
Don’t forget the effect of 9/11.

So why did Hamas execute them right before the rescue? To enrage the Israeli population?

Your specious argument that taking and keeping hostages is a political negotiating tactic kind of fails when the hostages are executed, wouldn’t you agree?

When your kids misbehave do you negotiate and give in to their tantrums?

The UK may, the US does not. All it does is encourage repeat actions.

So if there’s no upside to releasing the hostages why should Israel bother negotiating?

Sure Windy. Sure :roll_eyes:

Trump’s Deal With the Taliban Draws Fire From His Former Allies - The New York Times (

PolitiFact | Mitt Romney accurately says Trump administration worked to free 5,000 Taliban prisoners

Iran–Contra affair - Wikipedia

The US played a key role in brokering the last Gaza cease fire between Hamas and Isreal…how did they do that if they didn’t talk to Hamas?

I think you need to do a little homework on the dates involved and then come back to the conversation

You are having a laugh right? Did you just not exit Afghanistan? Are you not brokering the talks with Hamas…

That’s actually the most flat out stupid thing I think I’ve seen on here. What do you think blinken has been doing…JFC, I can’t believe you actually typed it

What are you talking about? The US negotiates with terrorists all the time.

If you really think Israel has been treating Gaza with kid gloves, you need your head examined.

The population of Israel just arguably revolted because 6 people were killed who might otherwise have been saved and your argument is that hamas’s approach isn’t successful?

I’m not saying its right, but they just got the country out on strike so arguably they are driving the population in a direction to agree to talk aren’t they?

Did that not happen?

I think we should use remaining infrastructure as a proxy for kid gloves. What’s left?

9/11 was three years after the Good Friday Accords. At the best 9/11 reminded the world that the IRA were a bunch of terrorist criminals.

Afghanistan is a country.

If Hamas were to pull something akin to that in the US what do you think the response would be?

They’re not messing around, but they haven’t gone full Dresden yet

Evidently the tunnels where they execute hostages …