Form swim goggles (1)

I just received a pair of Form goggles.

I have done two workouts thus far. Technology of the headsup display is amazing. However the vision from the goggles is horrible. The vision issue has nothing to do with the headsup display or fogging.
I will try to explain the issue the best I can.

When swimming and side breathing the goggles are completely blurry. Looks like I am seeing through a Coke bottle. I can barely see the black line on the bottom of the pool. If I don’t breath while swimming the goggles are clear. It only happens when side breathing
The front of the lenses gets air bubbles stuck to the lense, making vision completely blurry.
When I use my center mount snorkel my vision is clear. Also just dipping below the surface I have no issues seeing to far end of the pool. If I swipe my hand across the goggles after a side breathe it clears the air bubbles an my vision is clear. Not a practical solution.

I’m not sure what the best approach to solve this issue. I can’t be the only person that has had this problem.

I really like the googles technology, but the vision or lack of it is a real issue I can’t live with.

Any help would be appreciated

catching an air bubble on your lens as you swim has more to do with your form / head position than it does the goggles. Based on your post, I’m 99% sure your issue has to do with your head position as you breathe. Have you been utilizing the Head Coach functionality? It should coach you on optimal head position. Also really tuck your chin as you push off the wall and when you breathe (freestyle), keep 1 eye fully submerged. If you do catch an air bubble, shaking your head around (usually tucking your chin) will release the bubble.

I have FORM goggles and don’t have this issue (but I’m also scoring 85+ scores on my head pitch)

I just received a pair of Form goggles.

I have done two workouts thus far. Technology of the headsup display is amazing. However the vision from the goggles is horrible. The vision issue has nothing to do with the headsup display or fogging.
I will try to explain the issue the best I can.

When swimming and side breathing the goggles are completely blurry. Looks like I am seeing through a Coke bottle. I can barely see the black line on the bottom of the pool. If I don’t breath while swimming the goggles are clear. It only happens when side breathing
The front of the lenses gets air bubbles stuck to the lense, making vision completely blurry.
When I use my center mount snorkel my vision is clear. Also just dipping below the surface I have no issues seeing to far end of the pool. If I swipe my hand across the goggles after a side breathe it clears the air bubbles an my vision is clear. Not a practical solution.

I’m not sure what the best approach to solve this issue. I can’t be the only person that has had this problem.

I really like the googles technology, but the vision or lack of it is a real issue I can’t live with.

Any help would be appreciated

I had the same issue with my Form goggles last year, which I returned after a couple of weeks. Bubbles on the lenses impaired visibility to the point they were unusable. I’m a former competitive swimmer, so I think my technique is reasonably sound. I like the platform and the technology, and noted in an earlier Form thread that they got the hard part (technology) down, but bungled the easier part (goggle). I suspect they will sort this out with the next generation, and I will return to their product.

I’ve noticed the same issue but was able to adjust my form to suit the goggle which, I believe, has actually put my head into a slightly better position. As the other responders have noted, adjusting my head pitch in the water, during breathing, and having to aggresively tuck my chin off the wall (to alleviate the goggles popping off) have all been necessary for me.

I think the adjustments have been an overall improvement, but I do think that physical goggles leave something to be desired. That said, I love the HUD and the immediate feedback on head position, stroke rate, and lap time so I have adjusted to make them work for me.

I just received a pair of Form goggles.

I really like the googles technology, but the vision or lack of it is a real issue I can’t live with.

Any help would be appreciated

I am a long time swimmer. (Swim kid, HS, College) I usually catch my splits on the pace clock after I flip off the wall. I ordered a pair of Form goggles and had the same hopes as you. I was only able to stand one swim with them before I boxed them up and sent them back. It was like I was swimming blind. A little bit of water in the goggle display and it’s blurred. The vision problems even caused me to miss turns. I’m back to catching the splits off the pace clock again and I’m much happier.

I’ve had mine for about a month to six weeks. As everyone seems to say, the technology is great, the goggles not so much.

I don’t recall, but was there clear film protecting the outside of the goggles? I know it sounds dumb, but I had a problem seeing through a nice, expensive shield on my motorcycle helmet. Come to find out, there was a very thin clear film protecting it that was supposed to be removed when installed.

Since I can’t remember whether my goggles had that when I received them, I thought I’d mention it.

In any case, my biggest issue is the right side ends up putting way too much pressure on my eye socket. Fortunately, right now I’m only swimming once a week as I’m focusing on running. But when I start back on tri training, I think I’ll need to find a solution. If I don’t “pop” it off my eye every three or four intervals, I’m dying by the time I’m through swimming just 2k or so.

I don’t have the blurring and bubble issues you are mentioning.

I’ve had mine for about a month to six weeks. As everyone seems to say, the technology is great, the goggles not so much.

I don’t recall, but was there clear film protecting the outside of the goggles? I know it sounds dumb, but I had a problem seeing through a nice, expensive shield on my motorcycle helmet. Come to find out, there was a very thin clear film protecting it that was supposed to be removed when installed.

Since I can’t remember whether my goggles had that when I received them, I thought I’d mention it.

In any case, my biggest issue is the right side ends up putting way too much pressure on my eye socket. Fortunately, right now I’m only swimming once a week as I’m focusing on running. But when I start back on tri training, I think I’ll need to find a solution. If I don’t “pop” it off my eye every three or four intervals, I’m dying by the time I’m through swimming just 2k or so.

I don’t have the blurring and bubble issues you are mentioning.

