(Yet Another) Taylor Swift Challenge

Aside from the 3-hour treadmill workout we’ve all heard about by now …

One of D’Kid’s friends - I forget which Swiftie, exactly, but it might be the one whom plans to run a marathon this year? - mentioned there is a “challenge” (from TikTok - maybe? - but I can’t find the post) to do a plank every day, the length of ONE Taylor Swift song, from shortest to longest; the goal being able to hold a plank for the entire 10-plus minute duration of “All Too Well (Taylor’s Version)”

I countered with “maybe I’ll do Green Day?” as I know “Jesus of Suburbia” runs over 9 minutes, and I could start with some shorter songs in the 1-2 minute range

Let me know when you’re ready to do the Dream Theater Challenge. “6 Degrees Of Inner Turbulence” runs just over 42 minutes… :slight_smile:

I am going to try this!

I’ll do the Ramones.

I will do the Green Day challenge with you.

Post the playlist we are going to do the challenge to, and I’ll let you know when I fail.
What is their shortest song? All by myself?

I’ll do the Ramones.

Hahahaha, that DID cross my mind; I think their first ever set at CBGB was 12 songs in 20 minutes?


I will do the Green Day challenge with you.

Post the playlist we are going to do the challenge to, and I’ll let you know when I fail.

What is their shortest song? “All by myself?”

I haven’t created a playlist yet, but here’s the resource I’ll use for it


You can sort by length

You really can’t fail, if you proceed reasonably = only adding a couple seconds per day

It’s kinda like using “The Gary the Vale Ultramarathon Training Program”: Every week, you add ONE mile to your long run; ideally, by going 1/2 a mile further on an out-n-back route, so you can look 800yds down the road and say to yourself “Self. We’re going down to there next week. Just a little further, that’s not so bad, right?”

Piece of cake!!!

The easiest would be Napalm Death’s “You Suffer”, well, maybe that’s so short if would actually be hard to plank for only that long. Plenty of punk and grindcore stuff under a minute.

…at the opposite end, off the top of my head Bell Witch’s “Mirror Reaper” is just over 83 minutes of funeral doom in a single song.

I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that the planking trend is back, or that Swifties are responsible :frowning:

Ok, I did a “baseline” today, as I think that’s where/how one should start something like this?

2:54, but I may have been able to go longer if the cat hadn’t come by

By Taylor’s playlist, I think that gets me “Midnight Rain” which manifests probably the fucking creepiest use of AutoTune that I’ve ever heard*


On the Green Day side …


  • “I buried Paul”/“Cranberry Sauce” was equally creepy, but that was achieved by manipulating the tape — I’m only considering AutoTune here
    ** note: video lengths almost never match “official” song lengths

You really can’t fail, if you proceed reasonably = only adding a couple seconds per day

It’s kinda like using “The Gary the Vale Ultramarathon Training Program”: Every week, you add ONE mile to your long run; ideally, by going 1/2 a mile further on an out-n-back route, so you can look 800yds down the road and say to yourself “Self. We’re going down to there next week. Just a little further, that’s not so bad, right?”

Piece of cake!!!

Hmm…just bench press your child from birth, every day. Advise what happens first: you fail at bench-pressing them…or, they graduate from HS.

I could bench press D’Kid’s equivalent weight, easy

But, using an actual (squishy & wiggly) human body like use to when she was a toddler? No fucking chance

She is a witch. Not playing this game. Also. I’m a grown man not a 11 year old girl with parents that don’t pay attention to her videos and lyrics.

Find another artist then; I’m going with Green Day

No one can debate that core strength isn’t useful, and any way to improve it is beneficial, especially if it can be fun

“Some things are too important to take seriously”

After establishing “American Idiot” as the baseline, I did some thinking

‘If we start here, we’re gonna miss out on a lot of good tunes in the low 2-minute range. What fun would that be?’

So, I went back to the beginning (the aforementioned “Song Of The Century”) and did two sets per day, for a total of 2:30 or so?

When I get to the songs that are a full 2:00, I’ll step back to one per day … or maybe not?

A couple of mods the Program - the Sweet Children songs listed are not on Spotify that I can find, so I’ll skip them. Also, the new release, Saviors, might not get into the database/list right away, so I’ll slip them in whenever I think of it

She is a witch. Not playing this game. Also. I’m a grown man not a 11 year old girl with parents that don’t pay attention to her videos and lyrics.


I’m a grown man, and I love some of her albums. What’s wrong with T Swift?

There’s probably a Lavender Room thread or two about that; no need to rehash here


So ---- after a couple starts & stops (and re-starts & stops) with a consistent program since April 1st and doing two sessions a day, I’ve gotten up to “Pulling Teeth” clocking in at 2:30

Not only is this (maybe) a great core workout, it’s also an excellent exercise to explore some deeper cuts in the catalogue that I never really listened to

I asked D’Kid “so is ‘the plank girl’ going to add the new Tortured Poets songs at the end or drop them in now? Does she have a strategy so ALL Taylor Swift songs are covered?”
“I have no idea” she answered “I thought it was stupid”

I guess I’m on my own


So ---- after a couple starts & stops (and re-starts & stops) with a consistent program since April 1st and doing two sessions a day, I’ve gotten up to “Pulling Teeth” clocking in at 2:30

Not only is this (maybe) a great core workout, it’s also an excellent exercise to explore some deeper cuts in the catalogue that I never really listened to

I asked D’Kid “so is ‘the plank girl’ going to add the new Tortured Poets songs at the end or drop them in now? Does she have a strategy so ALL Taylor Swift songs are covered?”
“I have no idea” she answered “I thought it was stupid”

I guess I’m on my own


You add in any songs from TPD that are longer than where you are currently at, but don’t have to go back and do the shorter ones. Kinda like when they add quests to a RPG, but you are already too high level for many of them.

I have this on authority from Taylor…well, a guy named Taylor who DoorDashed my Wing Stop order.

So ---- after a couple starts & stops (and re-starts & stops) with a consistent program since April 1st and doing two sessions a day, I’ve gotten up to “Pulling Teeth” clocking in at 2:30


After slipping in a a couple tracks from Saviors and some solo releases from Bille Joe’s No Fun Mondays covers EP done during the COVID lockdown*, I have reached “American Idiot” - my baseline at 2:54

Onward (or downward, as the case may be)

  • It didn’t occur to me until just now to include other side projects or “Green Day in disguise” bands like Foxboro Hottubs or The Network in the schedule 😎