Am I wrong on this one?

This x1000. The pendulum has swung reeeallly far to the point where we just accept a lot as “well I can do it so I’m gonna and you can fuck off” whereas I think just because we CAN doesn’t mean we SHOULD."

I wouldn’t mind getting back to come respect and thinking about your fellow neighbor.

When the kids were younger there was a couple of ladies at the park that were cursing like sailors. I asked them to mind their language in front of the kids and of course they cussed me out. I see it like other “adult” things like alcohol or ■■■■■ Do whatever you want in the appropriate venue, but maybe try to avoid exposing it to kids you don’t know

Now that the kids are in middle school it is a real challenge for them. My wife and I almost never swear and they know they aren’t really supposed to in front of us, but of course it is the language franca in middle school. So we tell them it is fine if they use it when it is appropriate. Extreme frustration, sure. Dinner table conversation, not really. Use it too often and it loses its power.

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I only read the title but probably.

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To provide some context, apologies if someone else mentioned it, I did not see it.

Every Child Matters - is a slogan and movement that originated in Canada to bring attention to and honor the indigenous children that were sent (many forcibly) to residential schools.

The two flags paired are strange indeed, but the Every Child Matters isn’t about shielding kids from profanity and likely ignorant fuckers in public. I personally think anyone who flies, wears, or otherwise posts “Fuck So-and-So” in their yard to be idiots of the highest order and them advertising their idiocy makes it easier for me to avoid them.

I have and do wear an Every Child Matters shirt. A few years ago we had a thread about remains being found at former residential schools in Canada and the US. I have family members who were forced to attend a couple of schools in Washington and Montana.

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Severely restricted relative to the US but better than the UK

People don’t like Reagan, W, or Trump.

So do children matter or not. The stupid fucking semantics these days I find annoying (along with appropriation of different symobols and flags).

Such bullshit

You keep repeating this bullshit. It never becomes true.

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What is the status of Bill C-63?

I definitely remember a lot of “Fuck Bush” shirts in the early 00’s. That guy was hated.

Regarding OP, Trudeau hasn’t exactly been the savior of indigenous people heade himself out to be. I can see why someone passionate about indigenous experiences and people would not be a fan of JT.

The reality is Canada has certainly opened the door for speech to be repressed under the guise of hate speech.

In practice there aren’t many examples of that happening but it’s not a good look.

If the Internet Harms bill passes you’re probably moving behind the UK.

Canada does have free speech generally but it also has several laws and court decisions that can or restricted it and would not pass muster in the US.

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I suppose it is conceivable that even folks with Native background have gotten fed up with Mr. Trudeau. He didn’t exactly move at light speed on giving clean water to all Native areas. And he did force through the pipeline in BC. I think forcing through the pipeline was a good thing but creating the situation where the federal gov’t was the only entity that would do it (no one else wanted to take the financial risk on) was a bad thing

Mr Trudeau promulgates sloppily written vague laws that incentivize complaints against private citizens with no consequences for the complainants. With very serious consequences for the defendants. C63 is one example

C70 is another.

When you have entities on both the right and the left seriously against a bill (BC Civil liberties association and the canadian centre for constitutional rights it seems like it is a bad bill

As an example. You go and act at a pro Hamas protest. The protest leads to significant damage to public infrastructure. Lets say you didn’t personally participate in the vandalism etc. Nevertheless you can be convicted of acting on behalf of a foreign entity and go to prison for years. I’m all for clearing protestors off private property who are protesting the war but this is significant overreach

Hate speech should be narrowly defined as such

The use of censorship by the government should be confined to a narrow category of extreme expression — that which threatens, advocates or justifies violence against the members of an identifiable group

But Mr Trudeau repeatedly goes beyond that passing sloppy laws and emboldening extra judical bodies populated by activists (human rights tribunals in Canada) to persecute people

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Not to me. I have no problem with profanity used in the proper context that shows how one feels. Even by children. They curse whether you pretend they don’t or not.