Fucker Carlson

The YouTubers’ faked letter of engagement for the whistleblower included a clause stating that the palace had a right to amputate one of his limbs should he fail his probation period. Carlson’s people did not spot the preposterous faked document and Manners was sent to a London studio with a hotline to Carlson for the interview.

Further evidence that Tucker is a moron.

That’s priceless !!

Tucker Carlson Duped By YouTubers Into Interviewing Fake Kate Middleton Whistleblower

Tucker Carlson Duped By Kate Middleton Whistleblower YouTube Prank (deadline.com)

The YouTubers’ faked letter of engagement for the whistleblower included a clause stating that the palace had a right to amputate one of his limbs should he fail his probation period.

Carlson’s people did not spot the preposterous faked document and Manners was sent to a London studio with a hotline to Carlson for the interview.

Further evidence that Tucker is a moron.


The level of sheer stupidity on Tucker’s team is astounding. Someone should, and I would guess will, be fired.

I’ve tried my best to avoid watching anything tucker does. The few clips I’ve seen of him over the years do not reflect kindly on him. Then I watched most of the Putin interview and it just left me… Perplexed. There has to be something more to tucker I’m just not seeing that other people are seeing.

Then I listened to his nearly three hour podcast with lex Friedman and it became apparent that he is much more stupid than I initially thought. His perspectives are so bizarre and the conclusions he reaches are based on so much ignorance it’s astounding. I really tried to see another side of him and give him the benefit of the doubt, but now for me there is no denying his idiocy.

Tucker Carlson Duped By YouTubers Into Interviewing Fake Kate Middleton Whistleblower

Tucker Carlson Duped By Kate Middleton Whistleblower YouTube Prank (deadline.com)

The YouTubers’ faked letter of engagement for the whistleblower included a clause stating that the palace had a right to amputate one of his limbs should he fail his probation period.

Carlson’s people did not spot the preposterous faked document and Manners was sent to a London studio with a hotline to Carlson for the interview.

Further evidence that Tucker is a moron.


The level of sheer stupidity on Tucker’s team is astounding. Someone should, and I would guess will, be fired.

I’ve tried my best to avoid watching anything tucker does. The few clips I’ve seen of him over the years do not reflect kindly on him. Then I watched most of the Putin interview and it just left me… Perplexed. There has to be something more to tucker I’m just not seeing that other people are seeing.

Then I listened to his nearly three hour podcast with lex Friedman and it became apparent that he is much more stupid than I initially thought. His perspectives are so bizarre and the conclusions he reaches are based on so much ignorance it’s astounding. I really tried to see another side of him and give him the benefit of the doubt, but now for me there is no denying his idiocy.

Lex does some really good stuff but no way I could put myself through three hours of Tucker.

Lex does not seem to suffer fools, what was his response to Tucker’s ignorance?

Fucker launches his show on Russian State TV

Tucker Carlson Launches Show On Russian State TV (newsweek.com)

Tucker Carlson Duped By YouTubers Into Interviewing Fake Kate Middleton Whistleblower

Tucker Carlson Duped By Kate Middleton Whistleblower YouTube Prank (deadline.com)

The YouTubers’ faked letter of engagement for the whistleblower included a clause stating that the palace had a right to amputate one of his limbs should he fail his probation period.

Carlson’s people did not spot the preposterous faked document and Manners was sent to a London studio with a hotline to Carlson for the interview.

Further evidence that Tucker is a moron.


The level of sheer stupidity on Tucker’s team is astounding. Someone should, and I would guess will, be fired.

I’ve tried my best to avoid watching anything tucker does. The few clips I’ve seen of him over the years do not reflect kindly on him. Then I watched most of the Putin interview and it just left me… Perplexed. There has to be something more to tucker I’m just not seeing that other people are seeing.

