Campaign ads

Wow. That packs a punch.


I am getting attack ads about Shady Sheehy in Montana on YouTube. American politics is a lot more rough and tumble than Australian politics.
I have driven 15000 miles over 4 months. I have seen thousands of Trump flags and yard signs. I have seen a few Biden signs and today I saw my first Harris sign.
Was the yard sign count so one sided before Trumps first campaign?

And the 2nd… It is (to me) an odd right wing phenomena the FLAG…They wear it as clothing (despite being a violation of the flag code, which identifies it as a sign of disrespect) they create lots of flags, and they proudly feel the need to wave them. I dont get it, just saw a van with 2 full sized flags behind it, one said ■■■■ Biden, and i could not identify the vehicle. I am sure they have no clue what that is costing them in gas but its not a small amount, and for what?

But yes you will see far more Trump signs and flags and it has been this way since the first election. Actually I have seen far less this election season than the past 2.

There is a house in our neghborhood, its a ranch and U shaped with the main entrance in the bottom of the U we drove by and my daughter commented about the Trump flags, I glanced and saw 2, but she said there are 4. Its weird cause unless you look straight on you cant see the stupid things, I don’t get it. Maybe I’ll take a pic the next time I go past.

They missed an opportunity to include a clip of him exercising “control” over a glass of water with both tiny little hands.

I just saw the one from Trump that shows Harris debating herself. One clip shows her talking about how people can’t afford groceries and houses and then it cuts to a clip of Harris saying…" that is what we call Bidenomics, and we are very proud of it."

Pretty impactful for the fly by voter.

I agree with Quinton Tarantino and don’t think Harris should do interviews, talk about the policies or even do a debate. She just needs to wait it out until election day and win. She is leading now and that will only go down once she starts giving interviews and talking about policies.

If she stays quiet, she won’t lose votes as the never Trumpers, Republicans for Harris, Evangelicals for Harris, Pro-life for Harris and the majority of people voting for her just don’t want the Orange Conman in office.

I just saw the one from Trump that shows Harris debating herself. One clip shows her talking about how people can’t afford groceries and houses and then it cuts to a clip of Harris saying…" that is what we call Bidenomics, and we are very proud of it."

Pretty impactful for the fly by voter.

The Harris campaign need to respond with some variation on:

These threads tend to blend together so I thought it would be best to keep this issue separate, since messaging and reaching independents and undecided voters is the whole ballgame and there’s a lot to work with on both sides.

I saw Trump’s ad attacking Harris’ record on the border, and her rebuttal. Trump cited 10 million illegal border crossings, 1/4 million Americans dead from fentanyl, and pinned the problem on Harris’ failed tenure as “Border Czar” (she isn’t but that may be a distinction without a difference). Harris responded by reminding everyone repeatedly that Trump shut down the border security bill and that she will sign it as President.

Trump’s ad:…?si=t8iqY-TLa9kyornI

Harris’ rebuttal ad:…?si=w419LIJL-du_3jki…-harris-election-ads

If we could keep this thread narrowly focused on messaging and related discussions, fact checking included, that would be helpful.

I thought both were powerful and relevant, and importantly, creates a consensus on the reality of the border problem. Harris has already pledged in her first rally yesterday that she will sign the bill that Trump blocked. That’s a good start.

How many voters actually know what specifically are the strengths and weaknesses of the border bill Trump blocked. Probably less than five percent. How many voters know the details of previous bill the Republicans floated previously to address border issues. Most of this stuff gets lost in the noise.

So many of these Ads are basically gotca replays of something somebody said posed out of context. Add to that what confidence do we have the politicians are actually going to do what they say they will do.

It is no wonder the masses are despondent.

These threads tend to blend together so I thought it would be best to keep this issue separate, since messaging and reaching independents and undecided voters is the whole ballgame and there’s a lot to work with on both sides.

I saw Trump’s ad attacking Harris’ record on the border, and her rebuttal. Trump cited 10 million illegal border crossings, 1/4 million Americans dead from fentanyl, and pinned the problem on Harris’ failed tenure as “Border Czar” (she isn’t but that may be a distinction without a difference). Harris responded by reminding everyone repeatedly that Trump shut down the border security bill and that she will sign it as President.

Trump’s ad:…?si=t8iqY-TLa9kyornI

Harris’ rebuttal ad:…?si=w419LIJL-du_3jki…-harris-election-ads

If we could keep this thread narrowly focused on messaging and related discussions, fact checking included, that would be helpful.

I thought both were powerful and relevant, and importantly, creates a consensus on the reality of the border problem. Harris has already pledged in her first rally yesterday that she will sign the bill that Trump blocked. That’s a good start.

How many voters actually know what specifically are the strengths and weaknesses of the border bill Trump blocked. Probably less than five percent. How many voters know the details of previous bill the Republicans floated previously to address border issues. Most of this stuff gets lost in the noise.

True. But what cuts through that noise, that even the least sophisticated voters can understand, is that a Republican crafted the bill, Republicans supported the bill, Democrats signed on to the bill, a Democrat President was going to sign the bill, and then ONE PERSON - Donald J. Trump killed it because he didn’t want Biden to get credit for it. And numerous Republicans verified that this is how it happened.

That’s pretty fucking easy to follow for just about anyone.

So. Harris will be stronger on border security than Trump? 3 years in, and Biden/Harris finally support a bill to curb the massive increase in illegal immigration on their watch. Could it be that an election was coming up?

Why repeal Trump’s policies that were actually working — like remain in Mexico? Illegal immigration was substantially worse under Biden/Harris. FACT. And the ineffectual vice-president was given one high priority job — immigration— and failed miserably. (Czar or whatever).

