Harris V Trump Sept 10.. Lets get ready to rumble

I’ve got a friend who is a biologist and used to run the water quality department for my city. Geese and ducks are absolute menaces. Their shit destroys the water quality.
I’ve got a fun set collection board game about luring ducks (Ducks in Tow). When playing with her, we change the theme to be killing ducks and geese

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When you know that there’s no real consequence, and that your cult members will believe it unquestioningly, why not make that choice?

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Sorry couldn’t resist…LOL


Ladies and Gentlemen, Jon Stewart


Ohio shelters euthanized something like 10,000 dogs and cats in 2023. I’m not sure immigrants are the biggest threat to pet animals.


The MAGA base wasn’t the target audience last night.

Has he ever denied all involvement in J6? The race question may have blown past many undecided voters but everyone knows J6 and generally why it happened. Denying that he didn’t plan the event and had no part to play in it is one, laughable, and two, a new lie that was laid bare.

It also served as an explicit acknowledgment that it was a really fucking bad day for his movement and our country and not just patriots exercising their 1A rights. The whitewash vanished with his denial of responsibility.

Maybe and probably it won’t matter but it added to the overall theme of the night that he’s a liar who takes no accountability for anything he says or does. It’s not a good look for someone asking independents to trust him with the keys to the country.

I also thought Harris’ listing all of his former cabinet and staff, including his own VP, opposing him, calling him unfit, dangerous and an embarrassment, was powerful.

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During the debate, my Slutty MAGA cousin’s feed came up, for whatever reason, I’m not sure

“Her Marxist father taught her the mind control tactics very well. So many have fallen for it.”

I had to correct “they didn’t have the Mind-control you’re thinking of in Karl Marx’s time (1818–1883). That didn’t come around until the 1930s with Stalin, along with starvation and outright genocide. But that was a nice try.”

She deleted it

I would’ve loved for either one of them to ask "Mr. Trump, can you define 'Marxism?'l

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he is just too old
the good thing is that you guys dont have to chose between 2 senile candidates since fortunately biden quit.

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He wants his binky.

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He’s just too old? I don’t think age is Trump’s biggest problem!

Trump’s dementia existed before he became senile.

I agree with you that it’s nice to see a vigorous & charismatic person debating Trump. It’s also nice to see someone whose ego is balanced against the hopes and dreams of Americans. Harris talked about plans for Americans, respect for vets, and the rights of women extensively. And she talked about the rule of law— which we know benefits everyone. We do not want a dictator. We do not admire dictators.


It won’t change a thing. A guy I used to referee with posted this morning that it was a joke that they didn’t fact check Harris and the debate was 3 against 1.

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That’s my point: his vote was never up for grabs.

Yes, it changes nothing with the deep maggots. But what about their wives, or voting age kids? What about the main like Republicans? Or the religious non bigots, if there is such a thing? If half of them decide not to vote at all, it moves the election in a big way.

And what about the Democrats? They’re fired up, more people are registering D. This moves the needle big time.

Donnie is toast,

Donnie going to lose,

Donnie is going to prison!

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I thought about this too. But I imagine that if you wargame this, you end up finding that it allows him either to say “It’s everything you stand for, Kamala”, or he gives some utterly fictitious definition.

If he does the former, where do you go from there? You have to set out a definition of Marxism (showing you’re familiar with it) and then set out your own positions in contradistinction - a tall order in the time available,

If he does the latter, you have to go in to correct him, again setting out your understanding of and familiarity with Marxism.

Maybe an approach would have been to have said “you talk about Marxism a lot. Can you tell the American people where and when you studied Marxism, because I’m sure they don’t teach it at Wharton?”

Dunno. A good attack on this requires a bit of thought and planning, I think.

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The GOP is not a serious party anymore.

imo… this election is not anymore pick 3/5 issues to weigh the lesser evil. its pick one issue that is the tipping point. even if trump said crazy things like immigrants eating pets

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Ahhhh, Wharton!!! He mentioned the Professors at Wharton “They loved me there, great people” or something like that

Firstly, no they don’t, and they don’t want anything to do with him

Secondly, if there were any professors there who “They loved me there, great people” they passed away a LONG time ago

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There’s at least one reason it’s Huntsman Hall instead of having his name on it