Fastest front wheel available?

I have a Enve 7.8 SES front wheel (and rear), but consider to sell the wheelset and just buy a new front wheel since I have the Roval 321 Disc and dont see where I will not use it, except from Kona.

Is there anything faster out there? In Ironman Texas I rode on a borrowed Bontrager due to a failure of Enve rim (and their lack of service the biggest reason for me wanting to change the wheel).

Campy Shamal 12 spoke tubular, hed 3 trispoke tubular. I have both in my garage. Reportedly the 12 spoke back in the day tested faster than the 808.

Oh wait, I can’t find tires that fit😟. Sorry carry on!


I think there is very little difference between the aerodynamics of the top front wheels. HED, Zipp, Roval are companies I trust to make great wheels. I’m interested in investigating Swisside more but I do not know a bunch about them. Zipp I think is overpriced. HED is by far the best deal. I was convinced that Roval may actually make the fastest wheel by a small margin. A combination of their white paper on the CXL50 plus their engineers’ interaction here on the slowtwitch thread about that paper where they filled in a lot of the holes in the paper I thought was great - the data looked good. They seemed quite transparent about it. They actually tested rotational drag, not just translational (I’m not aware of any other wheel company doing that, or at least not publishing results). They did a lot of work on the shape of the hub. They tested spoke nipples.

So after that I bought a CXL64 front wheel. I think there is a chance that they are the most aero by a small margin, they are the lightest, and they are very high quality. I use a HED jet + disc in combo with my Roval.

Any wheel on Cam Wurf’s Bolide…

A disc, but not permitted for triathlons.


I think there is very little difference between the aerodynamics of the top front wheels. HED, Zipp, Roval are companies I trust to make great wheels. I’m interested in investigating Swisside more but I do not know a bunch about them. Zipp I think is overpriced. HED is by far the best deal. I was convinced that Roval may actually make the fastest wheel by a small margin. A combination of their white paper on the CXL50 plus their engineers’ interaction here on the slowtwitch thread about that paper where they filled in a lot of the holes in the paper I thought was great - the data looked good. They seemed quite transparent about it. They actually tested rotational drag, not just translational (I’m not aware of any other wheel company doing that, or at least not publishing results). They did a lot of work on the shape of the hub. They tested spoke nipples.

So after that I bought a CXL64 front wheel. I think there is a chance that they are the most aero by a small margin, they are the lightest, and they are very high quality. I use a HED jet + disc in combo with my Roval.

I considered the CXL64 as well. The Specialized supplier (which I have a very good relationship to) was honest enough to say that it probably has little to gain. I agree, but can ask what price he can give on a front wheel. It is just 20g lighter, but has 21 spokes instead of 24, which might give aditional gain.

I know HED is good, and probably gives the best bang for the buck. They are, however, heavier which I dont fancy in a course like Norseman. A HED 3 Spokes would be super cool, but they dont have it disc brake version.

Zipp 808 NSW is probably one of the fastest as well, but at 910g, compared to 735g for the Roval and with 24 spokes I doubt it will be a faster option for me.

Any other options?

Is there anything faster out there?

The fastest front wheel is probably the 2-Spoke:

sent a pm

If it were me I’d look at the aerocoach Aeox 75, then a Hed Jet 90, Hed jet 60, 808 NSW, 808/flo 90 or 60/Orr/a host of other 70-90mm wheels.

Pretty much in that order as well.

For most wheels the tire/tube you use is going to make more difference than if it’s an Orr or a FLO or a something else

Princeton CarbonWorks Wake 6560 Front has tested very well against all of the other wheels on this thread so far. And yes, the Wake 6560 (disc brake) front was on Wurf’s Bolide TR+ at Ironman Australia and he ran the Wake 6560 Front and Rear combo in Cannes.

I have an use a 16-spoke Zipp 1080. Feels pretty fast…

Is there anything faster out there?

The fastest front wheel is probably the 2-Spoke:

Is there any data on this? I’ve always considered it the wheel equivalent of 6 minute abs. The aero information they have on their website is less-than-convincing at best. I have a hard time making any sense of their CFD images. They just don’t look anything like what you would expect a useful CFD simulation depicting velocity to look like. And even if I could make sense of them, without side-by-side comparison results, what could we possibly learn? And their comment that the reason the wheel is faster because of reduced surface area…

Studying the CFD files confirmed that the much smaller and aerodynamic surface area takes the credit for this thrilling accomplishment! We already knew, of course, that using a disc wheel above a wind-speed of 3 m/s is already slowing you down a lot because of bigger exposed frontal area, but defeating a disc wheel “in its own habitat” in the velodrome is truly sensational!
Pressure drag is BY FAR dominant in wheel drag (or everything cycling for that matter). Viscous drag (skin friction) is essentially negligible. So I do not have confidence they know what they are talking about.

And they claim that disc wheels are only good at less than 3 m/s “wind speed” (whatever that means)?? Uh-huh.


Is there any data on this?"LOWEST_air_resistance_of_ALL_existing_wheels"_P6237304/

Yeah, that’s not data. I don’t know what that is.

We bought it, we tested it and sold the Bontrager Aeolos 9 (what was the right name?)

I’ve been looking the same thing for the last six months and unfortunately there’s not a lot of published data or not any “independent” not biased data that we can trust. Every manufacturer is claiming being faster over the competitors somehow.

The closest I got in my research was the Bikeradar windtunnel test (2 years old already) which concludes that the Enve 7.8 is the fastest, marginally over the Zipp 808 and significantly faster that the Roval CLX64. However the didn’t published all the numbers, and their calculation for combined drag was kinda weird, they only provided the numbers for yaw angles of 5 and 12 degrees at 30mph wind. So, Enve 7.8 vs CLX64 - 35-49 grams advantage respectively. Meaning
3.7-5.2 watts advantage = 64-94 seconds in 180km respectively.

I also went through the Roval white paper about the CLX50 and interpolating those numbers to the CLX64, this should be the fastest. But still it was published by Roval and no other comparison to debate against.
I currently have the CLX50 disc wheelset and it’s sweet to handle, solid and quick. However I don’t have the zipps or enves to compare to, and I refuse to be bias. I believe in numbers and facts.

Personally, I am planing to get the Enve 7.8 disc front wheel as this might be the current fastest front wheel by a small margin, but I’m also aware that Enve support is bad and I’ve seen these rims are either leaking or exploding if not used with the correct tape. So I’m still little hesitant.
For some time I thought about zipp 808 or 858 but the fact they’re not able to publish a single windtunnel chart, for me that means it’s a marketing not to be trusted and worst after some others have demonstrated the new and super expensive 858 is even little slower than 808.

Spoiler alert!!
I’m also aware that there’s a manufacturer claiming to have the new fastest front wheel in the market about to be released. After checking several YouTube channels and forums, this could be either Aerocoach or Enve. Not sure, these are only rumors and we’ll see and hopefully they publish real numbers to support the “fastest” claim.

It’s us (AeroCoach) and there will definitely be numbers. Disc brake too as well as rim brake.



Is there any data on this?"LOWEST_air_resistance_of_ALL_existing_wheels"_P6237304/

If it is faster than a disc as they claim, why does the tandem in post #1 of above thread has a disc on the rear?

sent a pm Thanks :slight_smile:

It’s us (AeroCoach) and there will definitely be numbers. Disc brake too as well as rim brake.


That tunnel look familier :wink: Do you have a date of release? And is it the fastest wheel?