I wish I had a better choice. But Trump on border security—It is not close.

The border security bill was sponsored by conservative Republican Senator Lankford. FACT.

Border security has been an issue for a while now, and if it takes an election year to get action done, then fucking get it done in an election year. And it was getting done right up to the point when private citizen Donald J. Trump put the brakes on it and told them to “do nothing” on border security because he wanted it for a campaign issue, all the while complaining about the rapists and murderers flooding across the southern border. He put his own personal interest above national security and Americans’ safety—again. FACT.

Yeah, I wish you, and we, had a better choice on the Republican ticket as well. But we don’t, because Republicans can’t quit their cult leader. Also fact.

Trump has no credibility on the border issue now, and neither do you if you think what he did is acceptable on the border deal. Pre-Trump era politics this kind of me-first obstruction would be political suicide. Now it’s par for the course in the GOP.

Harris pledged to sign the bill if elected. I look forward to that happening.

True. But what cuts through that noise, that even the least sophisticated voters can understand, is that a Republican crafted the bill, Republicans supported the bill, Democrats signed on to the bill, a Democrat President was going to sign the bill, and then ONE PERSON - Donald J. Trump killed it because he didn’t want Biden to get credit for it. And numerous Republicans verified that this is how it happened.

That’s pretty fucking easy to follow for just about anyone.

It still doesn’t cut through the noise as sharply as, “scary brown people are coming to kill us”.

So. Harris will be stronger on border security than Trump? 3 years in, and Biden/Harris finally support a bill to curb the massive increase in illegal immigration on their watch. Could it be that an election was coming up?

Why repeal Trump’s policies that were actually working — like remain in Mexico? Illegal immigration was substantially worse under Biden/Harris. FACT. And the ineffectual vice-president was given one high priority job — immigration— and failed miserably. (Czar or whatever).

I wish I had a better choice. But Trump on border security—It is not close.

So you think voting for the guy who killed the bipartisan border security bill (because it would make Biden look good), is better than voting for the person who supports it?

Please explain your logic.

So. Harris will be stronger on border security than Trump? 3 years in, and Biden/Harris finally support a bill to curb the massive increase in illegal immigration on their watch. Could it be that an election was coming up?

Why repeal Trump’s policies that were actually working — like remain in Mexico? Illegal immigration was substantially worse under Biden/Harris. FACT. And the ineffectual vice-president was given one high priority job — immigration— and failed miserably. (Czar or whatever).

I wish I had a better choice. But Trump on border security—It is not close.

So you think voting for the guy who killed the bipartisan border security bill (because it would make Biden look good), is better than voting for the person who supports it?

Please explain your logic.

This is why it is better to ignore people like this. He posts a turd like “the Don-old is better on the border” with zero justification. The Orange turd killed the border deal to help with his re-election and you are going to trust him?

I swear that the actress who portrays a nurse in one ad, saying her hospital is overwhelmed by ODs, is also the one in “an immigrant mugged me and fractured my skull” in another

I’m sure that I’m wrong, but … who knows?

The United States Army weighs in:

“Arlington National Cemetery routinely hosts public wreath laying ceremonies at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier for individuals and groups who submit requests in advance. ANC conducts nearly 3,000 such public ceremonies a year without incident.

Participants in the August 26th ceremony and the subsequent Section 60 visit were made aware of federal laws, Army regulations, and DoD policies, which clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds. An ANC employee who attempted to ensure adherence to these rules was abruptly pushed aside. Consistent with the decorum expected at ANC, this employee acted with professionalism and avoided further disruption. The incident was reported to the JBM-HH police department, but the employee subsequently decided not to press charges. Therefore, the Army considers this matter closed.

This incident was unfortunate, and it is also unfortunate that the ANC employee and her professionalism has been unfairly attacked. ANC is a national shrine to the honored dead of the Armed Forces, and its dedicated staff will continue to ensure public ceremonies are conducted with the dignity and respect the nation’s fallen deserve.”

I am so fucking sick of these clowns and the gaslighting MAGA morons who pretend this is all just fine.

The United States Army weighs in:

“Arlington National Cemetery routinely hosts public wreath laying ceremonies at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier for individuals and groups who submit requests in advance. ANC conducts nearly 3,000 such public ceremonies a year without incident.

Participants in the August 26th ceremony and the subsequent Section 60 visit were made aware of federal laws, Army regulations, and DoD policies, which clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds. An ANC employee who attempted to ensure adherence to these rules was abruptly pushed aside. Consistent with the decorum expected at ANC, this employee acted with professionalism and avoided further disruption. The incident was reported to the JBM-HH police department, but the employee subsequently decided not to press charges. Therefore, the Army considers this matter closed.

This incident was unfortunate, and it is also unfortunate that the ANC employee and her professionalism has been unfairly attacked. ANC is a national shrine to the honored dead of the Armed Forces, and its dedicated staff will continue to ensure public ceremonies are conducted with the dignity and respect the nation’s fallen deserve.”

I am so fucking sick of these clowns and the gaslighting MAGA morons who pretend this is all just fine.

But I just saw Vance say that veterans were much more concerned about Walz lying about his service. Surely, JD wouldn’t lie to me.

JD can go to hell.

I’d like to see a summary in these bills as to why someone won’t sign it.

In this instance it may be that Trump didn’t want credit to go to Biden. Fine if thats true.
On other bills they are usually loaded with crap or riders that are beside the original intent of the bill.

For once I’d like to see a politician say I like this, that, and the other thing in a bill but I don’t like this, that, and the other thing in the bill so I won’t sign it.

I guess straight forward honestly is a tough one for most politicians regardless of side of the isle.