Cozumel swim

Does anyone know if the swim was canceled in Cozumel?

Appears so.

Does anyone know if the swim was canceled in Cozumel?


Go to the Sebi thread just below here, talking about the current race, and yes it was cancelled…

Thank you

I was there yesterday and the water was a lot more calm then it was for the 3 days prior. The 7:10am start time was delayed 30 minutes, but I think that was more because they were behind schedule since they opened transition late. At 7:20, after they bused us to the start (point to point swim), they announced/confirmed “There will be swimming today.” At 7:47, a couple minutes after the pros were to start, the swim was cancelled. We were then bussed back to T1. I personally spent 90 minutes baking in the sun with no food or water waiting in line to start the bike, which I started at 9:53am. I am not exactly sure why the swim was cancelled, it’s an ocean, there was light waves. I did Kona 2022, and if yesterday is the new standard for unsafe swimming conditions then the Kona swim will always be cancelled.

Same here. I am completely devastated by what Ironman did. I am a fairly good swimmer and count on my water abilities to put ground between my rivals and me. It was nonsense. I was ready to fight for the KQ (which I have achieved in every single IM since 2019, but declined due to family and work schedules). But on Sunday I DNF because the race was not a triathlon. And now I have no guarantee that in every OW swim of any IM, unless the ocean is as flat as a glass table, we will be swimming.
Ironman is becoming a race for those who not train rather than for true athletes. What I saw here in Cozumel was more likely a carnival parade than a triathlon competition. So I guess Ironman is not for me. It doesn’t provide the challenge I train for.

Same here. I am completely devastated by what Ironman did. I am a fairly good swimmer and count on my water abilities to put ground between my rivals and me. It was nonsense. I was ready to fight for the KQ (which I have achieved in every single IM since 2019, but declined due to family and work schedules). But on Sunday I DNF because the race was not a triathlon. And now I have no guarantee that in every OW swim of any IM, unless the ocean is as flat as a glass table, we will be swimming.
Ironman is becoming a race for those who not train rather than for true athletes. What I saw here in Cozumel was more likely a carnival parade than a triathlon competition. So I guess Ironman is not for me. It doesn’t provide the challenge I train for.

Sorry you had a bad day but wouldn’t the swim being cancelled make the day a harder challenge for you then an easier one??? and therefore you had the opportunity to be challenged and it just didn’t work out for you???

Not much ocean chop , although the wind was from the NW ( unusual) .The harbour had been closed for 2 days. The typical current had shifted from north to south , to the reverse. And I.M is dealing with big issues after 2 recent swim deaths at I.M. Ireland ( Cork ). You’re right - the almost 3 hour delay until the bike TT start was very draining for me and others I talked to.

I see your point, but that’s not it. You see, there are many ways I could’ve make the day more challenging: take only one gel like Dan Plews although I have training on a full carbohydrate regime; not ride my TT bike although I’ve training full time on it; swim the 3.8 km butterfly instead of freestyle… etc. But I am a competitor. A triathlon competitor. I train for and do triathlons. Other things no.
Think of Kipchoge, that 10 minutes before the start of the Berlin Marathon they change the race to a 3km steeplechase race… just to make it more “challenging”. Or that to Kilian Jornet, right before the Mont Blanc UTM, they change the race to a flat 30km run… no doubt more challenging for him as it is not his specialty. I can give you many examples and I am sure you can think of many more also. So the point was not to make the ironman distance “more” challenging. It was just to make it a true ironman. Nothing more. Nothing less. Other race formats are that, “other” races. Not a triathlon. Not an ironman. And the whole issue comes here because the ocean conditions were not a true reason to cancel the swim. Any one that was there that morning could agree on that. Of course, if you are not a swimmer or if you don’t care about triathlons, you would be very happy for not having to swim. But if you train for an ironman with an open water swim leg, a little choppy waters shouldn’t put your life at risk. We are talking that there was no hurricane or storm. Or a huge swell. The “strong current” excuse is unsustainable and unbelievable, because most of us there swam the days before, with much more worse conditions, and nothing happened.
What happened in Cozumel was not an ironman triathlon, was a carnival parade. And if you were there, you know what I’m talking about.