Then I listened to his nearly three hour podcast with lex Friedman and it became apparent that he is much more stupid than I initially thought. His perspectives are so bizarre and the conclusions he reaches are based on so much ignorance it’s astounding. I really tried to see another side of him and give him the benefit of the doubt, but now for me there is no denying his idiocy.

Lex does some really good stuff but no way I could put myself through three hours of Tucker.

Lex does not seem to suffer fools, what was his response to Tucker’s ignorance?

When even Joe Rogan is incredulous at the shit you’re saying, you’re really out there.


Rather than Darwinian evolution being the unifying theory of biology, Tucker doesn’t think anyone still believes it’s true. Or at least so he says to appeal to his rube followers.

Tucker doesn’t believe what he’s saying here. He’s playing to an audience. He’s been doing this in one form or another for a long time now.

Telling the truth in an ocean of truth tellers doesn’t serve your niche. Giving people a safe space to believe comfortable lies does.

Tucker is everything he rails against. He was born in San Francisco to wealthy parents. His father was involved in “big media” and even state run media. His step mother an heir to the Swanson fortune and the niece of a senator. He went to some pretty expensive California private schools and WASPy college.

I never understood how maga thinks “Tucker speaks for them”, but here we are. I don’t understand a lot of things anymore.

Fucker launches his show on Russian State TV

Tucker Carlson Launches Show On Russian State TV (newsweek.com)

Finally being honest about it. But this is a win for Russia. How many already brainwashed people will now get Russian propaganda mainlined into their veins daily?

“The TUCKER program, a joint project of (Russian state-owned channel) VGTRK and the Tucker Carlson Network YouTube channel, has now aired on the Russia 24 TV channel,” Astra said, “The first episode is dedicated to ticks and Lyme disease.”

Rossiyskaya Gazeta said that the show is part of a joint project with the Tucker Carlson Network (TCN) in which he will interview figures and politicians who have “alternative views to the mainstream.”

Reference my last post.

Fucker launches his show on Russian State TV

Tucker Carlson Launches Show On Russian State TV (newsweek.com)

From the article it appears that maybe Tucker didn’t launch a show on Russian State TV.

Edit: The Newsweek article has apparently been massively edited, including the headline.

Fucker launches his show on Russian State TV

Tucker Carlson Launches Show On Russian State TV (newsweek.com)

From the article it appears that **maybe Tucker didn’t launch a show on Russian State TV. **

Edit: The Newsweek article has apparently been massively edited, including the headline.

In soviet russia, tv guide programs you!

Fucker isn’t even trying to pretend anymore

Tucker Carlson Slammed After Hosting ‘Nazi Apologist’ on Podcast (msn.com)

Cooper said Churchill “wanted” to wage war despite Hitler’s attempts to broker peace, casting aside Hitler’s murderous oppression of Jews and other races. He described Churchill’s bombers’ actions throughout the war as “rank terrorism” in the killing of civilians. “They were wiping these places out, as gigantic-scale terrorist attacks, the greatest, you know, scale of terrorist attacks you’ve ever seen in world history,” Cooper said.

If you thought Tucker Carlson outing himself as a Nazi apologiser was shocking, then buckle up.

Elon tweets on X that Tucker’s interview was “Very interesting. Worth watching”.


I find it hard to believe that the founding fathers would have regarded this as first amendment free speech.

Anyone else read the new “4 months later” in the Spongebob narrator voice?

Is there any other way to read it?

Didn’t know it to be a sponge Bob narrator but read it clear as day after scrolling down. Only question I have is what year did this thread start? So is there an audio feature to discourse and should I turn it on?

Fucker Carlson is on a 16-day tour in the US and will appear with JD Vance, Donald Trump Jr., Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green, former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, bankrupt conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, and Glenn Beck.

Bankrupt (morally, politically, financially) is the word that unites these people.

Episode 2 will probably be on why Ukraine are the blood sucking ticks of Europe and need to be eliminated.

That is a real basket of deplorables.

The Nazi he had on a couple days ago posted this
