Blood Pressure Meds (3)

Are there any that DON’T negatively affect running cardio respiratory? I hear ACE inhibitors but then I hear they do. Thanks

Several options, good read here:

You should talk with your doctor about what would work best for you personally though.

Alpha blockers aren’t the first line drugs for blood pressure, but I tried a few for benign prostate enlargement (BPE), and a couple of them destroyed my workout capacity. Cut my FTP darn near in half, and I nearly passed out lifting weights. Beware.

That was terazosin and tamsulosin (FloMax). I’m on another one now - alfuzosin - that’s just fine. I’m in fantastic shape at the moment by pre-BPE-meds standards.

Edit: I 100% do not believe the table from @spudone’s link that all alpha blockers have “no effect” on training. This paper is “just” a letter to the editor, but I had the same experience. And it links to some other studies. I emailed the author thanking him for the letter, and he replied that that one letter to the editor generated more responses than any paper he’s ever written.

Beware terazosin and tamsulosin.

I take Norvasc every day (Amlodipine 5mg)

If it negatively affects, I’ve never noticed

Are there any that DON’T negatively affect running cardio respiratory? I hear ACE inhibitors but then I hear they do. Thanks

I realize this is n = 2 so take it with a grain of salt lol

I was told I needed to go on BP meds. I looked at natural options. Started on 3 tablespoons of ground flax. 3 weeks later visit the dr and no more meds needed.

I take my BP every other day for the past 10 months no meds needed

After seeing my success my wife, who was on BO meds, tried the same 3 tablespoons per day of ground flax

A month later Dr said they would try going off. She did and here we are 6 months later no high blood pressure

Take it for what you will

You may also want to research how the current blood pressure recommendation numbers were decided upon. The testing protocol is not what most Drs do when they measure blood pressure

for benign prostate enlargement (BPE), tamsulosin (FloMax) can have a dehydrating effect.
I heard about it from my dental hygienist, Primary Care Physician and my eyes.

Are there any that DON’T negatively affect running cardio respiratory? I hear ACE inhibitors but then I hear they do. Thanks

I realize this is n = 2 so take it with a grain of salt lol

I was told I needed to go on BP meds. I looked at natural options. Started on 3 tablespoons of ground flax. 3 weeks later visit the dr and no more meds needed.

I take my BP every other day for the past 10 months no meds needed

After seeing my success my wife, who was on BO meds, tried the same 3 tablespoons per day of ground flax

A month later Dr said they would try going off. She did and here we are 6 months later no high blood pressure

Take it for what you will

You may also want to research how the current blood pressure recommendation numbers were decided upon. The testing protocol is not what most Drs do when they measure blood pressure

Beet juice seems to have worked for me.

Terazosin definitely increases the likelihood of postural hypotension. The ability to increase blood pressure with postural changes as needed. Elderly pts have to be warned to they don’t get up quickly in the middle of the night and then faint and conk their heads on things like the toilet. Flomax isn’t supposed to but I think it may well just to a lesser effect.

Are there any that DON’T negatively affect running cardio respiratory? I hear ACE inhibitors but then I hear they do. Thanks

I realize this is n = 2 so take it with a grain of salt lol

I was told I needed to go on BP meds. I looked at natural options. Started on 3 tablespoons of ground flax. 3 weeks later visit the dr and no more meds needed.

I take my BP every other day for the past 10 months no meds needed

After seeing my success my wife, who was on BO meds, tried the same 3 tablespoons per day of ground flax

A month later Dr said they would try going off. She did and here we are 6 months later no high blood pressure

Take it for what you will

You may also want to research how the current blood pressure recommendation numbers were decided upon. The testing protocol is not what most Drs do when they measure blood pressure

How do you ingest the flax seed? Do you grind it up and sprinkle on food throughout the day?

40 MG lisinopril
2.5 MG amlodipine
12.5 MG metoprolol (for PVCs)

Age group podium for tri
Marathon PR (Boston qualified)

Didn’t notice any respiratory impact

Thanks. Impressive. Do you know if you’d be faster being off those meds?

ACE inhibitors can sometimes affect your exercise performance, especially if you’re into cardio. Some folks might notice a bit of a dip in their endurance or stamina.

ACE inhibitors can sometimes affect your exercise performance, especially if you’re into cardio. Some folks might notice a bit of a dip in their endurance or stamina.

Thank you. So which are best known for NOT affecting cardio?

ACE inhibitors can sometimes affect your exercise performance, especially if you’re into cardio. Some folks might notice a bit of a dip in their endurance or stamina.

This is not the generally accepted knowledge regarding ACE Inhibitors. Can you please cite your information?
Aside from the potential for a dry cough, there seems to be no effect on exercise performance.

Personally, I’m on an ARB with no noticeable difference to exercise.
Started on Losartan and had some forearm cramping on the trainer. May or may not have been the meds, but I switched to Telmisartan 80mg and haven’t noticed any effects since.

ACE inhibitors can sometimes affect your exercise performance, especially if you’re into cardio. Some folks might notice a bit of a dip in their endurance or stamina.

Thank you. So which are best known for NOT affecting cardio?

in general, ARB and amlodipine at low dose are least likely to have any adverse effects on very active patients…

ACE inhibitors can sometimes affect your exercise performance, especially if you’re into cardio. Some folks might notice a bit of a dip in their endurance or stamina.

Thank you. So which are best known for NOT affecting cardio?

in general, ARB and amlodipine at low dose are least likely to have any adverse effects on very active patients…

I am also in ARB: valsartan 80 mgr. No side effects at all on my performance.

Also on an ARB (Azilsartan 40mg). I don’t think I notice any effects… hard to say as I only started the meds after a couple months off all exercise, so it’s to be expected that my fitness is crap.

I have been taking Tamsulosin and amlodipine (.5 mg) for a couple of years and haven’t noticed any adverse affects.

A note on Valsartan/Diovan medications.
Blood Pressure change response is not as rapid as many other BP medications. With other BP meds, you see pressure changes in several hours. But with Valsartan/Diovan it might take a week for the change to stabilize.

Never taken Valsartan, but I started off with Losartan 25mg and it didn’t appear to do much to lower my bp from ~140 for a month. Doc doubled the dose, and over the next several months it slowly got to ~125. Until about 4.5 months in I started to feel like death (like emergency bad, getting worse over a period of a few days: couldn’t hold down food, was tired all the time, nauseous etc.). I eventually thought maybe it’s the medication, stopped taking it, and now ~4 weeks later pretty much back to normal. Don’t know what I’ll do next, bp is creeping up into 140s again.

Anyone has recommendations on what device to use to measure it? Idk if it’s my resting HR that throws them off (<40) or something else, but I’ve returned many a device as they’re either giving bogus numbers or are just not giving me anything and show “Error”. I use the manual cuff, but it’s a pain in the butt to do measure…