Are white people or minorities more discriminated against?

I found this poll showing that the GOP thinks while people are more discriminated against than minorities. Things like this just make me believe that we are living in two different americas.


I found this poll showing that the GOP thinks while people are more discriminated against than minorities. Things like this just make me believe that we are living in two different americas.

I think it is high time we discriminate more against evangelical christians. They are partly responsible for the rise of people like trump.

Interesting how Republicans think Blacks and Evangelicals are discriminated against at roughly the same rate, but with Evangelicals slightly more so. I’m surprised that number isn’t higher, actually.

Edit: oops, confused Evangelicals with Christians generally. But they are extremely close.

We are definitely living in two distinct universes.

I found this poll showing that the GOP thinks while people are more discriminated against than minorities. Things like this just make me believe that we are living in two different americas.

That graphic doesn’t say that Republicans think whites are more discriminated against than blacks.

It says that slightly more Republicans cited whites as a group that experiences “a lot of discrimination.”

It doesn’t appear that the question asked for comparison on the level of discrimination between groups.

We’re using Feminist data analysis here. Keep your old white man logic out of it.

Interesting how Republicans think Blacks and Evangelicals are discriminated against at roughly the same rate, but with Evangelicals slightly more so. I’m surprised that number isn’t higher, actually.

Edit: oops, confused Evangelicals with Christians generally. But they are extremely close.

We are definitely living in two distinct universes.

Evangelicals and Christians think they are being discriminated against every time someone tells them they can’t force their views and beliefs on everyone. So it stands to reason they feel overly discriminated against.

Doesn’t this graph just show what percentage of each party believes each respective group is discriminated against?

And in fact it shows that the repubs feel minority groups are discriminated against more (except for Asians).

It seems pretty straight forward.

We’re using Feminist data analysis here. Keep your old white man logic out of it.

What do you mean by “feminist data analysis”?

What do you mean by “old white man logic”?

I’m familiar with feminist arguments, and I’m familiar with what might generously be called old white man “logic,” but what do YOU mean by them?

Interesting how Republicans think Blacks and Evangelicals are discriminated against at roughly the same rate, but with Evangelicals slightly more so. I’m surprised that number isn’t higher, actually.

Edit: oops, confused Evangelicals with Christians generally. But they are extremely close.

We are definitely living in two distinct universes.

Evangelicals and Christians think they are being discriminated against every time someone tells them they can’t force their views and beliefs on everyone. So it stands to reason they feel overly discriminated against.
Edit: I completely agree.

To be fair, a lot of minorities claim racism when things don’t go their way or are accused of doing something too.

I think it’s safe to say a lot if people need to have some accountability and learn introspection.

To me, the figure seems to discriminate against people who are colorblind.

A couple things that suprised me…

  • How high Muslims were. Especially with republicans. Much higher than jews. Was this poll before or after all the Israel-Hamas stuff?
  • How high of a percentage of Republicans said transgender people. So many people who claim this party are so vocal about their distaste for this group. Perhaps it’s just a vocal minority thing?
  • Interesting that they separated out Christians with Evangelical Christians and that the scores were slightly different. Two separate questions I suppose, but how was each interpreted?
  • The Mormon scored made me laugh. Both D’s and R’s seem equally apathetic about this group? It’s a pretty small group and outside of a few states (UT, ID, AZ, NV, WY,MT…maybe parts of CA) most people probably never think about this group or have met many Mormons.

As mentioned, you’re reading it wrong. But it’s still messed up that more MAGAts think that white people are discriminated against than MAGAts think black people are discriminated against.

We’re using Feminist data analysis here. Keep your old white man logic out of it.

What do you mean by “feminist data analysis”?

What do you mean by “old white man logic”?

I’m familiar with feminist arguments, and I’m familiar with what might generously be called old white man “logic,” but what do YOU mean by them?

It’s a joke, sweetie. Your female brain probably can’t process it. Just let it go.

My biggest surprise is that R’s say atheists aren’t discriminated against at all?

Which totally conflicts with all other data: only 41% of R’s would vote for the perfect R candidate that’s also an atheist. 69% of Dems would do the same. The only otherwise perfect candidate that would get fewer R votes would be a socialist R candidate. 42% of Rs would vote for a muslim R candidate in 2020.

My biggest surprise is that R’s say atheists aren’t discriminated against at all?

Which totally conflicts with all other data: only 41% of R’s would vote for the perfect R candidate that’s also an atheist. 69% of Dems would do the same. The only otherwise perfect candidate that would get fewer R votes would be a socialist R candidate. 42% of Rs would vote for a muslim R candidate in 2020.

I don’t think people are thinking about the vote when this question is asked. They’re thinking about day to day discrimination.

We’re using Feminist data analysis here. Keep your old white man logic out of it.

What do you mean by “feminist data analysis”?

What do you mean by “old white man logic”?

I’m familiar with feminist arguments, and I’m familiar with what might generously be called old white man “logic,” but what do YOU mean by them?

If you look at just the Republican fits, they believe Muslims are the Most discriminated, followed by Transgender, and then Whites?

If you look at just the Republican fits, they believe Muslims are the Most discriminated, followed by Transgender, and then Whites?

No. That’s not how this poll is built.

My biggest surprise is that R’s say Atheists aren’t discriminated against at all?

The Republicans don’t believe they exist

I found this poll showing that the GOP thinks while people are more discriminated against than minorities. Things like this just make me believe that we are living in two different americas.

WOW, thanks for posting things, and for all the replies, except a few.

You have proved, what I had come to believe and had acted on, after our last exchange.

But thought I would come back for one more.

You are COMPLETELY WRONG. that is not at all what the graphic shows. Your comments and most others, just show, how biased, you are, and how many dumb things get said by the lefties, trying to make the righties look bad, and why a lot of folks say your all the same (now you will ignore my position and respond with well this is no where near as bad as trump, which is a different discussion about severity not quantity of false statements)

For the record if I was asked this question, I would have checked the yes, all the way down to white people (skipping jews) and then stopped for the 4 additional religious categories at the bottom.

Of course as someone who has a Major in Stat’s and did a lot of customer surveys in my old job, I can see a few flaws, first in the graphic, we don’t even know what the full question was the respondents were asked about, since they didn’t finish showing us the full question, Since it doesnt end there my guess might be that they had compared to 200 yrs ago, or 100, or 75 or 50 or 10 yrs ago… Which is a totally different question then what is partially shown. 2nd major issue with graphic and or survey, the graphic does not tell us what definition (if any) where provided to the respondents about what “a lot of” should mean. Which is a vague term, possibly left open to interpretation or defined, or subliminal defined by prior questions.

I then would ask who is the American National Social Network – what are their bias’s all groups have them
Survey does not appear to be of randomly selected America as not simply say 4,067 Americans. So what bias’s where in the survey.

So besides, you complete misunderstanding of what the graphic shows, the fact that we don’t even know what the question was they were responding to, nor anything about the survey group or sample says, or definition of a lot of…

Okay enough… thanks for the confirmation of what I had earlier concluded.

Time to run cold for a while.