Blood Pressure Meds (3)

I have an old Omron ReliOn unit. It measured correctly at the Cleveland Clinic Sports Cardiology office.
My BP jumps around a lot. 30mm differences are common. I have a 30 year log book of BP readings.
Most G.P. nurses are not interested in getting a good reading. It’s go into the room sit-down and take a single BP reading. Which with my ‘white-coat’ is often off the chart.

Just piggy backing on this existing thread.

After a COVID hiatus I finally got an annual physical. My blood pressure was 160+/70 with preliminary isolated systolic hypertension diagnosis. Here’s my background – white male, 57yrs old, weight 150-155lbs, 5’10’. I’ve been doing triathlons for 12yrs at 6-15 hrs per week. I’m pretty consistent at the 2:30 mark for Olys. My resting HR often is <40BPM and I’ve popped a 36 in a doctor’s office on several occasions. Coros picks up my peak HR <180BPM. My father had his first pacemaker installed in his early to mid 70s. I typically consume around 14 beers (rarely anything above 5%ABV) and a couple of cigars a week. I am scheduled with a Cardiologist this week. For those with similar situations or professional medical experience what questions should I ask?

I’ve gotta say I was sceptical but also didnt want to get on any BP meds at 28, so tried out the ground flax seed daily. I take it in with some overnight oats pretty much every day for breakfast. Along with slightly lowering my daily coffee intake has significantly lowered my BP. Back in the 12x/6x range after a few months.

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Wow so good to hear

I still don’t believe it works even though you say it, my wife was able to go off meds

And mine went down and the dr said I don’t need to go on meds

Lol too good to be True