Guns in the states

l think we are due for another mass shooting pretty soon. So, wherever you visit, keep your head down. What an absolutely shitty thing to say and way to end your response. This is in no way anything other than fear mongering. Congratulations.Stating facts based on probabilities is not a shitty thing to say. Mass shootings are shitty. Your outrage is misplaced.

Sadly, exactly this.

Unfortunately, this is the shitty reality in our gun-riddled nation.
No one was arguing how shitty shootings are. Nor that they aren’t a reality.

However the fact is you decided to end your post warning a fucking visitor that they’re probably gonna get shot.

Nice job.

Thoughts and prayers in your moment of need.

I think we are due for another mass shooting pretty soon. So, wherever you visit, keep your head down.

What an absolutely shitty thing to say and way to end your response. This is in no way anything other than fear mongering. Congratulations.

Stating facts based on probabilities is not a shitty thing to say. Mass shootings are shitty. Your outrage is misplaced.


DSW telling a visiting foreigner that they should keep their heads down to avoid getting shot because it’s likely is akin to telling someone going in the ocean that they’re probably going to get bit by a shark.

Both of the scenarios are possible because shark attacks and mass shootings happen. However the likelihood of both are quite the opposite of what he and you are now suggesting.

Fuck outta here with that shit.

I know you love to get outraged, but this is a stretch even for you. The fact is, a mass shooting is probably going to happen in the not too distant future. Obviously the chances of a specific tourist being in the same place as the mass shooting is so small that clearly the comment about keeping his head down was an exaggeration.

I’m visiting the U.S. later this year and don’t really understand the guns thing

Do regular Americans carry guns around? Like do they wear guns on their hip when they go to liquor store? Is that a stereotype like of the Australian who has a kangaroo as a pet?

what do regular Americans think about it

Just seems really hard for an Australian to comprehend

Well where in the US… saying you are going to the US and will you see… is like saying… I am going to Europe later, can I expect to see any Snow… well it depends on where you go. It really boggles my mind at the lack of Europeans to understand how big the US is. Many states are bigger than any one of your countries. (yes by your post your probably Australian… so If I am traveling there, will I see a Kangaroo, or Eastern Brown Snake, or Opel Mine?

So yes if you are going up into the wilds of northern Alaska you better as hell hope you see folks with guns.

If your going most anywhere in Michigan, nope unless you come during deer season, you wont see anyone carrying a gun.

I would say throughout the vast majority of the US you will not find armed citizens. There maybe many with Concealed carry but you wont see those guns. Every now and again, some open carry gun person wants to make a point, and carries their riffle around, but tis not common. I know some vidoe platform people are now big into carrying on the beach in FL? cause its legal to carry while hunting or fishing or on your way to do those things, so they carry their riffle and fishing rod around the tourist beaches to get good content when the police are called, so maybe you get lucky and see that.

But no if your walking around NY city you probably wont see any.

Depending on where you go in the States it may be worth a looksee to go to a sporting goods store. It will amaze you to see a pallet or 5 of various types of ammo , what exactly a wall of assault rifles or a 5 meter glass case of handguns looks like. The mountain west town of 80 thousand people in which I live has a half dozen stores like that in it. We gots the guns here. You may not see an open carry or concealed carry person on your whole visit to the States. I would bet you will walk within arms length of such person(s) during your visit. Unless you are only going to Hawaii.

Hey, I’m in your town this weekend! If you see a 6’2” blond hottie, that’s me. I’m here with my amazingly tall kids; you can’t miss us. It’s so good to be here! 💙

I think we are due for another mass shooting pretty soon. So, wherever you visit, keep your head down.

What an absolutely shitty thing to say and way to end your response. This is in no way anything other than fear mongering. Congratulations.

Stating facts based on probabilities is not a shitty thing to say. Mass shootings are shitty. Your outrage is misplaced.


