Even Under the Best Circumstances

There are times when nothing helps.

I will be away from this board for a while. I enjoy reading the various opinions and analysis of current events, even if some of them are “out there” by a lot. I don’t know if or when I will be back.

On Saturday morning my life blew up in spectacular fashion in seconds. My wife had a massive left side stroke while talking to her girl friends after a women’s only 5K race. She was standing next to an ER nurse and a dentist, and 50 feet from a fully staffed ALS unit that was in standby. She was in the ER 12 minutes after the event, given TPA 10 minutes after that, and the stroke still completed before they could do anything. She is on life support in the Neurologic ICU in grave condition. The only possible saving grace is she is left handed, very left handed, and left handed people have speech and motor control centers in other places. The fact that the left side infracted is not necessarily a death warrant. We are in a wait and see.

I would like to wish everyone fair winds and following seas. I have been so out of touch that I found out someone took a shot at Trump last night. I keep getting asked if I’m alright and I don’t know how to answer - I don’t know what is par for someone in my situation. I guess I’m going to find out.

I am very sorry to hear that. I hope things improve and wish you the best. look after yourself.

I’m hoping for the best for you and your wife.
Last year my wife was diagnosed with 2 cancers, both rare and aggressive - and after a year of surgeries, chemo and radiation - we had hoped for some time off from cancer. Sadly, after only a month ‘off’, cancer has returned to her liver and it’s not looking good. We are still positive and planning a great future together.

People can make remarkable recoveries so don’t give up hope.

Very sorry to read this! Hope you and her end up with the best possible outcome!

There are times when nothing helps.

I will be away from this board for a while. I enjoy reading the various opinions and analysis of current events, even if some of them are “out there” by a lot. I don’t know if or when I will be back.

On Saturday morning my life blew up in spectacular fashion in seconds. My wife had a massive left side stroke while talking to her girl friends after a women’s only 5K race. She was standing next to an ER nurse and a dentist, and 50 feet from a fully staffed ALS unit that was in standby. She was in the ER 12 minutes after the event, given TPA 10 minutes after that, and the stroke still completed before they could do anything. She is on life support in the Neurologic ICU in grave condition. The only possible saving grace is she is left handed, very left handed, and left handed people have speech and motor control centers in other places. The fact that the left side infracted is not necessarily a death warrant. We are in a wait and see.

I would like to wish everyone fair winds and following seas. I have been so out of touch that I found out someone took a shot at Trump last night. I keep getting asked if I’m alright and I don’t know how to answer - I don’t know what is par for someone in my situation. I guess I’m going to find out.

I’m so sorry to hear that. Wishing your wife a speedy recover and your family the strength to fight through all of this.

I am very, very sorry and wish only the best of luck to you and your wife.

I am so sorry to hear about this. I believe that the speed with which one receives treatment for strokes makes a huge difference, so I hope that that works in her favor. Either way, I wish you and her the best and look forward to you joining us soon to say that she’s better and recovering.

Best wishes and stay safe. Thank you for letting us know.

Very sorry to hear of your wife’s issue. I wish you and her nothing but the best. Please update us

Sorry to hear. Positive thoughts to you and your family.

Please take care of yourself. I’m sorry that happened, but it sounds like she is receiving the best possible care.

AJ, I wish nothing but the best for your wife. Please do check in on occasion and let us know not only how she is doing, but yourself.

So sorry to hear. Sending best wishes to her for a full recovery.

This disfunctional family will still be here when you can hopefully return.

Damn, that sucks Jack. I know times are dark right now but you, and your wife, will make it through this.

AJ - There is no par for this, there is only managing everything and getting better. Your wife seems to be receiving all the correct and best care, so I pray that she responds to the care and quickly.

Take care of her, but do not forget to care for yourself, as well. I wish you both the best.

  • Jeff

I am so sorry. I wish your wife a speedy and complete recovery, and you some peace of mind however this turns out.

Take good care.

Jack, I’m very sorry to see this. I guess it was at the Runner’s Edge Woman’s 5k

My cardiologist recently told me that this could happen to any of us at any time and running is still better than not running.

I hope she will have a full recovery and be back at your side and running again soon.

One thing I can say about Long Island, we have excellent medical care.

My thoughts are with you and your wife, hoping for a successful recovery. She must be a great woman since she’s a lefty. Please let us know how things are going and in order to help take care of your wife, take care of yourself.

All my best to you and your family.

So very sorry to hear the news and I wish and your wife the best.

Try to keep in mind the breadth and depth of both professional and personal experiences here in the LR. You know this community will always be here for support as needed.

Best wishes.

Sorry to hear. Wishing your wife all the best.