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Re: Cushioned shoes increase leg stiffness and amplifies impact loading [Titanflexr]
I hope nobody in here takes any advice from orthopedic surgeons. They literally make a killing off of your poor running form and are always happy to operate. They are a part of the problem IMO. That being said, increase the cadence, land on your mid foot(yeah it takes concentration) and run in whatever shoe feels good. Moon boots, military boots, dress shoes, or a strap of rubber. Anybody landing on straight legs without using the body as it was meant to mitigate and then absorb that shock through muscles, tendons, and many bent joints VS extended knees is going to get injured. Increase mileage too quickly, and you’re going to get injured. Changing from thick Hokas to carbon race shoes without adapting to them, you’re going to get injured. The body adapts well but TIME is what most runners fail to give their bodies in training. Everybody wants a quick fix.. i agree. Dumb “study”
Last edited by: TonyRad: Mar 30, 24 19:22

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  • Post edited by TonyRad (Cloudburst Summit) on Mar 30, 24 19:22