I see your point, but that’s not it. You see, there are many ways I could’ve make the day more challenging: take only one gel like Dan Plews although I have training on a full carbohydrate regime; not ride my TT bike although I’ve training full time on it; swim the 3.8 km butterfly instead of freestyle… etc. But I am a competitor. A triathlon competitor. I train for and do triathlons. Other things no.
Think of Kipchoge, that 10 minutes before the start of the Berlin Marathon they change the race to a 3km steeplechase race… just to make it more “challenging”. Or that to Kilian Jornet, right before the Mont Blanc UTM, they change the race to a flat 30km run… no doubt more challenging for him as it is not his specialty. I can give you many examples and I am sure you can think of many more also. So the point was not to make the ironman distance “more” challenging. It was just to make it a true ironman. Nothing more. Nothing less. Other race formats are that, “other” races. Not a triathlon. Not an ironman. And the whole issue comes here because the ocean conditions were not a true reason to cancel the swim. Any one that was there that morning could agree on that. Of course, if you are not a swimmer or if you don’t care about triathlons, you would be very happy for not having to swim. But if you train for an ironman with an open water swim leg, a little choppy waters shouldn’t put your life at risk. We are talking that there was no hurricane or storm. Or a huge swell. The “strong current” excuse is unsustainable and unbelievable, because most of us there swam the days before, with much more worse conditions, and nothing happened.
What happened in Cozumel was not an ironman triathlon, was a carnival parade. And if you were there, you know what I’m talking about.

Yup I know you are frustrated and rightfully so.

Agree that it sucks not being able to perform your day due to circumstances but that’s kind of the nature of an Ironman get ready for something to go south and try to overcome it?

I was close to the front waiting for the swim to start and the info from some spanish speaking athletes who were also there was that it was not Ironman’s call on whether or not the swim would happen. It was the local authorities (the “Port Captain?) who got to make the decision. That is, the local experts are the ones people should be upset with, not Ironman.
That’s probably the best thing for most people in the race. Like others, I’d have been happy to get in the water and go for it. But I’m not an expert on the currents in that area, so it’s best if I trust those who are.

I see your point, but that’s not it. You see, there are many ways I could’ve make the day more challenging: take only one gel like Dan Plews although I have training on a full carbohydrate regime; not ride my TT bike although I’ve training full time on it; swim the 3.8 km butterfly instead of freestyle… etc. But I am a competitor. A triathlon competitor. I train for and do triathlons. Other things no.
Think of Kipchoge, that 10 minutes before the start of the Berlin Marathon they change the race to a 3km steeplechase race… just to make it more “challenging”. Or that to Kilian Jornet, right before the Mont Blanc UTM, they change the race to a flat 30km run… no doubt more challenging for him as it is not his specialty. I can give you many examples and I am sure you can think of many more also. So the point was not to make the ironman distance “more” challenging. It was just to make it a true ironman. Nothing more. Nothing less. Other race formats are that, “other” races. Not a triathlon. Not an ironman. And the whole issue comes here because the ocean conditions were not a true reason to cancel the swim. Any one that was there that morning could agree on that. Of course, if you are not a swimmer or if you don’t care about triathlons, you would be very happy for not having to swim. But if you train for an ironman with an open water swim leg, a little choppy waters shouldn’t put your life at risk. We are talking that there was no hurricane or storm. Or a huge swell. The “strong current” excuse is unsustainable and unbelievable, because most of us there swam the days before, with much more worse conditions, and nothing happened.
What happened in Cozumel was not an ironman triathlon, was a carnival parade. And if you were there, you know what I’m talking about.

Yup I know you are frustrated and rightfully so.

Agree that it sucks not being able to perform your day due to circumstances but that’s kind of the nature of an Ironman get ready for something to go south and try to overcome it?

20 years in this sport has taught me that many “Ironmen” are for some reason the least well equipped, at least emotionally, to deal with adversity or change on race day.

Same here. I am completely devastated by what Ironman did. I am a fairly good swimmer and count on my water abilities to put ground between my rivals and me. It was nonsense. I was ready to fight for the KQ (which I have achieved in every single IM since 2019, but declined due to family and work schedules). But on Sunday I DNF because the race was not a triathlon. And now I have no guarantee that in every OW swim of any IM, unless the ocean is as flat as a glass table, we will be swimming.
Ironman is becoming a race for those who not train rather than for true athletes. What I saw here in Cozumel was more likely a carnival parade than a triathlon competition. So I guess Ironman is not for me. It doesn’t provide the challenge I train for.

