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Re: High Hamstring (or Biceps Femoris) Tendinopathy: Who's had it? [MarkyV]
MarkyV wrote:

ericMPro wrote:
I’d like to focus on saddle and position in this thread but should say that doing deadlifts is the best way to heal and/or prevent this kind of stuff IMO. Deadlifts, RDLs, Nordics, etc. Work that ass...

I'd be careful about saying anything that could prevent this stuff. You can do all that and still overreach with the running and have something like this happen. I haven't looked any time recently but last i checked there's zip in the literature to suggest that lifting weights "prevents" injury. The literature is also incredibly exacting.

ericMPro wrote:
Now, that said, do you think you were still on your sit bones so much because your cranks were too long, making hip angle too acute at top dead center?


ericMPro wrote:

Also, with the trend toward tilt as of late and getting weight onto the front end thru this mechanism,

Not sure what this trend is, help a brother out? :)

ericMPro wrote:
any more thoughts on 2000s MarkyV’s hammies and lack of a butt in light of today’s modern positions and modern fitters making bike work for athlete instead of other way around? I’ve got a theory going about this...

I always fit myself and it was always based on pseudo FIST principles and fundamentals. Sure we know more, but time and again my fit was seen as outside of norms by most but i always found it very comfy. Enough so that when i was really exhausted I'd have to be careful not to close my eyes cuz i was so comfy in aero that i very well might have been able to drift off to sleep 😬

With regard to your fit, you and I are the two mutant dots way out to the lower right quadrant of the graph, so I know what you’re talking about re: comfort.

As to prevention, I meant with my own post-hamstring problem self, not the general population.


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Last edited by: ericMPro: May 7, 21 6:41

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  • Post edited by ericMPro (Dawson Saddle) on May 7, 21 6:41