Guns in the states

Yeah we are pulling the pin at Phoenix and flying to San Fran. Still a fair drive though.

The mid land aussie pronunciation is more like - ‘Gerday mate’

Any slang I should be using down in Texas? Surely they don’t say ‘Howdy pardner’ like on the telly?

Don’t forget to check out some Texas basketball, you might pick up some good gun tips too:

Kerr is a superhero.

If passed, HR8 would require a background check before a firearm could be sold or transferred between private parties.

Steve Kerr is the coach of the Golden State Warriors in San Francisco.

If passed, HR8 would require a background check before a firearm could be sold or transferred between private parties.

Hey Dingleberry can you and fuckleberry take this shit to a different thread?

If passed, HR8 would require a background check before a firearm could be sold or transferred between private parties.

Steve Kerr is the coach of the Golden State Warriors in San Francisco.

Yes, you’re right he is exactly that.

Sadly, your Dear Leader is a professional grifter, liar, and con man.

Texas, Arizona and possibly Louisiana will provide you with the best ‘opportunity’ to see someone openly carrying a firearm. It would be an interesting lesson in Sociology for you to visit a gun store and shooting range in each of the states you visit, and just talk to the people who work there, maybe even try renting a firearm and shooting on a range. Gun laws and the fascination with firearms is always a topic of debate here in the U.S. and even I, as a gun owner, struggle to hear any logic to some of the reasons for owning and carrying.
As an interesting piece of history, in the Southern States, home of what was the Confederacy, the Haitian Revolution and the subsequent fear of a slave revolt here in the U.S. led to an increase in armed people who were concerned about a revolution. After that, ‘Manifest Destiny’ and the Westward expansion of our nation, people had guns and used them as ‘tools’ and weapons against the Native Americans in establishing the ‘Cowboy West’. Guns have always had a significant role here, unfortunately today people have a disjointed understanding of our 2nd Amendment and sadly abuse it.

Give me a shout when you come to Nashville. You might see some wanna be tough guy walking around with a gun on their hip.

In regarding the comment on neighborhoods and regular gunshots - I live on the north side which has been going through gentrification for a number of years, but it’s a regular occurrence on the Nextdoor app and the Ring doorbell app to see “Was that gunshots or fireworks?” posts.

I’m visiting the U.S. later this year and don’t really understand the guns thing

Do regular Americans carry guns around? Like do they wear guns on their hip when they go to liquor store? Is that a stereotype like of the Australian who has a kangaroo as a pet?

what do regular Americans think about it

Just seems really hard for an Australian to comprehend

Well, are you going to a Trumpy State or a Good State?

If you are driving that far in the US, I would be more worried about a car wreck. So many bad drivers and people driving way too fast on the highways. Rember the left lane is for passing or driving crazy fast and the right lane is the normal driving lane on the highway. There are a lot of drunk drivers in the US so be careful anytime you are on the roadway.

I would not worry much about guns unless you are going to a poor section of a big city.

I’m visiting the U.S. later this year and don’t really understand the guns thing

Do regular Americans carry guns around? Like do they wear guns on their hip when they go to liquor store? Is that a stereotype like of the Australian who has a kangaroo as a pet?

what do regular Americans think about it

Just seems really hard for an Australian to comprehend

Well, are you going to a Trumpy State or a Good State?

The 5 cities in the US with the highest rate of gun crime: Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, St. Louis.

Not sure why there is mention of a ‘Trumpy State’ vs a ‘Good state’…

Stay out of sketchy areas in these cities and it’ll be fine. Also, don’t engage in road rage particularly in these areas.

I’m visiting the U.S. later this year and don’t really understand the guns thing

Do regular Americans carry guns around? Like do they wear guns on their hip when they go to liquor store? Is that a stereotype like of the Australian who has a kangaroo as a pet?

what do regular Americans think about it

Just seems really hard for an Australian to comprehend

Well, are you going to a Trumpy State or a Good State?

The 5 cities in the US with the highest rate of gun crime: Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, St. Louis.

Not sure why there is mention of a ‘Trumpy State’ vs a ‘Good state’…

Stay out of sketchy areas in these cities and it’ll be fine. Also, don’t engage in road rage particularly in these areas.

What are the states with the highest gun crime?

I’m visiting the U.S. later this year and don’t really understand the guns thing

Do regular Americans carry guns around? Like do they wear guns on their hip when they go to liquor store? Is that a stereotype like of the Australian who has a kangaroo as a pet?

what do regular Americans think about it

Just seems really hard for an Australian to comprehend

Well, are you going to a Trumpy State or a Good State?

The 5 cities in the US with the highest rate of gun crime: Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, St. Louis.

Not sure why there is mention of a ‘Trumpy State’ vs a ‘Good state’…

Stay out of sketchy areas in these cities and it’ll be fine. Also, don’t engage in road rage particularly in these areas.

What are the states with the highest gun crime?

Might need to take per capita numbers into account. And how are you defining “gun crime”?

And how are you defining “gun crime”?

Not knowing the difference between a clip and a magazine.

Not sure why there is mention of a ‘Trumpy State’ vs a ‘Good state’… //

Probably because of this??? See any resemblance to Trumpy states and gun deaths?? You cherry picked out some cities in a discussion about states, so here is your why;

Not sure why there is mention of a ‘Trumpy State’ vs a ‘Good state’… //

Probably because of this??? See any resemblance to Trumpy states and gun deaths?? You cherry picked out some cities in a discussion about states, so here is your why;

So, we have a foreigner asking about traveling throughout the US and avoiding being the victim of a gun crime. My advice is to avoid specific areas in specific cities to reduce the chances of being a victim. That’s my advice.

