Even Under the Best Circumstances

A good report!! So glad things keep looking up.

Three things:

  1. It is awesome the advances your wife is making, continue to hope for the best

  2. Glad my text and emails have been getting through, so how much do you want for your house? :wink:

  3. The quote from your paperwork could have been applied to my dad as well. There is no one I respect more than my dad and a lot of it has to do with how he took care of my mom. My deepest respect for you and how you are taking care of your wife. Iā€™ve seen far too many people leave when the going gets tough.

Iā€™m a day or 2 late posting this status. I had trouble finding the lavender room, then logging in, and finally finding this thread. It looks like there are some missing posts - about 3 weeks worth.

Saturday was 7 weeks. She is sitting in a wheelchair and we are going for a walk around the facility each night, looking at what has changed. She is able to sit outside and on Friday I got the idea of bring her phone so she could surf Facebook. That didnā€™t go so well at first, but yesterday she was able to open the app and navigate just fine. Next step is to get her to type something. She is talking more, but I canā€™t understand most of it. The speech box is now attached all day and she tolerates it well. She is getting frustrated. She is also able to stand and her right foot is moving more. The right arm still just hangs.


Thank you for the update Jack. She really is progressing, probably faster than anyone thought she would.

Tell her for me that I ran Upstate this morning and itā€™s only 42 degrees and they she is doing a great job recovering!

Itā€™s really good to hear there is still progress all the time.

Oh dang, just learning of this. Best of luck. Life comes at us hard and fast sometimes.

Iā€™m happy to hear that things are still improving. Iā€™m sure the communication is frustrating for everyone. I hope you can figure out some solutions.

Thanks for the update. Weā€™re still wishing you all the best.

As much as so many of us can be assholes here, even we assholes try to be good people. You have some people here, most of whom youā€™ve never met, that care deeply and would go out of their way to help if there was a way. I can say that from personal experience.

Please take care, and best wishes to you, your wife, and all.

She is a strong woman and sounds like she has a great support system. Glad to see the progress is continuing.

Thanks for the updates. Best wishes and take care.

This thread is one of the reasons I wanted to get my login issues sorted out.

Thanks for the update! Sending you all the positive thoughts I can. :+1:

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We are now at 8 weeks. Friday will be the 2 month anniversary. Friday she asked to use the toilet but nothing happened. Also her right leg is starting to twitch violently. Both are signs that the brain is beginning to rewire the right side of her body. She is talking more, but still not making very much sense. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights she tried to tell me something before I left and it seemed important to her. I could not figure out what she was trying to tell me, and it frustrates both of us. She did manage to tell me she wanted to wear her sports watch, so that is on her wrist. She is left handed but wears her watch on her left hand. The PT girl said that would be an incentive to get the right arm working. She can only look at the watch right now. She wants to push the buttons but canā€™t. They are no longer lifting her from bed to wheelchair - You tell her to move and she will stand up and try to turn around. She has no balance and the right leg has no strength, so you have to hold onto her, but there is no lifting.

I filed for guardianship on Thursday. Now it is a wait for all the legal stuff to clear before I see a judge for the final signature. I tried to pay a credit card of hers and was stopped because my name is not on the account. At first I was pissed, then I realized that if they would let me pay it, they would never be able to come after me when it becomes delinquent. Iā€™ll pay what I can and not worry about the rest. Let them come after her at the rehab center. That will be fun to watch.

Finally, her running club had T-Shirts made with her name on the back and slogan about being strong. Then the girls went for a group run wearing them. Bob at Runners Edge in Farmingdale, NY sponsored the event and paid for the shirts. I canā€™t say enough good things about those women and Runners Edge.


great stuff. These are so heartening to read, continued strength to the both of you.

Thanks for the update - all sounds positive to me.

I am somewhat surprised a credit card company turned down payment! Sounds un-American.

In my own update, my mom whoā€™s had a tennis-ball sized (!) brain tumor, metastastic breast cancer (different cancer from the brain one), and a hip replacement all in a matter of 18 months or so is leaving my house today to resume independent living! All cancer gone, hip is kicking ass. Best part is I got her hooked on Strava for her workouts.

Thanks for the update Jack. Glad to hear things continue to progress.

I am not sure if I mentioned this but back in the 70ā€™s my dadā€™s girlfriend had a massive stroke. She had to learn to talk, walk, eat, everything. Took her a few years but she eventually led a pretty normal life. She lived until she was 90. Great lady.

I look forward to hearing of your wifeā€™s continued progress.

Itā€™s really good to see such progress. She is a strong woman runner. Good for her for putting on her running watch. Sheā€™s probably planning how long itā€™s going to be until she can get out of that place!

And youā€™re right, Bob C and Runnerā€™s Edge are a big asset to the LI running community. Bob was on of the first people I met when I came over here from NJ. Heā€™s a very good guy!

9 weeks.

Friday she walked between the bars. Right leg is starting to follow and with a knee brace will support weight.

Trech is capped in prep for removal, hopefully the end of the week

I called the neurosurgeon and the neurologist since neither had contacted me for an appointment. It turns out we had been forgotten and Iā€™m waiting on someone to call me and schedule an appointment to plan the surgery to reinstall her skull.

She continues to try to talk but not much improvement. She is now standing up to transfer from the wheelchair to the bed. One person can do it, and she is in a standard wheelchair.

On Saturday our bike club rode that direction and we stopped to see her. 19 sweaty men and women in their main entrance did not make some people happy, but it did make the only person that mattered happy. Lots of pictures and fist bumps.


More good news!!

Iā€™m happy to hear about your wifeā€™s continual improvement. Iā€™m also happy to hear youā€™re taking care of yourself. Keep the good news coming!

Great news, Iā€™m very happy to see this!