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Re: FS: Not Round Front Wheel from MyBikeShop [Goobdog]
I'm in on screenshots, I'll warn you though they'll be digitally screened to assure no alterations have been made.
I don't care about the wheel your buying. You said you were buying last week, you didn't. Game over. You said you don't buy second hand and that you buy from a shop, yet this deal isn't. Game over #2. Your words alone are proof that your word means nothing and your story doesn't add up.

I'm not a bigshot, and I'm not trying to come across as one either. I'm not an Internet tough guy, and don't pretend to be. I'm not into people trying to strong arm and slander into getting their way. I'm also not keen on the intent of damaging ones reputation and their livelihood, which is why I've pulled a lot of punches on this subject.

As for how much I can or can't handle, I do fine thank you. I'm rather young, invest, dump into kids college funds, am quite charitable, and have no debt.


Last edited by: wiRIDEfast: Aug 25, 15 4:16

Edit Log:

  • Post edited by wiRIDEfast (Lightning Ridge) on Aug 25, 15 4:16