Your favorite memories of Rep. Santos

As mentioned in another thread, his Snake River Canyon jump and Twin Tower tightrope walk are burned into my memory so deeply that his brief stint in Congress barely even registers.

How will you best remember this quintessential American legend?

His performance in Raging Bull was epic.

When he pulled Saddam Hussein out of the hiding hole. Fucking hero he is!

Is that the guy who delivers presents on Christmas? He’s missed delivery for almost 50 years so I don’t think much of him.

His discovery and perfection of cold fusion was truly revolutionary. How he was overlooked for the Nobel Prize is inexplicable.

His starring role in the 2023 remake of Debbie Does Dallas was captivating. Casting a guy as Debbie was groundbreaking.

His discovery and perfection of cold fusion was truly revolutionary. How he was overlooked for the Nobel Prize is inexplicable.

My guess is that his identification of the three servicemen in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier a few months earlier overshadowed that achievement.

When Geraldo Rivera opened the vault and Santos was already there, well, how could you ever forget that!

Only Mary and Joseph know this, but Santos was actually the father of Jesus. This also explains why Father Christmas is called Santa Claus because he was named after Santos.

His discovery and perfection of cold fusion was truly revolutionary. How he was overlooked for the Nobel Prize is inexplicable.

My guess is that his identification of the three servicemen in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier a few months earlier overshadowed that achievement.[/quote

Cherry on top was that he served with one of them in an elite swift boat squad in Vietnam.

His discovery and perfection of cold fusion was truly revolutionary. How he was overlooked for the Nobel Prize is inexplicable.

Well he had won three already. I believe he declined another out of his renowned humility.

When he goes to prison.

I’m still incredulous that he was able both to run the first sub-4 minute mile and make the first ascent of Mount Everest in the same year. Almost unbelievable.

When he goes to prison.

Yeah, you’re just jealous because the blue tarp on Santos’ shed is holding up better than yours.

some people say he didn’t write the words himself. that it was all a PR move by the bigwigs. other people say that they all workshopped the lines in advance. but you know what? i don’t care, because he was the man. all history will remember when he stepped down that ladder and uttered:

“one small step for man. one giant leap for mankind.”

As an Australian, his role playing both leads in Dumb and Dumber really made him stand out and get noticed down under.

Brilliant move by him to cross the Delaware on Christmas night and mount a surprise attack on the British during the Revolutionary War.

Brilliant move by him to cross the Delaware on Christmas night and mount a surprise attack on the British during the Revolutionary War.

Ah yes, when they took over the airports!

He bitch slapped Duffy, JSA, Chainpin, theForge, and BK so hard they’ve never set foot in the LR again.