Campaign ads

These threads tend to blend together so I thought it would be best to keep this issue separate, since messaging and reaching independents and undecided voters is the whole ballgame and there’s a lot to work with on both sides.

I saw Trump’s ad attacking Harris’ record on the border, and her rebuttal. Trump cited 10 million illegal border crossings, 1/4 million Americans dead from fentanyl, and pinned the problem on Harris’ failed tenure as “Border Czar” (she isn’t but that may be a distinction without a difference). Harris responded by reminding everyone repeatedly that Trump shut down the border security bill and that she will sign it as President.

Trump’s ad:

Harris’ rebuttal ad:

If we could keep this thread narrowly focused on messaging and related discussions, fact checking included, that would be helpful.

I thought both were powerful and relevant, and importantly, creates a consensus on the reality of the border problem. Harris has already pledged in her first rally yesterday that she will sign the bill that Trump blocked. That’s a good start.

Launching today:

Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign on Sunday is launching “Republicans for Harris” as she looks to win over Republican voters put off by Donald Trump’s candidacy.

The program will be a “campaign within a campaign,” according to Harris’ team, using well-known Republicans to activate their networks, with a particular emphasis on primary voters who backed former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley.

Weatherford is a former chief of staff to former Rep. Adam Kinzinger: “As a proud conservative, I never thought I’d be endorsing a Democrat for President. But, I know Vice President Harris will defend our democracy and ensure Donald Trump never returns to the White House.”

Her team is trying to create “a permission structure” for GOP voters who would otherwise have a difficult time voting for Harris. The effort will rely heavily on Republican-to-Republican voter contact, with the belief that the best way to get a Republican to vote for Harris is to hear directly from another Republican making the same choice.

A nationwide TV ad buy featuring former GOP Presidents and VPs—none of whom are supporting the felon—and his former cabinet members would be a great way to wage that campaign.

Launching today:

Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign on Sunday is launching “Republicans for Harris” as she looks to win over Republican voters put off by Donald Trump’s candidacy.

The program will be a “campaign within a campaign,” according to Harris’ team, using well-known Republicans to activate their networks, with a particular emphasis on primary voters who backed former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley.

Weatherford is a former chief of staff to former Rep. Adam Kinzinger: “As a proud conservative, I never thought I’d be endorsing a Democrat for President. But, I know Vice President Harris will defend our democracy and ensure Donald Trump never returns to the White House.”

Her team is trying to create “a permission structure” for GOP voters who would otherwise have a difficult time voting for Harris. The effort will rely heavily on Republican-to-Republican voter contact, with the belief that the best way to get a Republican to vote for Harris is to hear directly from another Republican making the same choice.

A nationwide TV ad buy featuring former GOP Presidents and VPs—none of whom are supporting the felon—and his former cabinet members would be a great way to wage that campaign.

Bush has shown zero interest in getting involved. Pence doesn’t want to be lynched.

Good luck with that.

Pence already cut his promo. Just needs the obligatory “I’m Kamala Harris and I approved this message.”

Not a presidential one, but I saw a funny campaign ad on tv the other day for eastern Washington’s spot in the House of Representatives. The republican candidate was stating the democrat wasn’t right for eastern Washington because she wants to tax the rich. Seemed like a really odd thing to focus on

Not a presidential one, but I saw a funny campaign ad on tv the other day for eastern Washington’s spot in the House of Representatives. The republican candidate was stating the democrat wasn’t right for eastern Washington because she wants to tax the rich. Seemed like a really odd thing to focus on[/quote

The only ones I’ve seen are ones about how the govt. is spending all our money on immigrants.

Not a presidential one, but I saw a funny campaign ad on tv the other day for eastern Washington’s spot in the House of Representatives. The republican candidate was stating the democrat wasn’t right for eastern Washington because she wants to tax the rich. Seemed like a really odd thing to focus on

I’m in Spokane so I’ve also seen that spot, and I agree it’s a strange issue to focus on in Eastern Wahington. But this is the year of weird for the R’s. #sofalove

I am getting attack ads about Shady Sheehy in Montana on YouTube. American politics is a lot more rough and tumble than Australian politics.
I have driven 15000 miles over 4 months. I have seen thousands of Trump flags and yard signs. I have seen a few Biden signs and today I saw my first Harris sign.
Was the yard sign count so one sided before Trumps first campaign?


