
They are saying one of the 6 Israel hostages found included Hersh Goldberg-Polin. His parents gave a heart wrenching plea during the DNC.

Hope this ratchets up pressure on Bibi

Pressure to take the gloves off? I mean Hamas could have a) not taken hostages or b) released them at any time.

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Yup, and Bibi could not have propped up Hamas for years because he thought it helped him politically. He can also stop undermining the cease fire deals (that his defense and intel communities support) because he wants to avoid political accountability.

Criticizing Bibi does not mean you support Hamas, it means you are a rational person. The vast majority of Israelis want him out of politics and investigated.

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So how many of the remaining hostages will be found dead and how many will be released?

IMO Bibi started with the premise that they were all dead to him unless rescued.

Entire economy going on strike to pressure netanyahu

Ben gurion ahut monday

Netanyahu, gvir, smotrich have zero interest in the hostages, they’re of no value to their politics

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Why doesn’t Hamas just release them? That would solve the issue wouldn’t? Caving to terrorists is never a good long term solution.

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But funding said terrorists is a good long term solution?? Hamas just doesnt release them because it is not in their interest to do so, seems pretty obvious, no?? How do we make it in their interest in your opinion?

Why would Hamas care about a general strike in israel…

The whole its a bad thing to negotiate with terrorist…if Blair has not negotiated with Sinn Fein and Paisley Ireland would not have had 27 years of peace.

Netanyahu does not care about Israelis, he cares about himself. Gvir and co are slightly different in so far as they would like muslims razed from the surface of the earth.

The issue is not a general strike but the fact people are being held hostage. Why doesn’t Hamas release them?

I’m sure after 10 months you might be able to figure that out

While Windy plays his usual Windy games Israelis want the ceasefire for hostages deal that Bibi keeps blocking.

They have taken to the streets. Tel Aviv right now. General strike tomorrow

Because Hamas is fucking terroist animals and need to be culled?

Oh good, you reminded me why I had you muted.

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Feel free to let me know if there’s an alternative to why Hamas won’t release their hostages but Israel should capitulate.

I don’t know - maybe because continuing to have the hostages is serving their purpose by enraging the israeli population and reinforcing the notion that netanyahu is choosing not to agree a deal that has been on the table since April - but who knows…

You don’t think that releasing hostages is capitulation?

Peace is like kryptonite to Hamas. They know the population wants them gone.
Seized Hamas documents show terror group inflated its support rates, IDF says (

Hamas knows their #1 recruiting tool is Israel killing women and children. Take that away from them, and take away the hostages, and they are weakened significantly…but clowns like Bibi prefer a powerful Hamas, which is why he propped them up for years.
For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces | The Times of Israel

I don’t understand why Hamas would agree to release the hostages. Both you and Nutella say peace would make they weak. Why then would they do something that makes them weak? If there is a peace deal Israel can sign who are they negotiating with if not Hamas.

Sinn Fein as far as I can see mainly wanted Britain to get out of their affairs and the land they were on. They didn’t want the destruction of Britain and didn’t question Britain even being able to exist.

If there is a peace deal to be had it would be great if both sides would sign it.

The deal that is on the table seems pretty lopsided. For every one hostage Israel gets Hamas gets something like 50 fighters back. Since Hamas isn’t very trustworthy I see them signing on and getting most of their fighters back and lots of aid etc and then they resume fighting.

My point was the idea we don’t negotiate with terrorists is plainly nonsensical

Depending on your POV SF very much wanted the destruction of the British state in NI - they obviously settled for less

There is no upside to hamas releasing the hostages. I think it’s clear at this stage that both Hamas and Netanyahu have behaved in abhorrent ways. The formers act in Oct were evil. I think there’s a good argument that netanyahu’ continued response and at least some of the actions are at best I’ll judged and worst criminal. That’s not to say they should not have responded, it is to say I’m not sure they’ve exercised the right degree of caution with respect to non combatants.

I think Israelis are growing increasingly tired of the malign impact netanyahu’ supporters are having on the likelyhood of getting any more hostages back and for any prospect of a peace deal

I think in October if Netanyhu had responded with a very forceful attack for a limited time and then let the dust settle it might have been better. He would have been where he is not wrt the hostages without so much carnage. Would Hamas then have released the hostages. Unfortunately not likely.

The first strategy of most terror groups is not to kill/neutralize their enemies. They kill all the moderates. They essentially kill any possibility of negotiated settlement.

And the Good Friday Accords largely spelled the end for the IRA. Yes, they are still active criminally, but they have been mostly neutralized.