Harris V Trump Sept 10.. Lets get ready to rumble

I love me some Canuck’s. Especially captain. I’m his huckleberry.

this is whats wrong with politics when people are influenced by endorsements , they should not be allowed to vote.
and i dont care if it is a republican or democratic endorsement but if that swings your mind one does not have the maturity to vote .

Don’t worry Donnie’s got Ted Nugent and Kid Rock. Once those two has beens speak out, he’ll have nothing to worry about!


Why are celebrity endorsements so much worse a source of information than any of the other BS politicians, political pundits and political advertising that gets spewed at people? If you like a celebrity and trust their judgment (for whatever reasons), then it’s not unreasonable to be influenced by their opinion of a candidate. That doesn’t imply immaturity. Many people don’t have the time to trawl through a candidate’s website to read their manifesto or dig into all their policies, so listening to a celebrity you trust who has done sufficient research is a reasonable compromise.

Now, if you’re listening to Rosanne Barr, I may agree with you…

The President cannot close the border. The President cannot block Congressionally allocated aid. Trump tried and he got impeached for it. Trump’s economic plans will increase, not reduce, inflation.

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And doing these things will let you overlook the fact that a sitting president incited terrorist to invade the Capitol?

These posters are not serious people.

I agree, the problem seems to be, some of them actually think they are.

well again not looking at the facts… US inflation is the lowest it has been for 3 years (lots of data to prove but BBC article: US inflation falls to its lowest level in over three years) The fed is looking to cut interest more… of course Biden and Harris can’t take credit right? It baffles me why US citizens can’t parse out the truth!

Propaganda works. There are millions of gullible people who ignore facts and believe the lies promoted by the leader of the GOP.

Steve Ratner did a good job of dismantling some of Trump’s lies from the debate.

‘Utterly contrary to what Trump said’: Steve Rattner breaks down Trump’s debate lies (msnbc.com)

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By far the best clip from the debate.


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the truly sad part of the US political system is that it only comes down to less than 0.01% of the population that decide the outcomes. here is a good video explainer: Why 0.008% of the U.S. population might determine the election | About That | CBC.ca. The issue of such a small margin of victory shows the flaw in the electoral college system. So did the debate matter? not if it did not change the factors at play in the battle ground states, and to change it only a relatively small number of people need influenced to vote one way or the other.

SAYING he’ll do those things will let him overlook the fact that a sitting president incited terrorist to invade the Capitol.

Trump has proven repeatedly that he has no actual, workable plans that would address any of the shit he claims he’s the only person capable of fixing.

And the rubes just keep on believing him. As we can clearly see.

He apparently does have concepts of plans though. So he’s got that going for him, which is nice.

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This thread needs some tunes.

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I’d listen to this whole album.

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re : endorsements

I agree somewhat as to celebrity endorsements over other endorsements. Hulk Hogan v Taylor Swift provides an example of distinctions in endorsement quality though. Reading TS’s endorsement you can see how she did not push, but rather counseled her followers to become more engaged and more informed, and then came the push to register and vote based on an independent research. I’d swing to the side that her endorsement was mature and civic.