Even Under the Best Circumstances

Sorry to hear that. I used to work with stroke patients, some of them make miraculous recoveries.

Damn. Take care of yourself, hoping she can make a recovery.

Nothing else to say but sorry man.

Wishing you the best.

I will say, if you can stay away from political threads, this place can be pretty supportive and helpful.

I’m so sorry. Take care of her, you and the kids.

Damn, I’m so sorry to hear about your wife. Best wishes for a positive outcome. It sounds like the medical professionals are taking care of her, don’t forget to take care of yourself.

Goodness gracious. Wishing for positive outcomes for your wife, and a return to some semblance of normalcy for both of you, whatever it takes to get there.

i can imagine the devastation, both yours and LorenzoP’s. this is the very worst thing i could imagine happening in my life. i’m so very sorry to hear about this and i sincerely hope when you return it’s to tell us a heartwarming story of recovery.

I’m sorry to hear that. Stay strong and best of luck to you & your family.

Very sorry to hear this. Praying for a good recovery.

And Lorenzo - prayers for you and your wife too.

You don’t have to be alright. You have every reason to feel awful.

Think of the things you can influence and keep going, day by day.

I’m so sorry. Hoping for a full recovery for your wife. And please don’t forget to try and look after yourself, though I know that will be difficult. If you need to vent or need a kind ear, we’ll all be here.

I’m so sorry to read this. Here is to hoping she has a full recovery. I still remember reading this here years ago, maybe someone’s closing line. That we are all just one slip or fall from being a completely different person. I try and think of this every day and do what I can in the moment. I wish you and your family all the best and that you come out on the other side as a whole and workable family. I have seen amazing medical recovery.

Sending lots of Boulder Hippy Healing Vibes to both of you.

I hope there is a bend in your tunnel and soon you will pass the bend and be flooded with light.

Our situations are so fragile and can change rather quickly. Even for those who are fortunately situated. Contemplation of that reality has several times led me to being clinically depressed. I pray that things will improve for you and your wife.

I am very sorry to hear about your situation. I pray for your wife’s recovery.

I have been away from the forum today, and am sorry for the delayed response. I second all the good thoughts shared by others. You are a valued member of this community and when you feel up to it, I hope you’ll return — bearing good news.

AJ and Lorenzo I hope that you have family and friends to help support you metally and emotionally through such difficult times.

I’m so, so sorry. As others have said, don’t forget to take care of yourself too. Best wishes for a speedy recovery

Take care or your family at this time and best wishes for a good outcome.

Just saw your post. I’m shocked and saddened. Thinking of you as well. Wishing for the best.