So funny you mentioned that. I don’t have any of the vision/sighting issues others have mentioned, but I definitely have the right-side pressure problem. I’m getting ready to go to the pool in a little while, and I was just about to swap out the Form strap for one from an old pair of Speedo Vanquishers. I’m interested to hear if anyone has had that problem and found a fix.

I’ve had mine for about a month to six weeks. As everyone seems to say, the technology is great, the goggles not so much.

I don’t recall, but was there clear film protecting the outside of the goggles? I know it sounds dumb, but I had a problem seeing through a nice, expensive shield on my motorcycle helmet. Come to find out, there was a very thin clear film protecting it that was supposed to be removed when installed.

Since I can’t remember whether my goggles had that when I received them, I thought I’d mention it.

In any case, my biggest issue is the right side ends up putting way too much pressure on my eye socket. Fortunately, right now I’m only swimming once a week as I’m focusing on running. But when I start back on tri training, I think I’ll need to find a solution. If I don’t “pop” it off my eye every three or four intervals, I’m dying by the time I’m through swimming just 2k or so.

I don’t have the blurring and bubble issues you are mentioning.

So funny you mentioned that. I don’t have any of the vision/sighting issues others have mentioned, but I definitely have the right-side pressure problem. I’m getting ready to go to the pool in a little while, and I was just about to swap out the Form strap for one from an old pair of Speedo Vanquishers. I’m interested to hear if anyone has had that problem and found a fix.

I solved this by going to a bigger nose piece (which seemed odd b/c I’m female and have a small face). This totally fixed the issue and now I don’t even notice. But before I did that (with a medium nose piece), my right eye area was super unhappy.

Yeah all of this sounds like a fit problem, not a design problem per se.

I solved this by going to a bigger nose piece (which seemed odd b/c I’m female and have a small face). This totally fixed the issue and now I don’t even notice. But before I did that (with a medium nose piece), my right eye area was super unhappy.

I will try this. I’m hopeful it will work for also.

Thanks for the reply
I have a large arched bridge in now. I tried the XL non- arched and it dug into my nose. My package didn’t include a XL arched.
I’m 6’4" so a larger bridge would make sense.

Yesterday I did the ol’ swimmer trick of swapping out the nose piece for a small strip cut from an old goggle strap and that really seemed to make a difference.

Yesterday I did the ol’ swimmer trick of swapping out the nose piece for a small strip cut from an old goggle strap and that really seemed to make a difference.

If the larger nose piece doesn’t work for me, I’ll try this idea. Thanks.

I tired these goggles and wanted to like them but just couldn’t adjust. Two issues for me…

  1. I couldn’t get the display to sit in a spot that where I could read it all. I tried all the nose pieces but they just didn’t sit right on me

  2. The periferal field on them is very blurred so i had a hard time keeping my head down. Actually felt a bit anxious with them on.

Cool tech…just needs a different goggle option.
Here’s what I think when I see someone roll in with Form Goggles 🤣. Whatever floats your boat man, but those things seem like a solution searching for a problem in a pool environment. Maybe in open water it’s a different story. Also, goggles are a consumable to me, so the cost just boggles my mind.
Here’s what I think when I see someone roll in with Form Goggles 🤣. Whatever floats your boat man, but those things seem like a solution searching for a problem in a pool environment. Maybe in open water it’s a different story. Also, goggles are a consumable to me, so the cost just boggles my mind.

my pool clock often fails (battery), watch misses laps. this is one product that as they say… “dont knock it will you try it”

I have them & am not a fan for the most part. Flip turns they literally “flip” off the suction to the face even if I have them tight or more loose–I’d have to stop & re-adjust them. Blurry is one word for them. The only time I found it super helpful was open water swimming in a lake or ocean to gather data how far I was swimming. Aside from that–I really felt it was a good idea initially–but now more “gimmicky”…I really like my Magic 5’s though, that was worth the investment & is both a great pool as well as open water goggle.

If you want a goggle that is low cost, will last 5-8 years without any parts breaking or needing replaced…it’s hard to beat Speedo Vanquish 2’s…but I like the Magic’s better from an overall standpoint of visual/comfort. Definitely NOT the Form goggles, to me it felt a waste of money.
Here’s what I think when I see someone roll in with Form Goggles 🤣. Whatever floats your boat man, but those things seem like a solution searching for a problem in a pool environment. Maybe in open water it’s a different story. Also, goggles are a consumable to me, so the cost just boggles my mind.

I’m not going to argue that you’re wrong. My purchase was motivated by a combination of wanting more real time open water feedback, a work year-end bonus, and a Black Friday discount code. The one thing that Form has that I’m waiting before I pass judgement on is the Head-Coach feature. I come from a swimming background, so I was expecting to not use the feature much, but it turns out I was looking further down the pool than I realized and rolling my head to breathe more than I thought. I’ve spent a few weeks focusing on those things and I’m getting more in line with where I should be, and my stroke does feel better. The question is whether that change will lead to any noticeable improvements in pace.

Interesting one. A couple years in and I’ve never had any vision problems. I might try a new nose piece though after reading some of this advice. I’ve recently gotten pretty confused by the tech though… FORM score specifically.

Is the overall score completely disconnected from the individual FORM stats?? I can score in the 70s and 80s for every single stat, and still my overall FORM score for the swim will fall somewhere between 58-65.

Can’t find a good explanation for how the numbers are related (or seemingly not) anywhere.

In the app, go to HeadCoach and click on FORM Score and click on that little icon in the upper right that will give you more info. In short, it’s not an average of your other scores but a separate metric in and of itself.