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Re: Platypus Thread: Aero Virtual Elevation Testing Protocol
I'm hoping to get a little help troubleshooting my protocol. I am currently setup using a wahoo elemnt bolt as my ride recorder, garmin vector 3s as my power meter, and a garmin speed sensor 2 as my speed sensor.

My course is an out and back with an initial climb and then a short downhill and immediate uphill, both of which I coast to lose enough speed to turn around on the uphill without using any brakes. I've got my start/finish position chalked on the road as well as the start, apex, and finish of my turnaround point. I use the lap button on each start and finish and use that to cut out the turnaround back (in red) to the start as I have to break hard to turnaround on the start/finish portion of my test area.

I've been out testing a single position on 3 different days so far and have yet to come up with consistent results from any of them. Each day of testing has had very little wind. I recognize that I'm on a single sided powermeter which isn't the best, but is I would think that having a muscle imbalance would skew the cda results and that I wouldn't have an inconsistent enough imbalance to make the results as unreliable as they are.

Any ideas on what could be making my lap not symmetrical comparing pre-turnaround to after turnaround? My first guess would be maybe some wind but each lap being non-symmetrical in almost the same way makes me doubt it. Could I have missed a recording setting that smells like smart recording? I've got my speed sensor set to use the specific wheel circumference but haven't found any settings for the powermeter that would suggest fishy recording. Or does it all come down to using a single sided powermeter?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Happy New Year.
Last edited by: arkwebb: Dec 31, 21 22:20

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  • Post edited by arkwebb (Big Pines) on Dec 31, 21 22:20