2024 Bike Racing Banter V2 ***Spoilers***

De Lie, Magnus Cort, LFF

I just realized that you can edit which categories appear on the left hand column. Which now makes it easier for me to see if there’s new comments in the non-tri threads.


Ferris, Crime Dog, MattyJo

This is where we need
a) signatures
b) a link in your signature to a document that has all names.

the document will
a) allow me to remember who Crime Dog is
b) make sure all that work doesn’t get lost next “upgrade”

PS : MattyJo’s mom HATES people referring to him as MattyJo. But I suspect she isn’t on this forum

I think it’s just me but perhaps/probably some others from the broader ST forum.

As for picks, the Quebec race is somewhat predictable in that it’s usually won by punchy sprinters (twice each from Sagan, Matthews, and Gerrans) but then interspersed in the there you’ve got Rigo, the Coz, and Gesink. Sometimes the longer range moves work. That final drag to the line is tough to get right. A dude like De Lie, who can extend a full-on sprint for such a long time, works great here.

I’m going to stick with my picks of De Lie, Girmay, and Matthews with Stevie Williams as a wildcard. I know IPT is probably working for Strong, but maybe sending Stevie up the road early can be in service to that. Van Gils and Lulu probably good for this kind of thing too.

Bling loves Canada. I hope he bags a win.

From a personal point of view, PLEASE go to sub threads. I’m a cyclist, but I don’t have time to visit Slowtwitch that much, and following the one big thread became impossible. As a result, despite cycling being my life, I rarely visited the cycling thread. If there were sub threads that were easier to follow personally I suspect I’d be way more active, and maybe others would be too?

I hear you, and while this is perfectly doable in a place geared more toward cyclists and having a higher number of participants who cares about pro cycling, it’s just not as good of a solution in a forum primarily aimed at triathletes.

On another cycling forum I frequent, each big-ish event gets its own thread. Sometimes, there may be 30+ posts, but other times there may be only 3-5 max (say for Scheldeprijs, De Panne, or Le Samyn). And that’s on a forum where there are probably 40-50 posters who spectate cycling. Obviously, at a place with an even greater reach (say the pro cycling spectating subreddit), every event gets its own in-race thread and post-race thread.

But here, we have maybe 15 posters who care, and not all of us are bothered enough to post about every race. So if I were to start a thread about Plouay, it’s a thread that will likely have 1-2 posts max unless it’s a cult favorite who wins it (e.g. Vanmarcke from a few years ago).

Crime Dog = Ben Healy

The one caveat I could see is doing a standalone Tour thread.

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I started a nickname thread, but no one wanted to play

I think you could split the difference - not having a new thread for each race, but have, say, a thread for each of the grand tours, one for the spring classics, one for the fall classics, one for worlds, etc.

I agree that we just tend to have a long conversation that evolves, doubles back on itself, etc. and it’s hard to separate the topics when it’s just a natural flow of conversation.

I supposed the idea of this subforum is road cycling in general, and pro racing is only one aspect of that.

Who’s running this place? Lumberg?

If we get relocated with our desk and our stapler to the basement, we just regroup. No biggie.

No Montreal pour moi. Bummed but will stream with interest. Where, btw? Am I going to have to put my self respect on the shelf again and go Flo?

Lots of great racing to go and I’m glad everyone is still here.

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just checked hbo feed to see Walton jr in the break. that’s how you intro yourself to pro tour racing - nice.
Does Matteo’s mater have a preferred name we should/could use?
The Jorg collective (resistance is futile?)??
Does the Marcag know if '26 Worlds is heavily based on current Montreal course?
Milton has a sweet retro stapler - we best not leave that behind.

The one caveat I could see is doing a standalone Tour thread

With the additional caveat that we are almost certain that if we were to start a 3-week long thread for a grand tour, a schismatic would agitate for and create separate threads for each stage, not too dissimilar to how new religious sects are formed, branching out from an existing one.

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Kudos to Max for grabbing the Eurosport feed for Quebec et Montreal.

Encroyable weather.

I’d go with Jorgo in deference to his mom.

Can’t do MJ. Its taken by a goat.

Fair enough, I can see that. Maybe I’ll have to just try and get better at staying in touch with this thread!

They haven’t put out an official course for 2026, and I don’t imagine they will any time soon. The 1974 Worlds course was, as far as I can tell, the same as the Grand Prix (it’s on ProCyclingStats). From what I’ve heard they’re considering starting the race outside the city and using the Grand Prix course for finishing circuits.

The current course has gotten so stale and formulaic, that I think they ought to do something different (like how they removed the Cauberg from Amstel and made it much more exciting than just a last-lap uphill charge).

I’d imagine maintaining the current laps, but have the last climb top out with more than 10 km to go, might induce a more exciting finale.

Blockquote Kudos to Max for grabbing the Eurosport feed for Quebec et Montreal.

holy s***, it ain’t cheap! $20 for two races…

I’d be happy to pay for just the cycling at $10, but to have to pay regular HBO subscription as well…

But I think I get a bunch of Studio Ghibli films available via Max?

Nice effort by Jorgensen.

De Lie holding Ferris’ wheel when he unleashed that jump? Damn. Not many can do that.

But Lotto-Destiny really messed that one up. 3-1? Why didn’t they commit a guy to work? I think you like De Lie in a sprint (though acknowledging Pogi could win that sprint). They basically sat up and didn’t finish with a guy in the top 10.