name calling. Not sure what you think “simp” means, but it doesn’t really seem to apply here.

Insults, Russian troll talking points, use someone’s picture you found in the internet, claim to be a finance person but have no understanding of economics, using terminology not used in the US……I smell bullshit.

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And Dave Grohl is a better dad than Hunter, too.

I work for a “large finance corporation.” I have never heard anyone say mio.
I don’t know what a simp is either.

There is something off about this poster.

It’s true that many MAGA enthusiasts think, and act, like Russian disinformation bots. (Hey Tylertri).

I suppose we need more alternative opinions here.

But this poster doesn’t seem like a real person to me.

Is the pic not you?

As to career politicians and their extended families, cashing in on the simple fact of their office, it is inevitable. It can be either illegal or legal. Even new born pols can be bought, allegedly. El-Sisi Trump and a contribution of $10M.

In my legal work, I saw internal documents from many large financial institutions. I can’t say for certain that I never saw “mio”, as these institutions were from many countries. But, generally people said “million”, “mill” or “mm.”

well Ike apparently you are not so well rounded internationally.

Do they dock your pay when you make mistakes like this or do you get the same daily ration of beets and vodka?


I think they just admitted to being a non-US citizen.