Am I wrong on this one?

So there’s this truck on my street today. It has two flags on it.

  1. All Children Matter (pretty sure this one is for Native children specifically)
  2. Fuck Trudeau

Now it seems to me that if all children matter to you… you wouldn’t fly a flag that says “Fuck {insert name here}” for all children to see.

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What is it with the need for people to fly these stupid flags? And yes, you are correct. If this person cared about kids, this would not be the way he would display his hatred for Trudeau.

Honestly, the name on the flag doesn’t matter a whit to me.

It happens to say Fuck Trudeau. But “Fuck {any name}” is a strange message to send right beside “All Children Matter”.

So how is freedom of speech addressed in your laws up where you live?

Yes, Canada has freedom of speech, which is protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Charter is part of Canada’s Constitution and guarantees the following freedoms:

  • Freedom of expression, including freedom of the press and other media
  • Freedom of thought, belief, and opinion
  • Freedom of peaceful assembly
  • Freedom of association

Or it’s a message about kids, not a message to the kids.

But yeah, sure, kids see it too.


I think the issue is the assumption that foul language fits into the category of protecting children.

If your belief that all children’s lives matter means protecting their innocence from everything and anything then yes foul language would not be protecting them.

However if the belief that ACLM means more towards social protections and efforts and not what language they’re exposed to then those two notions are not mutually exclusive.

It seems like you believe the former.

does this mean he thinks NA kids are getting too much attention?

I know that it’s not a message to kids. But kids have eyes.

Why do we have flags that say Fuck anyone? Why do you never see a flag that says Fuck random right wing politician?

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… because the decline of civilization continues? And the level of public discourse is reflective of one’s level of discontent? i.e. the righties are angrier and more aggro than the lefties.

I agree with you that putting obscenities on shirts, flags, bumper stickers etc is low class and says more about the person.

However I have seen bumper stickers that say “Fuck Trump” or something similar. Maybe not a popular but they’re out there.

Also I think it’s more common for the Right to be willing to put that speech out there because “sticks and stones” while the Left tends to operate under the “words hurt my feelings.” Yes I know that’s a reductionist stereotype.

I have yet to see Fuck any right wing politician on a flag or a t shirt or bumper sticker.

I will report back the moment I see one. Don’t wait up.

I can imagine some people down there saying Fuck Trump though.

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Heaven forbid kids see the word “fuck.”

In the 70s, we said it commonly on the elementary school playground, in upscale Palos Verdes. We also knew adults said it, even though then we could t say it in front of them.

Is there something wrong with normalizing the word?

Just speculating here but I am guessing the “All Children Matter” is a fuck you to liberals and First Nations via Orange Shirt day. The phrase is actually “every child matters” and is specifically referring to survivors of the Residential School system. The same way “all lives matter” is not about all lives mattering, its mostly a FU to the Black Lives Matter movement.

Again, speculation based on the other bumper sticker which means that this person is likely an asshole.

I think it’s symptomatic of a break down between polite society and private or intimate (meaning your friends) life. I don’t there is anything wrong with using the word, just like I don’t think there is anything wrong with having sex but I don’t think it’s OK to bang your wife in public. Have a modicum of decency.

This discussion almost always turns into a philosophical one.

There’s a fine line between protecting the innocence of children and exposing them to “normal” life experiences.

As always it depends on the child and parents’ opinion on the child’s maturity level or ability to understand nuances and “appropriate for children to do” vs “adult only appropriateness.”

Sex is normal in life too. When do you expose them to sex? Would you grab your spouse’s ass in front of your kids and say “damn I like that?”

Do you say “that person makes me so fucking mad that I want to punch them in the face?”

Is it ok to use it in anger? Exclamatory? Sexual?

It’s always more than just a word. Its context, appropriateness, etc,

My wife and I are in the middle of this discussion because I’m liberal in my view of language and curse like a sailor. She is a teacher and far more conservative than I do we are at odds here in what language is appropriate.

I believe in teaching moments but I also believe in home vs public nuances. I understand some things, many things, are appropriate for parents to decide but I don’t dare assume what I believe is ok that others will and so I understand the threshold for society should be the more conservative approach.

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Maybe it’s just me but I am kind of done with normalizing shitty public behaviour.

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I’ll have to check it again when I see it. It was an orange flag and had native looking markings on it. Maybe it said Every Child matters. Of course, the truck is now gone. I’ve seen it a few times though so I will update when I see it and get it right.


If you want to have a great discussion with your wife about this topic, may I suggest the short series below? Fascinating stuff. Might even change minds. Funny as hell, too …


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