Do you own ketchup stock?

You never would have gotten in.

It’s a rule of politics/investing that as soon as anyone claims they’re “not going on emotion” it means they’re 100% going on emotion.

DJT Ketchup Inc. is currently down 14% premarket.

This could be a fun day.

It’s all just a plot by the leftists.

No sympathy from me for these morons. Honestly, how does a guy get to be 71 (guy in story) and still be this naive? He is from Oklahoma so that says a lot but come on, open your eyes.

And this → $25,000 — pretty much his “whole nest egg,” he said.

He’s 71 and he on;y has $25K?

A vile, evil bitch —> Carol Swain, a prominent conservative commentator in Nashville

I’m guessing that once these rubes lose everything, then they will be wanting as many free social services that they can get. Services they were against for others.


Arnt we already at the 20 day period now? Hasnt this already been met?

Once again, its dumb people investing now. The only value in the stock is that trump makes it the government sanctioned (directly or indirectly) news source if he wins the election.

Arnt we already at the 20 day period now? Hasnt this already been met?

Once again, its dumb people investing now. The only value in the stock is that trump makes it the government sanctioned (directly or indirectly) news source if he wins the election.

Read this again, with the emphasis on “any”: “The stock must stay above the $17.50 level in 20 out of any 30 trading days following its merger on March 25 during a three-year period to receive the maximum award.”

I read that as “if there is any 30 day period in the first three years during which the stock wasn’t above $17.50 for 20 of those days, the max award will not be given.”

That sentence should appeal to the Geneva Convention because it’s being brutally tortured. But I agree your interpretation seems very plausible.

It’s at $26.6 as I write this, drifting closer…

DJT Ketchup Inc. is currently down 14% premarket.

This could be a fun day.

It’s all just a plot by the leftists.

No sympathy from me for these morons. Honestly, how does a guy get to be 71 (guy in story) and still be this naive? He is from Oklahoma so that says a lot but come on, open your eyes.

And this → $25,000 — pretty much his “whole nest egg,” he said.

He’s 71 and he on;y has $25K?

A vile, evil bitch —> Carol Swain, a prominent conservative commentator in Nashville

I’m guessing that once these rubes lose everything, then they will be wanting as many free social services that they can get. Services they were against for others.

The median *net worth *of a 70 year old American is $164k (many sources for this). I get the sense being 71 and only having $25k is a lot more common than you think. It’s just as likely he ran into medical issues that broke him as it is he’s a lifelong rube who keeps falling for cons. Honestly, if I only have $25k to my name when I’m 71, I’ll probably be YOLO’ing it on something I believe in, regardless of how sensible it is. Without a socialist or lottery intervention, that man may never see a day of retirement in his life.

Without a socialist or lottery intervention, that man may never see a day of retirement in his life.

It is pretty remarkable what a few people shacked up together in one doublewide can do with just Social Security and Medicare.

I know of one guy near me who apparently lives that way - convinced a wealthy friend to just let him park his RV trailer on a remote corner of a private land holding. So no rent. No hookups of any kind, so I think he just occassionally drives it off property to dump sewage, reload with water. (Hopefully both legally). Solar and gennie for power.

DJT Ketchup Inc. is currently down 14% premarket.

This could be a fun day.

It’s all just a plot by the leftists.

No sympathy from me for these morons. Honestly, how does a guy get to be 71 (guy in story) and still be this naive? He is from Oklahoma so that says a lot but come on, open your eyes.

And this → $25,000 — pretty much his “whole nest egg,” he said.

He’s 71 and he on;y has $25K?

A vile, evil bitch —> Carol Swain, a prominent conservative commentator in Nashville

I’m guessing that once these rubes lose everything, then they will be wanting as many free social services that they can get. Services they were against for others.

The median *net worth *of a 70 year old American is $164k (many sources for this). I get the sense being 71 and only having $25k is a lot more common than you think. It’s just as likely he ran into medical issues that broke him as it is he’s a lifelong rube who keeps falling for cons. Honestly, if I only have $25k to my name when I’m 71, I’ll probably be YOLO’ing it on something I believe in, regardless of how sensible it is. Without a socialist or lottery intervention, that man may never see a day of retirement in his life.

Grandpa spent it all on 'roids. No one at 71 should look the way he does.

It’s up in premarket. MAGAt morons think they are getting a good deal today.

Have you ever seen a stock where you absolutely, 100% knew that it would end up a penny stock? This is that.

The only question that remains is… when?

It’s up in premarket. MAGAt morons think they are getting a good deal today.

Have you ever seen a stock where you absolutely, 100% knew that it would end up a penny stock? This is that.

The only question that remains is… when?

Oops, someone dropped the ketchup. The premarket rise didn’t hold up.

Down 7%. Quality stock, good investment.

TriFloyd is buying more today. WHAT A BUYING OPPORTUNITY!!!

$23.28 down more than 12% so far today

$23.28 down more than 12% so far today

Diamond hands!!

It’s up in premarket. MAGAt morons think they are getting a good deal today.

Have you ever seen a stock where you absolutely, 100% knew that it would end up a penny stock? This is that.

The only question that remains is… when?

So a more techinical question… can a stock go to zero? I guess it just gets to penny stock status, and as long as someone is pumping money into the company it can be worthless stock and still a business for a long while.

Lets guess when it breaks the magical number $17.50



At first I laughed, then I looked at the stocks slide, and think it could be It seems to be losing close to 10% a day, that would put Thursday in play even. It has to find support at some level, doesn’t it ???


At first I laughed, then I looked at the stocks slide, and think it could be It seems to be losing close to 10% a day, that would put Thursday in play even. It has to find support at some level, doesn’t it ???

I don’t see who in their right mind would be the ‘support’ for this dog of a stock.

We saw the pump phase. This is the dump phase.

Truth social has one asset. Trump. Or maybe more accurately, being Trumps voice.

Trump is 77 years old, has a terrible diet, is not in shape, and may be suffering from rapidly advancing dementia.

When Trump dies, this stock (if it’s not already there at the time) will absolutely become a penny stock.

To stay on point with the thread…one of these graphs is the last month of DJT. The other is Heinz-Kraft.

Screenshot from 2024-04-16 09-47-57.png
Screenshot from 2024-04-16 09-47-36.png


At first I laughed, then I looked at the stocks slide, and think it could be It seems to be losing close to 10% a day, that would put Thursday in play even. It has to find support at some level, doesn’t it ???

I keep mentioning the put options…

It is true that options trader’s are often just emotional gambler’s.

The cost of puts do tell you something though …

Puts Nov. $17.50 - price $8.20.

Max loss- $8.20 (DJT is above 17.50)
Max Gain - $9.30 (if DJT goes to zero)
Break even stock price- $9.30

Ponder that for a second…


At first I laughed, then I looked at the stocks slide, and think it could be It seems to be losing close to 10% a day, that would put Thursday in play even. It has to find support at some level, doesn’t it ???

I keep mentioning the put options…

It is true that options trader’s are often just emotional gambler’s.

The cost of puts do tell you something though …

Puts Nov. $17.50 - price $8.20.

Max loss- $8.20 (DJT is above 17.50)
Max Gain - $9.30 (if DJT goes to zero)
Break even stock price- $9.30

Ponder that for a second…

This is where I will plead ignorant. Can you put this in layman’s terms? Assume that I am a 10 year old.