DSW telling a visiting foreigner that they should keep their heads down to avoid getting shot because it’s likely is akin to telling someone going in the ocean that they’re probably going to get bit by a shark.

Both of the scenarios are possible because shark attacks and mass shootings happen. However the likelihood of both are quite the opposite of what he and you are now suggesting.

Fuck outta here with that shit.

I know you love to get outraged, but this is a stretch even for you. The fact is, a mass shooting is probably going to happen in the not too distant future. Obviously the chances of a specific tourist being in the same place as the mass shooting is so small that clearly the comment about keeping his head down was an exaggeration.

No shit, that’s the point. Your last line is literally the take home message of the entire thread. So for him to end it as he did is just plain shitty and dumb.

I think you’re giving DSW too much credit here.

And please point to any thread where I have been outraged. Some of you posters on this forum fucking LOVE to ascribe “outrage” to anyone who has strong feelings about something or wants to call out another poster.

As I have said for years, you have zero idea of tone of voice through text. Simply because I curse does not mean there is outrage.

This is not a surprising approach to hear from you.

l think we are due for another mass shooting pretty soon. So, wherever you visit, keep your head down. What an absolutely shitty thing to say and way to end your response. This is in no way anything other than fear mongering. Congratulations.Stating facts based on probabilities is not a shitty thing to say. Mass shootings are shitty. Your outrage is misplaced.

Sadly, exactly this.

Unfortunately, this is the shitty reality in our gun-riddled nation.
No one was arguing how shitty shootings are. Nor that they aren’t a reality.

However the fact is you decided to end your post warning a fucking visitor that they’re probably gonna get shot.

Nice job.

Thoughts and prayers in your moment of need.

Stellar contribution.

l think we are due for another mass shooting pretty soon. So, wherever you visit, keep your head down. What an absolutely shitty thing to say and way to end your response. This is in no way anything other than fear mongering. Congratulations.Stating facts based on probabilities is not a shitty thing to say. Mass shootings are shitty. Your outrage is misplaced.

Sadly, exactly this.

Unfortunately, this is the shitty reality in our gun-riddled nation.
No one was arguing how shitty shootings are. Nor that they aren’t a reality.

However the fact is you decided to end your post warning a fucking visitor that they’re probably gonna get shot.

Nice job.

Thoughts and prayers in your moment of need.

Stellar contribution.

Are you suggesting that thoughts and prayer are a useless contribution when discussing gun violence?

Are you suggesting that thoughts and prayer are a useless contribution when discussing gun violence?

Nothing about my posting was a “moment of need.”

You’re phishing and you’re disingenuous.

Stating facts based on probabilities is not a shitty thing to say. Mass shootings are shitty. Your outrage is misplaced.Sadly, exactly this.

Unfortunately, this is the shitty reality in our gun-riddled nation.
No one was arguing how shitty shootings are. Nor that they aren’t a reality.

However the fact is you decided to end your post warning a fucking visitor that they’re probably gonna get shot.Thoughts and prayers in your moment of need.Stellar contribution.

Seems like you don’t appreciate dark comedy. I have a sneaky suspicion that you understand my sentiments exactly, but this causes you serious dissonance with the gun supportive tribe that you identify with. And, to avoid facing this, this puts you in “attack the messenger” mode.

But, in case there is any confusion, l will explain:

The problem is, due to our gun insanity, we americans face a wretched reality of little kids and other innocents regularly getting their bodies and heads blown to bits by armed and seriously ill people (nearly always males).

To put it mildly, this is depressing as all hell. And due to our simply unhinged gun politics and ‘captured’ political system, unfortunately, there is no end in sight. Some of us cope with this horrific and seemingly unchangeable situation with dark humor.

If that is my heinous crime, then l plead guilty.

Are you suggesting that thoughts and prayer are a useless contribution when discussing gun violence?

Nothing about my posting was a “moment of need.”

You’re phishing and you’re disingenuous.

I am not being disingenuous.

