Cube Aerium C68x-reviews/thoughts?

Has anyone here got any experience with this bike, or know anyone with it? Based on the bike count from the 2 World Champs, Cube seems to have a very low market share. I’d assume it’s a decent bike given the likes of Lucy Charles, Fred Funk, Florian Angert (in 2022) etc. use it (aware that sponsorship/money has an influence). In addition, when you go to their website, there doesn’t seem to be any claims or data showing how fast it is.

I’ve tried to find reviews on this, but all I can really find is the video/ad from GTN. The price of the frame alone is €4k, so if it’s a top tier bike it seems to be a good option to make your own build.

Will be available to purchase after February 2024 according to some german dealers. No one has it yet besides the couple of pros.

I like the look of the bike and it’s one of the ones on my shortlist. Had contacted Cube to ask when they were likely to release the bikes and they basically told me to go away. They were only telling the pros when it was to be released and it was secret information………

I’d only asked for a rough idea, you would think they’d be able to narrow it down to a 1-3month range. The new bike itself had already been released, so all things considered it as a strange answer.

SwissSide did the aero testing for them, which is a good start.

Ballard hinted at it being at least as fast as a P5, without outright coming out and saying it. Likely because Cube owns the data.

Cube’s market share is much better in Europe than NA since they don’t officially service the NA market with their road bike range. I saw decent number of the current-gen bike yesterday in Mallorca.

Anymore thoughts? I have one coming in Feb 2025.

hey, I have had mine (C68X triathlon) for about a month now and as for every new bike I really like it. I don’t want to comment on the speed as I have no data to back it yet. But it feels fast, especially maintaining speed.
It’s stiff when you put the power to the pedals and I find that it corners really nice, very stable.
the front cockpit looks nice but I find limited in that you can’t raise it more then 15 degrees.
The looks for now has been the best part, I have been stopped several times on my rides and told how beautiful the bike is. And I tend to agree :smiley:
Any question in particular you have?

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It would make my very small list of bikes I’d ride if I were going to race again.

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Two questions:

  1. How heavy does it feel? I’ve read it’s 10kg with the hydration system (-0.7kg without it)… Probably one of the heaviest bikes.

  2. What’s your opinion on the Newmen wheels?

Cube is becoming the most reasonable buy in Europe in terms of price/equipment. In fact, it’s s becoming what Canyon used to be five years ago. On road bikes they’re offering bikes on Dura Ace di2 in the €5-6k and ultegra di2 €3-4k while competitors are €2-3k more expensive.

Apparently they’re leaving behind the stock issues of 2023. At least now you can get online stock for most of their range.

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Fully agree on the offering/price. Stocks… i suffered a lot to get mine, all in the past now and 0 regrets.

  1. It feels heavy to lift with everything on, but surprisingly nimble and accelerates really well while riding. I haven’t done any climbing with it tho. the power transfer is great so on the small bumps around here it does well.

2.i got the frame only and chose a different set of wheels. So no impression on those



What I am getting - the Ultegra:


Like $8.8k AUD vs. $13k? Value prop crazy versus other brands etc.

Not a fan of the blue… but also ok with the grey/white. Tempted to get a paintjob on it - so its my ‘forever’ TT bike. Not yet started prospecting.

Blue is beautiful, it changes with the light to a green.
I got the frame and built it the way i like. But it’s the cheapest “superbike” you can get and you don’t give anything on compared to the scott, canyon or argon that the guys i ride with have


I can see why you like the blue haha.

Size? Your height etc. worked well? I’ve got a M on the way, was in between that and large.

Hahahaha yes blue is my thing :slight_smile:
I’m 175, 5’9 and got the M as well. Let me find a picture of my fitting and show you

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I will probably going in for some minor retouch, but i want to get a universal angle riser kit as i am more confortable with a higher angle hand position

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i belive you are for northern spain i so guess you have tried the orbea …

Nice. I’m 181cm. I know in-seam n’ all that, plus other measurements.

You think M should be fine? :thinking:

I tend to like the more TT (old-school) / slammed position. Although not as fast apparently these days?

I ended up going for the Orbea Ordu in the end, as trying to get the Cube to Ireland was near impossible. Happy with the final product though!


As per Cube website i am the absolute shortest possible for the Medium.
You definitely would be fine, it’s just a matter what you like. I went to a fitter that chose the bike for me. He has been fitting me on my old bikes for the last 4 years

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I will not tell you what i had to do, to get mine.
It basically involved an international flight :man_facepalming:

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There is a tilt booster launching soon for your brackets

takes it from 0-15 to 18-30
No need to use a clunky, untested adaptor

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