You, Chappy, Skuj (et al) give the advice to avoid ‘’Trumpy states”. I’ll stick with my advice. I follow my own advice and avoid high crime areas in those cities. I also travel through Wyoming without reservation though it’s (presumably) a ‘Trumpy State’.

I’ve yet to be shot at or be confronted with a gun (other than a specific personal matter when I was a kid), so it works for me. I haven’t taken the approach to avoid ‘Trumpy States’.

I offered my opinion for our visitor. You disagree. Fair enough, it happens.

And how are you defining “gun crime”?

Not knowing the difference between a clip and a magazine.


If you are driving that far in the US, I would be more worried about a car wreck. So many bad drivers and people driving way too fast on the highways. Rember the left lane is for passing or driving crazy fast and the right lane is the normal driving lane on the highway. There are a lot of drunk drivers in the US so be careful anytime you are on the roadway.

I would not worry much about guns unless you are going to a poor section of a big city.

Maybe we can all agree that if a person wants to avoid gun violence, they should avoid the gun-toting fools? It’s a little like chlamydia. If you don’t want to have a personal experience with chlamydia, the best advice is to avoid people with chlamydia. There are people with chlamydia in the cities. There are people with chlamydia in the country. Avoid engaging in activities with those ones. Sometimes being choosy is the only way to be.

Give me a shout when you come to Nashville. You might see some wanna be tough guy walking around with a gun on their hip.

In regarding the comment on neighborhoods and regular gunshots - I live on the north side which has been going through gentrification for a number of years, but it’s a regular occurrence on the Nextdoor app and the Ring doorbell app to see “Was that gunshots or fireworks?” posts.

Speaking of NextDoor, a recurring theme, at least where I am, is people posting things on ND like “my Ring camera caught a man wearing a nametag and carrying a clipboard come to my door and he stood there for 19 seconds” or “a car drove by our house slowly” or “someone driving by was taking pictures of houses.” Every single time many people will respond with things like “he was probably casing your house to come back later to rob you or worse.” Our town has low crime IMO and we simply don’t have people breaking into random houses to assault people or worse, yet these people constantly act like this is the norm. What we do have is people selling things door-to-door, realtors and appraisers taking pictures of comps, and similar things. When people say they didn’t go to their door when some likely salesperson came by others will say “I’m glad you trusted your gut. Your gut is never wrong. You’re lucky to be alive.” They are constantly stoking fear and, personally, I think that that’s no way to live.

Many of these same scared of their own shadow people are also vocal proud gun owners who claim that their guns will protect them from all of these perceived threats. The real problem is that some of them apparently also feel they have the right to shoot someone if they’re “scared” of them. If someone (perhaps someone of a “scary” race that’s not your own) goes to your door to sell pest control services that does not give you the right to shoot them simply because you’re scared, obviously. If a person has a “reasonable” fear of imminent bodily injury that would be different.

No, I don’t think that all gun owners are bad people. I own some guns that are locked in a safe and never used (I’m planning to take them out of circulation soon.) I do believe the statistic that guns that are kept in the home are much more likely to wind up being used on an innocent person (accidental discharge, DV, child access, theft, suicide, etc.) than they are to be used in legitimate self-protection. And anecdotes are not statistical evidence. Of course there are instances of legit self-protection, but they’re fairly rare.

Not sure why there is mention of a ‘Trumpy State’ vs a ‘Good state’… //

Probably because of this??? See any resemblance to Trumpy states and gun deaths?? You cherry picked out some cities in a discussion about states, so here is your why;

So, we have a foreigner asking about traveling throughout the US and avoiding being the victim of a gun crime. My advice is to avoid specific areas in specific cities to reduce the chances of being a victim. That’s my advice.

You, Chappy, Skuj (et al) give the advice to avoid ‘’Trumpy states”. I’ll stick with my advice. I follow my own advice and avoid high crime areas in those cities. I also travel through Wyoming without reservation though it’s (presumably) a ‘Trumpy State’.

I’ve yet to be shot at or be confronted with a gun (other than a specific personal matter when I was a kid), so it works for me. I haven’t taken the approach to avoid ‘Trumpy States’.

I offered my opinion for our visitor. You disagree. Fair enough, it happens.

Exactly. A state is way to big to “avoid” or “not” for a specific issue.

Even deep blue NY has very different cultures. Stand in the center on NYC and then go to a small town in the finger lakes. An "outsider would not think the 2 locations have anything similar, but to say avoid NY because of the few high crime areas in NYC would be very disingenuous.

Likewise, visiting a farm town in Western NY and saying NY’ers are all tractor driving rednecks would also be very disingenuous.

If you are driving that far in the US, I would be more worried about a car wreck. So many bad drivers and people driving way too fast on the highways. Rember the left lane is for passing or driving crazy fast and the right lane is the normal driving lane on the highway. There are a lot of drunk drivers in the US so be careful anytime you are on the roadway.

I would not worry much about guns unless you are going to a poor section of a big city.

Maybe we can all agree that if a person wants to avoid gun violence, they should avoid the gun-toting fools? It’s a little like chlamydia. If you don’t want to have a personal experience with chlamydia, the best advice is to avoid people with chlamydia. There are people with chlamydia in the cities. There are people with chlamydia in the country. Avoid engaging in activities with those ones. Sometimes being choosy is the only way to be.

If you want the best chance to avoid being near a gun, period, then avoid where the guns are.

However if you want the best chance to avoid gun violence then avoid areas and situations that traditionally are prone to violence.

Where the guns/most guns are isn’t necessarily the most dangerous place.