Do you own ketchup stock?

DJT Ketchup Inc. is currently down 14% premarket.

This could be a fun day.

It’s all just a plot by the leftists.

Yeah, I read that yesterday. I almost feel bad for them and how much they will lose on this scam.


DJT Ketchup Inc. is currently down 14% premarket.

This could be a fun day.

It’s all just a plot by the leftists.

No sympathy from me for these morons. Honestly, how does a guy get to be 71 (guy in story) and still be this naive? He is from Oklahoma so that says a lot but come on, open your eyes.

DJT Ketchup Inc. is currently down 14% premarket.

This could be a fun day.

Trading volume was 1.3 million shares at the opening bell. Looks like a buy. Russians or US billionaire trying to keep the stock afloat?

Well, the golden goose is on trial starting today so I figured it has to do with that.

DJT Ketchup Inc. is currently down 14% premarket.

This could be a fun day.

It’s all just a plot by the leftists.

No sympathy from me for these morons. Honestly, how does a guy get to be 71 (guy in story) and still be this naive? He is from Oklahoma so that says a lot but come on, open your eyes.

A quick search turns up the loser’s social media accounts. Babble about Immigrants, Trans people, Hunter, etc. He is a real MAGA deplorable. I hope he loses everything.

Well, the golden goose is on trial starting today so I figured it has to do with that.

Did all these people just not believe, until this morning, that the trial would happen? DJT tanked $5/share at 8:20am.

DJT tanked $5/share at 8:20am.

That’s probably mostly because they filed to release new shares. Existing shares will be diluted. Including Trump’s.

DJT tanked $5/share at 8:20am.

That’s probably mostly because they filed to release new shares. Existing shares will be diluted. Including Trump’s.

Does that mean that he will own more shares at a lower value, thereby being a wash? Does that apply to everyone who owns DJT?

DJT Ketchup Inc. is currently down 14% premarket.

This could be a fun day.

It’s all just a plot by the leftists.

No sympathy from me for these morons. Honestly, how does a guy get to be 71 (guy in story) and still be this naive? He is from Oklahoma so that says a lot but come on, open your eyes.

And this → $25,000 — pretty much his “whole nest egg,” he said.

He’s 71 and he on;y has $25K?

A vile, evil bitch —> Carol Swain, a prominent conservative commentator in Nashville

I’m guessing that once these rubes lose everything, then they will be wanting as many free social services that they can get. Services they were against for others.

DJT tanked $5/share at 8:20am.

That’s probably mostly because they filed to release new shares. Existing shares will be diluted. Including Trump’s.

Does that mean that he will own more shares at a lower value, thereby being a wash? Does that apply to everyone who owns DJT?

Oh, you meant the stock.

Does that mean that he will own more shares at a lower value, thereby being a wash? Does that apply to everyone who owns DJT?

I don’t know enough about this stuff…just read a few news articles. Maybe it could end with a small bump in overall value, depending on market response. And, yes, I think it screws everyone who already owns “DJT.” As if those people need the gas pedal pressed on the downward trend.

Pretty sure it means that they will sell more shares which will dilute the price.

DJT tanked $5/share at 8:20am.

That’s probably mostly because they filed to release new shares. Existing shares will be diluted. Including Trump’s.

Does that mean that he will own more shares at a lower value, thereby being a wash? Does that apply to everyone who owns DJT?


You own the same number of shares, the company just puts more stock out there. Lets say there were 100 shares, you had 10. You “owned” 1/10 of the company, but they need money, so they say hey we are going to offer more shares, say another 100 you now have 1/20 th of the company. thats the none technical answer. But in short most share holders get screwed. Some classes don’t get diluted, one reason for different classes of stock.

Trump decided to offer up more shares, so more people could get in on this great opportunity to become a millionaire.

Trump Media shares were down 15% at $27.71. The company filed a prospectus relating to the offer of slightly less than 21.5 million shares, issuable upon the exercise of warrants.
Trump Media also said it was registering the potential resale “from time to time” of around 146.1 million shares by its security holders.
The filing said the number of shares that could be potentially resold represents about 256% of the shares currently available for the public to trade.
The filing doesn’t mean that many shares will be able to hit the market at once; former U.S. President Donald Trump was named among the security holders but he is barred from selling Trump Media stock until a six-month lockup period expires.

Point of order. I read that the board, at any point, can vote that Conald Trump can sell his shares early.

Oh here is an interesting price point to watch for. … $17.50

Trump’s roughly 57% stake in the company was valued at around $2.56 billion at Friday’s closing price of $32.59. He is still in line to receive an additional 36 million earnout shares in the company. The incentive requires its volume-weighted average price to remain above a series of levels. The stock must stay above the $17.50 level in 20 out of any 30 trading days following its merger on March 25 during a three-year period to receive the maximum award.

Yeah, I think Honest Don probably doesn’t want to count on those additional 36 Million shares.

DJT Ketchup Inc. is currently down 14% premarket.

This could be a fun day.

It’s all just a plot by the leftists.

No sympathy from me for these morons. Honestly, how does a guy get to be 71 (guy in story) and still be this naive? He is from Oklahoma so that says a lot but come on, open your eyes.

A quick search turns up the loser’s social media accounts. Babble about Immigrants, Trans people, Hunter, etc. He is a real MAGA deplorable. I hope he loses everything.

No he won’t as his God won’t allow it.

“This isn’t just another stock to me. … I feel like it was God Almighty that put it in my lap,” he said. “I’ve just got to hold on and let them do their job. If you go on emotion, you’ll get out of this thing the first time it goes down.”

“This isn’t just another stock to me. … I feel like it was God Almighty that put it in my lap,” he said. “I’ve just got to hold on and let them do their job.** If you go on emotion**, you’ll get out of this thing the first time it goes down.”

And if you go on common sense?

“This isn’t just another stock to me. … I feel like it was God Almighty that put it in my lap,” he said. “I’ve just got to hold on and let them do their job.** If you go on emotion**, you’ll get out of this thing the first time it goes down.”

And if you go on common sense?

You never would have gotten in.