Harris V Trump Sept 10.. Lets get ready to rumble

Taylor has 283 million followers on social media.

I love that she cited his Ai bullshit. FAFO of the highest order.


[quote=ā€œBarks_Purrs, post:82, topic:1278387ā€]
Everyone was waiting for her word to describe
Trumpā€” buffoon, jackass, asshole, etc.

Is Trump telling us that heā€™s going to produce the health care planā€” the one that was always 2 weeks away? lol

He did admit that they have ā€œconceptsā€ but no plan. I think she was going to hammer that but her time was up

I was hoping sheā€™d push the 9 years heā€™s had when he stated that she had been in the WH for 3.5 years.


Just saw a clip on ABC (live I think) where trump was saying that the polls were in and they he had won by ā€œ92 percent, 88 percentā€ A few seconds later he repeated that and said ā€œwe won by 90 percent, 80 percentā€. He canā€™t even keep his numbers straight inside of 30 seconds

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Jeezuz Uncle Ranty went off tonight.

In other news Tyler is still voting for him.

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Sheā€™s just getting ready to make dinner.

She did well on that question for sure. I confess that as a US-born child of immigrants I canā€™t help but have considerable bias on that issue.

I donā€™t think that flew by anyone, left or right. Certainly not in the wake of another school shooting.

I wonder if many people caught his yet another Reagan ripoff, ā€œthere you go again.ā€ Didnā€™t quite land as he hoped.

His ā€œIā€m speakingā€ quip also landed flat, mostly because he explained the punchline with ā€œremember that?ā€

He was pretty terrible tonight. She played him like a fiddle and subtly reinforced the idea that he can be easily manipulated by his emotional responses to criticism and flattery. She took him out with the bored rally comment and never let him off the mat.

Probably the best debate performance Iā€™ve ever seen. Masterful. Her command and poise contrasts so perfectly well with his boorishness and undisciplined, unfocused whining.

Far better than I expected. Heā€™s cooked.

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He just likes Trumpā€™s policies.

Dear Leader wiped the floor with her.

While grabbing a pussy. Thatā€™s a power move if there ever was one.


Oh the grievances are piling up now. He had the debate thing wrapped up until Kamala showed up, and basically flipped the entire debate script. He went from a huge W to a huge L and mostly by his own undoing. His keyboard will be burnt to a crisp tonight.

Objectively, the moderators pinned him down on questions that they did not subject Harris to, namely, ā€œDo you want Ukraine to win this war?ā€ I would have liked to hear her answer. But his refusal to say yes says enough.

His refusal to say heā€™d have done anything differently on J6 wasnā€™t surprising but his non-answer went from a bad nothing to worse with what he did say instead. Harris played it right, mentioning the LEOs that were injured that day while his response amounted to:
-I had nothing whatsoever to do with J6 (LOL)
-Ashley Babbit something something
-Nancy Pelosi something something

So many self owns in this debate I canā€™t recall even half of them.

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Ooof. Drudge.

Here is a link to her own words calling for a mandatory buyback program in 2019. Mandatory buy back is confiscation. She has many extreme left positions from 2019 and when in the Senate. You wonā€™t hear about them now because you canā€™t win in a general election with such radical views.



Is that this?


She executed that very well.

Haha tell me you believe the mainstream media without telling me you believe the mainstream media. Let me guess ā€œorange man badā€

You enjoy your gas prices? Grocery bills? Inflation? TV told you everything is good though so it must be.

That has aged like a fine vintage milk.

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it appears that trolls will be trollsā€¦