Harris V Trump Sept 10.. Lets get ready to rumble

I’m not sure if I’ll watch the debate in real-time either. Even if there is something very newsworthy (like an assassination attempt), I don’t think the debate is likely to change minds. I can hear about the highlights later & be more efficient with my time & attention.

Btw, I understand your complaint about all the old threads. I have looked through my settings & cannot find a way to permanently display the most recent threads. I can adjust the tags or sorting filter each time I go to the LR, but that’s annoying. @rrheisler?

If you paid attention to the increase in authoritarianism around the world since 2016, you might think that another Trump presidency has an impact on world events.


Boswell as the team and potentially league MVP.

not saying that either will or will not have an impact on world events and that it may impact some people but in the main it will be what ever it is and there are too many things one can not control to worry, so it is just a good reality show. Watching is all that most people can do, of course external forces could influence the outcome with disinformation, which add s twist to the reality show script. Again not really in the realm of the average person outside the US.

I disagree.

A) You are saying something about the impact of US politics & the world.

B) You are encouraging a passive, helpless mindset which is lame AF & guarantees failure.

C) Reality shows SUCK, so it’s not even a good show.

D) Watching is definitely not the only thing people can do. In fact, watching is only one of an infinite number of things people can do.

E) I’m not right about many things, but I do believe you are wrong in every sentence of your post. I wonder if there’s a badge for that in the new LR format? lol

Trump has done this many times. Harris has only done this in primaries in 2020 as far as I can recall. She finished dead last in those primaries and dropped out before President Biden picked her for VP. So for Harris this is a big test. It is pretty hard to see Trump losing voters over his debate performance we have seen it pretty much all before. Harris has come off as quite credible. Word salads or people get the perception she does not understand them makes for problems. There was a NYT/Sienne poll in the last day which has Trump up by a percentage point which seems problematic. Honeymoon over.

BBC says Harris does alright in debates.

I agree that the debate isn’t going to move the needle for the anyone but the undecideds.

Who ARE the undecideds? How? Why? Which rock?

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After T spews some nonsense, H should say something like, “Everything the defendant [thanks, Rick!] just said is yet another gross distortion or outright lie. This debate format doesn’t allow time to refute so many outrageous claims, so I urge viewers watching this to followup with a credible fact-checking source.”

Then, take the rhetorical high ground and leave Anakin’s charred body next to a pit of lava. [Oops! Sorry! The Cheney references in the other thread made my mind wander to thoughts of Darth Vader…]

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If he’s got any sharp bulbs left in the toolbox he’ll hit her with this. Hard to imagine swing voters agreeing that their tax dollars should be used to pay for gender reassignment surgery for inmates and undocumented migrants. If he wants to paint her as a looney liberal, this would be a good place to start.

Harris also wrote that she supported taxpayer funding of gender transition surgeries for detained immigrants and federal prisoners.

Harris was asked if, as president, she would use “executive authority to ensure that transgender and non-binary people who rely on the state for medical care – including those in prison and immigration detention – will have access to comprehensive treatment associated with gender transition, including all necessary surgical care.”

Harris replied, “Yes.”

“It is important that transgender individuals who rely on the state for care receive the treatment they need, which includes access to treatment associated with gender transition,” Harris wrote in a reply expanding on her answer. “That’s why, as Attorney General, I pushed the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to provide gender transition surgery to state inmates,” she wrote.

Harris explained that she supported granting prisoners and detainees access to “surgical care” for gender transition.

“Transition treatment is a medical necessity, and I will direct all federal agencies responsible for providing essential medical care to deliver transition treatment,” she wrote.

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Except that no one will have trouble following her answers as they did with Biden—/and Trump, if you haven’t actually listened to him lately—even though she may on occasion use 15 words when 11 would suffice.

Let’s not pretend Harris is the incoherent communicator on policy and details here.

Considering how infrequently paid attention to intelligence briefs because he couldn’t understand them - there is a very strong likelihood that he won’t know what she just said even when the rest of us do.

If Harris was a coherent orator, she’d have been doing more unscripted public speaking , interviews since her immaculate coronation. She isn’t qualified to lead the girls scouts to the buffet.

please recall that this is about people who are not US citizen, therefore they can and should not have any impact or influence on the US election.
the question I replied to is why does it matter to people outside of the US and more specifically “Oh and I love all our Canadian friends who are so involved and opininated about American politics. Why doesn’t one of the candidates propose we invade Canada and free them from their Overlord King.”
so maybe that changes your response?

But Trump provides us a never ending source of amusement and to think he might be voted in a second time is just too much to resist.

I like when intelligent people get involved in politics, even if they live in another state or country. If they are smart and take the time to learn about local issues, I love to hear their ideas. People do things differently all over, and they might have great solutions that we haven’t tried. Like, really obvious solutions that we just can’t quite grasp. Durrrrr- do we need more guns :woozy_face: and more MAGA anti-science :clown_face:? Or maybe we should try less idiocy, like our Canadian friends suggest?

America is kind of fucked up these days— I implore the smarty-pants all around the world to give us some good attention and advice.

I agree that is a reasonable approach!

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No complicated AI needed, she can just make comments that her crowds are the biggest in history.

No one will take you seriously when you say Harris isn’t a coherent orator and yet you support a guy who couldn’t string a sentence together to save his life. Mister accordian hands can’t discuss any topic except windmills, batteries and sharks and even then he is wrong on everything he utters.

Udder bullshit. (he’s probably talked about cows too at some point) Politicians for years to come will use his ideas on Childs care as the basis for their own policies. I guess you also forgot that his uncle was a professor at MIT. That alone makes trump a leading authority on the nuclear.

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It’s like Americans criticizing an immigrant’s command of English while ignoring that it’s one more language than they speak themselves.

MAGA isn’t exactly known for being a highly self aware personality cult.

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