Ari On That Triathlon Hour

Has anyone listened to the last two episodes? He referred to Gomez as “delusional” if he thinks he can win this year and made multiple other derogatory comments about pros and their chances to win. His arrogance is astounding in these episodes and likely won’t make him popular with others. He seems to have bought into the “Ari Klaus” hype pumped up by Jack Kelly as an expert in the spirit of Triathlon, which isn’t helping his case in making friends.

You must also acknowledge that Ari felt he was grabbing for the wrong word and recognizes as much in the conversation that follows, realizing that it was both “harsh” / critical.

That being said, while he was looking for the right word to describe it, delusional is certainly the first word that popped in my head and I’m sure Ari and I aren’t the only ones.

We can high-horse this and be “well who are they to talk smack about the great…blah, blah blah” …that’s fun too

Personally, I think Gomez (PTO ranked #260) is a token wild card there to revive some ancient mythology of some distant Brownlee rivalry…PTO narrative fodder. without AB in the series, Gomez would not be there.

Has anyone listened to the last two episodes? He referred to Gomez as “delusional” if he thinks he can win this year and made multiple other derogatory comments about pros and their chances to win. His arrogance is astounding in these episodes and likely won’t make him popular with others. He seems to have bought into the “Ari Klaus” hype pumped up by Jack Kelly as an expert in the spirit of Triathlon, which isn’t helping his case in making friends.

I didn’t listen to it yet but I heard him on the Oceanside prediction which was a bit long and if I wasn’t on a long drive would have turned it off.

He knows no history, e.g langes run times at 70.3 races and results. Didn’t even race oceanside but was trying to give info on it, off peoples strave segments? and I think jack too is a bit off on overall knowledge of tri history and racing vs someone like BOB Babbitt and other ex pros etc. jack just seems to want to be friends with the pros as he always peoples out any relationship with a pro like some swifty, haha.

BUT it’s hard to try and make prediction shows though as its just guessing and you always more likely to be wrong then right with so many athletes and variables

they said lots of drafting , none reported.
They said Lionel has no chance, he did.
They said T100 was such a better field while Sam long being the variable they were the same quality.
but they need content and sometimes hard takes to get talk and buzz. like all media personalities.

I think Bronwlee will go first, Gomez second in Singapore, and Sanders will win Kona.

I’m the sanest person I know.

Just tuning in, is Ari a “co host” now with Jack? (I don’t ever listen to Jack unless something hits the socials to pay attention too, and I know in the past he’s let others do some multi co-hosting stuff).

I feel like Ari might just be a product of the format/the way Jack seems to view things in absolutes (maybe elitist is the right word here idk). The questions are framed as do they have a shot or no shot at all instead of picking/choosing results that could lead you to think someone could have a good day. You can be realistic while still raising up solid results that could indicate future success.

It’s like with Lionel saying he has no chance at Kona. Lionel has been 2nd at 140.6 Champs twice. I would argue his approach to this season (focusing on Kona + not over-racing) should have him in a good position heading into that race. The two of them are sitting there dismissing his chances. Just feels like some armchair quarterbacking. Maybe some ego from Ari or maybe he was just in the weeds a little too deep & forced to give an opinion but Gomez is one of the best to ever do this. Just do some complimenting of the guy if your take is that he’s on his way out of the sport. Lionel took him in for a bit so it’s strange to not see a little more gratitude expressed there.

Their banter around back of pack pros bothered me too because Ari was most recently 44th at Indian Wells (3rd to last). Ari also got a Worlds slot last year & has been making strides with his swimming/biking. Being in pro fields has allowed him to do that. Mid pack male pros didn’t have an impact on the women’s race in Oceanside, unlike their prediction. & they didn’t mention that pros in the US have had to hit a higher standard every year since at least 2020 to get their licenses. Ari’s pro pathway was USAT AG Nationals – the same as a lot of those athletes. I feel like he should be approaching conversations like this with enthusiasm rather than point blank saying yes or no if you think an athlete ranked higher than you is good.

