Your favorite seinfeld episodes?

This is my “calming” show right now. I’ve seen all the classics like soup nazi. What slightly lesser-known episodes do you really like?

“I don’t have a square to spare” episode, aka “the stall”

This is my “calming” show right now. I’ve seen all the classics like soup nazi. What slightly lesser-known episodes do you really like?

I just watched “The chicken roaster” today. Classic. Jerry and Kramer switch personalities. Great stuff.

Hard to believe the show has been over for 25 years. It still kills.

The competition. And the Second Spitter.


“Step off, George”


It’s ok that you just like the classic episodes.


It’s ok that you just like the classic episodes.

Perhaps I should rewatch some. Maybe my point in life has changed.

it’s also ok if you don’t like it :wink: I was teasing

This is my “calming” show right now. I’ve seen all the classics like soup nazi. What slightly lesser-known episodes do you really like?

I just watched “The chicken roaster” today. Classic. Jerry and Kramer switch personalities. Great stuff.

Hard to believe the show has been over for 25 years. It still kills.

I love that episode.

A year or two later my wife and I drove by our local Kenny Rogers Roasters and it was closed down. I loved that place. I said it just like Kramer:

WIth the possible exception of Soup Nazi, I think Chinese Restaurant is the classic episode.

It’s a modern day Waiting for Godot, an episode about nothing within a series about nothing. Apparently the network almost rejected it, until Larry David threatened to quit.

The analog from Breaking Bad is The Fly; except that was an episode about nothing in a series that was barreling forward at breakneck speed.

There’s nuance in nothing.

A couple of years ago, I received Jerry Seinfeld’s book Is This Anything? for Christmas. It’s basically all of his notebooks, transcribed

As a fan from his first appearance on Rodney Dangerfield’s Young Comedians specials on HBO, it was fun flipping though his notes and seeing bits that would eventually become plot lines for episodes on Seinfeld

The problem with parking garages is the way they are labeled: colors, letters, numbers; they’re too confusing

If they had a parking area named “You’re mother’s a whore” certainly you’d remember that

“I swear we parked in ‘You’re mother’s a whore’”
“I thought we were in ‘Your father’s an abusive alcoholic?’”

Dan Cortez taking Kramer and George rock climbing. Bowling wasn’t enough of a rush.

Perhaps I should rewatch some. Maybe my point in life has changed.

I’m with you. Seinfeld just never did it for me, still doesn’t. I do like Larry David and Curb Your Enthusiasm quite a bit more. (Larry was co-creator of Seinfeld)

The Marine biologist.

I liked them all. I was a huge fan when the show was on.

But since it hasn’t been mentioned, The Contest.

Black market showerheads, like the kind they use for elephants.

The Marine biologist.

Is that a Titleist?

The Puffy Shirt

It shrinks?

Like a frightened turtle.