I genuinely believe saying “thoughts and prayers” is useless in regard to mass shootings.

I also genuinely believe that you care more about someone mentioning mass shootings, than preventing mass shootings.

Like others said, it depends where you’re going. I live in an urban area in Colorado and have seen two people with guns in my 25+ years here (apart from law enforcement/security). One was a hunter, the other was a guy in a coffee shop in a small mountain town. In my 14 years in Washington, DC, I never saw a regular person with a gun. It’s not worth worrying about.

My anecdote as an Australian is that years ago I visited a friend in LA before which we had some “friendly banter” about gun culture, with her assuring me that my chances of being shot were reasonably modest.

She picked me up from the airport, and had to stop at a store before getting to her house. As we walked up to the store, the shopkeeper was locking up early, and looking very flustered. She said “I’m sorry, I have to get to the hospital. My boyfriend has been shot”.
My friend asked who had shot him and she answered “I don’t know, just some gangbangers”.
Later my friend continued her “not very likely” narrative. “Hmm”, I said.

Also very weird, as a non-American: her sons attended a very expensive, fancy private school. I saw guns there, on the armed security guards, who directed traffic including making sure the kids went through the metal detector on their way into the school.
She saw these as appropriate measures. Only a couple of weeks earlier, she had banned one son from going to the home of one of his best friends, after being told that this 15 year old kid had been showing off, and playing with, his father’s handgun.

All of this might be la vie quotidienne for Americans. It’s hard to explain how surreal it is to us. I’ve never seen a handgun in Australia that wasn’t in the possession of a cop. I had a friend who was a sports shooter. His gun was locked up at the shooting club. I’ve never encountered a shooting victim.

School teachers and staff should be able to arm themselves if they are comfortable with it and train regularly.

School teachers and staff should be able to arm themselves if they are comfortable with it and train regularly.

I normally don’t dox people, but I found a picture of you:

School teachers and staff should be able to arm themselves if they are comfortable with it and train regularly.

I wasn’t talking about teachers, but I recognise your need to insert your fetish into any possible discussion.
You’ll have to accept that there are cultural differences.

You’d like teachers to engage in shootouts in schools.
You like to imagine that if they are armed and trained and comfortable, they might stand some chance before the motivated nutcase with the semi-automatic weapons has blown too many children apart.

Me, I like living in a country that doesn’t have school shootings. I like the fact that this was never a concern, nor even a thought. I like that their teachers were paid to teach, not to act as a militia. Your worst nightmare, I’m sure.

Armed teachers and staff are a deterrent to violence.

If you post a sign that says “gun free zone”, you are creating an easy target for bad guys.

Armed teachers and staff are a deterrent to violence.

If you post a sign that says “gun free zone”, you are creating an easy target for bad guys.

And how’s that totally fucked up culture working for you guys?

No thanks. Happy to live without that shit where a civilised society is a more than satisfactory deterrent.

It’s not the visual, it’s the incidents that matter. If staying in a large enough city or town they will have a crime mapping thing website. Find that and lookup the gun crime.

Armed teachers and staff are a deterrent to violence. If you post a sign that says “gun free zone”, you are creating an easy target for bad guys.

It is just amazing that you can post stuff like this seriously. It is almost like you come from a different planet. Do you not have any life experience to see how this is a beyond terrible solution?

And all this while you’re simultaneously hoping that the scotus invalidates all restrictions on fully automatic firearms …

My wife and I were in an IHOP having a meal, and a guy who was open-carrying came into the restaurant briefly. I think he was a long-haul trucker. I have to say I was certainly more alert to his movements than to the other patrons’. That’s the only time, though.

The only time I can think of seeing someone open carry was in the parking lot at Sand Beach in Acadia National Park a few years ago. The guy looked to be well into his 60’s and must have weighed at least 350 lbs. I didn’t think guns were allowed in National Parks, but the guy seemed to just be a regular tourist and gave no indication of being law enforcement or something.