Trump is an identity for his followers. Biden is a President to the rest of us.

Was the yard sign count so one sided before Trumps first campaign?

No. Trump is a phenomenon. Before Trump, there were not nearly as many yard signs. And even the most unpopular presidents in the past were not referred to on yard signs by “Let’s Go Brandon” or just outright “Fuck Joe Biden”.

(And I think sphere might have misread your question - or maybe I did.)

No, you are correct. I misread.

No, you are correct. I misread.

No worries, just trying to help out. You know there’s an edit function, right?

Was the yard sign count so one sided before Trumps first campaign?

No. Trump is a phenomenon. Before Trump, there were not nearly as many yard signs. And even the most unpopular presidents in the past were not referred to on yard signs by “Let’s Go Brandon” or just outright “Fuck Joe Biden”.

(And I think sphere might have misread your question - or maybe I did.)

Thanks for the answer. I have driven through some areas with extremely disrespectful yard signs and car stickers.

I am getting attack ads about Shady Sheehy in Montana on YouTube. American politics is a lot more rough and tumble than Australian politics.
I have driven 15000 miles over 4 months. I have seen thousands of Trump flags and yard signs. I have seen a few Biden signs and today I saw my first Harris sign.
Was the yard sign count so one sided before Trumps first campaign?
My wife and i were in New England just before the 2016 election and it was strange to see so many Trump signs. I think we estimated the ratio was something like 10:1 Trump: Clinton. At the time it was notable since no one thought he could win.

What’s the point of campaign ads, anyway?

Are there really people who are still undecided, for ANY office?

Or are just something put out there to further divide people?

“Look what our ad says about your candidate!!! How do you feel about that? You must be a terrible person!!!”

“Well, look what OUR ad says about YOUR candidate!!! How do YOU feel about that? You must be a MORE terrible person!!!”

I spent the weekend in and out of an Indy hotel, so I had the olympics on when I was there. Don’t know if they were Indy ads or National (no cable at home) but I saw Harris ads every commercial break and zero DJ ones. Her ads WERE PAC ads, but they had a couple lines about body autominity and reproductive rights to appeal to suburban/white women. That line work very well in 22.

You are thinking facts are going to play a big role in this election?

Was the yard sign count so one sided before Trumps first campaign?

No. Trump is a phenomenon. Before Trump, there were not nearly as many yard signs. And even the most unpopular presidents in the past were not referred to on yard signs by “Let’s Go Brandon” or just outright “Fuck Joe Biden”.

(And I think sphere might have misread your question - or maybe I did.)

Thanks for the answer. I have driven through some areas with extremely disrespectful yard signs and car stickers.

There’s a crappy little home near us that for some reason has a really high flag pole with a Fuck Biden flag on it. Pretty faded at this point. No one had or has Biden signs up but plenty of people around here in Maine have kept Trump flags and signs up since the last election. Noticed another house near us put out their old Trump/Pence sign in recent weeks.

I think someone above hit the nail on the head, it’s an identity for these people.

What’s the point of campaign ads, anyway?

It is one way to get money from your campaign donations, into supporters and Family members pockets.

We have a local politician who runs a multi media marketing company. Would it be a surprise if I told you, his office is at home, I see nothing his company puts out expect Rep. candidate or PAC ads, He has no online presence, so even if you wanted to use him, unless you knew him, it would be hard to give him business, but its an easy way to convert donations to spending money. Election cycles are HUGE $$$ for the media. Those commercials employee a lot of people. try to remember its all about $$$$.

UAW has a new ad out

UAW on X: “There is only one answer to the threat we face as a nation. The answer is solidarity. #StandUpUAW” / X