Ironman has made their event for the worse athletes.

Ironman was once the hardest one day sporting event you could do.

It’s no Longer that. A real shame.

Same here. I am completely devastated by what Ironman did. I am a fairly good swimmer and count on my water abilities to put ground between my rivals and me. It was nonsense. I was ready to fight for the KQ (which I have achieved in every single IM since 2019, but declined due to family and work schedules). But on Sunday I DNF because the race was not a triathlon. And now I have no guarantee that in every OW swim of any IM, unless the ocean is as flat as a glass table, we will be swimming.
Ironman is becoming a race for those who not train rather than for true athletes. What I saw here in Cozumel was more likely a carnival parade than a triathlon competition. So I guess Ironman is not for me. It doesn’t provide the challenge I train for.

Ironman has made their event for the worse athletes.

Ironman was once the hardest one day sporting event you could do.

It’s no Longer that. A real shame.

Do you think it’s not hard anymore Because

You don’t go for the bigger goal?

Technology and science has made the race variables easier to control.

The technology helped increase speed without having to have skill or ability?

The courses are easier ?

Or lastly you have been around so much that it seems like a normal day to day activity vs what you once thought of it, like driving or working.

I would wager to say that IM is the most “invested” event many people do in their lives (within athletic feats likely). I would say it’s “normal” if they get slightly pissed off / discouraged / bitch when it seems like a canceld leg is done when it seems like it’s due to the weakest athletes. I would also suggest that most athletes then move on about their day and do their race.

I would also say how someone handles the “obstacles” on race day and how they discuss it online after are very different.

I get being disappointed. I’d be disappointed too. But if you can’t get over a canceled swim, what the hell you gonna do when your stomach shuts down 4 miles into the run. Or you get 3 flats and only had two tubes.

And the people complaining here at least appear to be fairly highly experienced racers, lamenting the watering down of what used to apparently give them some identity. They’re not saying they’re disappointed, they’re calling out RDs for making Ironman too easy. And here it’s documented the port was closed for a couple hours as the race started. That call is made by the harbormaster and is always a risk in Coz in November (they even have a name for the condition). No boats… no race… no matter if you are a :50 or 2:00 swimmer. Nothing to do with catering to a specific athlete.

I mean look above. Once the “hardest one day” event? Hardly

But doesn’t everyone get over it after disappointment? I’ve never met 1 person pack up after a swim is cancelled. I’m guessing you haven’t either or maybe you have with your comments. I’ve seen people disappointed (and excited for cancelled swims) but I’ve yet to see someone quit because of it.

It’s complete CYA whether that’s ultimately from the RD or the safety procedures who makes the final call. There is no downside to defaulting canceling vs doing a swim in “adverse” conditions from a race decision standpoint. Zero reason to even attempt a swim anymore these days. Just cancel it and force the racers to deal with it, and if you don’t think that’s due to how shitty we are at race prep now, cool. I just ain’t buying that reasoning. I just think what today is “adverse” conditions is not what actually is adverse most of the time in todays tri.

First tri 2004 have never had a canceled swim (unless you count IMCA where it was all canceled when we were in transition). And I mostly race on the west coast in the ocean thru surf. I’ve raced in plenty of “adverse conditions” and that has not really changed IME since I started. Only change I’ve seen is Oceanside reverting to the harbor swim (where it was for years and years originally)

But would I pack up and go if it was? No. Wouldn’t be happy as I am a swimmer but you race the course they give you.

But again (and I’ve also dived coz for years so am very familiar with November conditions and nortes) the harbormaster closed the harbor meaning no boats could legally go out. From this info (if accurate and knowing people that live there I believe it is) not a CYA at all (I mean unless one falls for conspiracy theories and thinks IM somehow convinced the HM to shut down Cozumel’s most lucrative on the water businesses….). ETA - closure is for boats < 30 foot

Anyway aside from way too many parentheses, I get that it’s fashionable to rag on how easy Ironmans are now (except for CA with a stupid swim— 36 minutes? ) /shrug

40 years of trials

1 swim canceled. Before anyone had a wetsuit

Lake Ontario. Water temp was in the 40s