Anyone know where I can buy Zoggs goggles in the U.S.? I’ve lost my supplier & I’m down to my last pair!
Are you looking for a specific Zoggs model? I’ve noticed that the most common Zoggs model, the one-piece flexible rubber type with the little rivet-like dots around the perimeter of the lenses, is available under a number of other brand names. I actually have the same goggles with the same patent number stamped on them, under the Zoggs, Speedo, and Tyr brand names. So you might try those other brands.
Thanks. I’m looking for the Sonic model & noticed Tyr has one that looks like it (at least what I can see from the catalog). I’ll give the Tyr a try since the Sonic doesn’s seem to be available in the U.S. I bought 3 pairs of Sonics 2 years ago from TriZone who stopped carrying Zoggs due to difficulty dealing with the company.