I enjoy Ari because he is authentic and shares his true self. We have very few personalities in the dry sport of triathlon so let’s pump the brakes on cancelling him :slight_smile:

It would be nice if as a control question, Ari was asked where he’d place himself if he was racing. If Ari puts himself better than the bottom 15% you know he’s delusional.

I listened to both shows and thought they were fine.

I listened to both shows and thought they were fine.
Complete agree. I appreciate the lengthy conversation. Seems like no one else follows any other sports because this sorta talk is standard operating procedure in every other sport I follow.

Brooks, Ari is just on to do previews and recaps but the response has apparently been good so be prepared to hear more of him.

I appreciate the lengthy conversation.
Ari is just on to do previews and recaps but the response has apparently been good so be prepared to hear more of him.But, man, over THREE hours.

I appreciate the lengthy conversation.
Ari is just on to do previews and recaps but the response has apparently been good so be prepared to hear more of him.But, man, over THREE hours.


Since the show is called ‘THE Triathlon Hour’ (emphasis mine), which hour should I listen to?

i wonder when a 3 hour podcast for a race preview does not mean one loves his own voice , when does that start to be the case , 4 hours or even 5 hours ,

that aside i guess its ok to use the wrong word from time to time , javier is one of the last atheltes that i think is delusional but i think overall aris point is certainly reasonable, it has been a long time since javier has performed in a race.but he did some solid races in spain last year so i would not count him out. at the same time i would also think if javier would race badly and thought this was the best he had ,he would not finish the series and let somebody else race .

i would also think if javier would race badly and thought this was the best he had ,he would not finish the series and let somebody else race .

Would PTO let him not race though? Like it’s what 3-5 races he’s going to do, even if they are all “bad” does it really matter? Vs what they can kinda gain from having his name as part of the series build up. I mean we aren’t talking about a Gomez actually keeping a real contender out are we? I mean by default being on 20 athletes in the races, your keeping some really really top talent. But if the top talent already gave a hard pass to the series- at some point PTO’s kinda covering their own needs as well to fill out the race rosters.

(I didn’t take much offense he basically corrected himself when they referenced the “delusional” 2 mins after when they summarized he’s had a HoF career and now he’s 41 and sorta his career is long past dominating)

I enjoy Ari because he is authentic and shares his true self. We have very few personalities in the dry sport of triathlon so let’s pump the brakes on cancelling him :)//

Kind of like someone we have running for president right now…(-;

If your true self is an ass hole, perhaps maybe you should hide a bit of it if you are in the public eye. Gomez has been injured and had to take a big chunk of time off, but seems to be working his way back to form. Of course he is older now, at the very end of one of the greatest careers ever, and would wipe the floor with Ari on an average day for him. I look forward to seeing what he has left in the tank, just like I did with Jan at 42. He gave us one hell of a goodbye race, expect Javi might do the same if he can just hold his body together, and his bike…

I think it is fine for him to talk, but he really needs to do some talking with his legs soon if he wants to be taken seriously.

Ari is ok. Jack talks way too much, loves too much, favorite’s too much, all time’s too much, best ever’s too much, behind the scenes too much. Sadly though, overall it’s good for the sport. Triathlon is basically boring, someone has to talk it up.

My real hate is promoting nutrition supplements. Whole different topic, but to me it really lacks credibility when someone trying to give insight into a sport is promoting the latest snake oil.

I think the format is quite good tbh. Decent banter and enthusiasm. The Strava stalking and splits analysis from last year’s race was good. Let’s hope it’s Gomez - Brownlee 1-2 this weekend. Gomez revenge would taste so sweet.

They took three hours to say what could be said in 20 minutes.

Agree, I don’t mind longer recap shows talking about how the race played out. But 3 hours of guessing what might happen before the race is beyond tedious.

But, man, over THREE hours.

Whoa! I’m not a movie guy, so when Mrs. giorgitd wants to go, I ask the duration. My response is always ‘tell me the story in 90 minues or less’. We don’t go to the movies much. Podcasts? Really, for the vast majority, one hour is too long/at the limit. Three hours? NO WAY.