Harris V Trump Sept 10.. Lets get ready to rumble

Wrong again. The largest spike in people searching for information about voter registration happened when your guy spewed nonsense about Jan 6th during the debate.

Reasonable people are disgusted by the leader of the GOP inspiring a bunch of terrorists attempting to stop the certification of the election.

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the spike is high during j6 mention and quickly drops. the swift mention has higher duration, so likely more searches

Absolutely perfect.


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Yup, Americans were disgusted by the leader of the GOP claiming about Jan 6th

ā€œI had nothing to do with that other than they asked me to make a speech.ā€

Reasonable people know Trump inspired the attack on the Capitol by relentlessly spewing lies about election fraud. His lies last night inspired thousands of Americans to register to vote. :+1:


you missed my point. the duration was higher during swift endorsementā€¦ 8 searches for j6 for 1 minute, vs swift 6 searches every minute for 4 minutesā€¦ 24 > 8

Nope, I understand that when the leader of the GOP talks nonsense about Jan 6th it inspires people to register to vote. Your effort to deflect from that fact is comical.

The more Trump talks the more real Americans are disgusted by him.

I love lamp!

to someā€¦ j6 can be overlooked if certain things get fixed now, which kamela has the power to do now and there will be no need to vote for trump.

What specific policy positions of Trumps are so awesome that you overlook the fact that he motivated a bunch of terrorists to invade the Capitol in an effort to stop the certification of the election?

I feel like there was a time not too long ago when an event like J6 would cause most Republicans to call for the instigator of that event to be strung up.

How on earth could J6 be overlooked?

close the border, end to supplying arms to warring nations causing genocide and what not, reduce inflation

I love me some Canuckā€™s. Especially captain. Iā€™m his huckleberry.

this is whats wrong with politics when people are influenced by endorsements , they should not be allowed to vote.
and i dont care if it is a republican or democratic endorsement but if that swings your mind one does not have the maturity to vote .

Donā€™t worry Donnieā€™s got Ted Nugent and Kid Rock. Once those two has beens speak out, heā€™ll have nothing to worry about!


Why are celebrity endorsements so much worse a source of information than any of the other BS politicians, political pundits and political advertising that gets spewed at people? If you like a celebrity and trust their judgment (for whatever reasons), then itā€™s not unreasonable to be influenced by their opinion of a candidate. That doesnā€™t imply immaturity. Many people donā€™t have the time to trawl through a candidateā€™s website to read their manifesto or dig into all their policies, so listening to a celebrity you trust who has done sufficient research is a reasonable compromise.

Now, if youā€™re listening to Rosanne Barr, I may agree with youā€¦

The President cannot close the border. The President cannot block Congressionally allocated aid. Trump tried and he got impeached for it. Trumpā€™s economic plans will increase, not reduce, inflation.

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And doing these things will let you overlook the fact that a sitting president incited terrorist to invade the Capitol?