Change frightens me

Same forum tool as Wahoo X and others. Meh. The bespoke ST forum was unique. The new approach is just a commodity. Maybe better for management, but now just too homogeneous wrt other forums (fora?). No longer ‘special’. A good way to be more forgettable.


It’s still a billion times better than LetsRun, you’ve got to admit

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The new font is making my eyes bleed.

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And weightweenies

I cannot find the fishes thread for this month(august), do you see it?

I’m pretty sure that’s one of the threads that did not port over as it had new content on Wed and Thurs…so it will need to migrate in the next batch.

I liked the old forum structure, mainly because it was familiar. The one thing in life that is contstant is things change and each change is an opportunity to improve from the past. So let’s give the ST team some time. No doubt we will get used to the new functions and probably 10 days from now forget what the old structure was like. Most important is the content from all around.


Yes sir, that would be awesome.

Pretty much the exact same forum as TrainerRoad - Cycling & Training Forum which i’ve used for years.

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can you migrate my weekly accountability thread too please?

Thank you for the change! Finally we have advanced to the modern age! I really hated the old forum


Do you know if our “watched” threads will be migrated over? It would be a bummer to go back and try to 1. remember which ones I was watching, then 2. try to find them again.

And another vote for signatures, please!


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That’s a better question for @davidpaulyoung and team than for me in re: watched threads.

We got it. Y’all want signatures. That’s probably a Week 2ish project before we start adding plugins to the platform to enable stuff like that.

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For me, the most critical aspec is how efficiently I can consume information. That means that more content per page is king. This is one of the worst platforms I have used in that regard. There is craptons of dead space between threads and posts. If we can thin that, it would more than double the content per page.


Beginnings require some mental adjustment but I like the new forum a lot. You don’t have to “know how to do things”, it’s intuitive, threads with no posts since I’ve clicked on the thread are greyed out, etc.

I’m saving time now. With the old forum, you had to click on a thread subject to see if you’re taken to the most recent new post or the start of the thread to find out if there’s anything new. Don’t even get me started on links, images, etc.

Dang, ST is in the 21th century.

Haters gonna hate, complainers gonna complain.

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Agree. The old structure had topics that were ‘scannable’. Now, if you are asking me to scroll a ton to see topics (and responses within a topic), I’m less likely to do that and less likely to be as involved as before.


Forums I used to go to died since everyone moved over to Facebook and other Social Media flatforms. Are you asking for that? Old format was so easy to visit, scan topics and participate, but this is just so dumb. I won’t visit here often anymore as it gives me a headache. Don’t like this format at all. What a dumb decision. Good luck!!!


One thing that can make it easier as we look at templates, etc. down the road:

Go to your user preferences. Change the text size to “smallest” and click save. It makes threads more scannable and eliminates some of the white space issues.

Then, again, click the upper left menu bar to extend the content window out further.

I tried the Smallest text setting too… it is OK, but really does not solve the layout problem of he platform. Look at the amount of white space between the posts and the break lines. It is like 50% dead space. I made a quick Photoshop to illustrate the difference between the current view and what could be if the dead space could be eliminated. It would double the page content.

ST Current:

ST Could BE: