Yeah, I don't have that much cash

Trump made a motion to stay the execution of the (now) $450million+ fraud judgment. As we all know by now, you need to put up the entire amount or a surety bond of the entire amount to stay such an execution.

Trump is offering $100million. He also wants to not have an independent monitor or director of compliance during the stay (“we gonna need to do more criming to get the money we need”).

Office of the Attorney General: “Nah.”

Question: Judge Engoron says that he wants this $350 million within 30 days. Does Donald Trump have that kind of money sitting around?

Habba: I mean, he does. Of course he has money. You know, he’s a billionaire. Um, we know that

Now, I’m just an average Joe but I’m guessing most billionaires don’t typically have 350m in cash just sitting around in their “6 month emergency fund” savings account. Their wealth is going to be tied up in assets, no?

Trump is offering $100million.

Does he think he is buying lawn furniture off of FB Marketplace with that lowball offer?

Trump is offering $100million.

Does he think he is buying lawn furniture off of FB Marketplace with that lowball offer?

Sad, you just don’t understand what a great negotiator he is. You should read Art of the Deal.

Trump is offering $100million.

Does he think he is buying lawn furniture off of FB Marketplace with that lowball offer?

100 million is a lot of scratch. The State of New York could take care of a lot of immigrants with that money.

Now, I’m just an average Joe but I’m guessing most billionaires don’t typically have 350m in cash just sitting around in their “6 month emergency fund” savings account. Their wealth is going to be tied up in assets, no?

“Don’t do the crime if you ain’t got the dime”

(I just made that up)

No sympathy from the AG or from me.

j p o wrote:

Trump is offering $100million.

Does he think he is buying lawn furniture off of FB Marketplace with that lowball offer?
100 million is a lot of scratch. The State of New York could take care of a lot of immigrants with that money.

I would LOVE to see NY use that money to take care of immigrants. That would be a really nice FU to TFG

Trump is offering $100million.

Does he think he is buying lawn furniture off of FB Marketplace with that lowball offer?

If you read the AG’s response, you’ll see that the Supreme Court Appellate Division has no authority to reduce the amount of the judgment in considering the stay motion: it’s law. No idea what the “lawyers” think they can get away with here.

Hasn’t this been his life long MO? Sign a contract, refuse to pay, go to court, offer a low ball. It has worked when dealing with numerous contractors and others who didn’t have endless time and money to fight with him. Hopefully it doesn’t work here.

Trump is offering $100million.

Does he think he is buying lawn furniture off of FB Marketplace with that lowball offer?

This has been Trump’s MO since the 80’s with my Union;

First he tries to screw you

Next he stalls

Then he tries to negotiate

Then he loses in court

Tries to stall again

Tries to renegotiate

Finally, pays up

Of course, he never owed us a half a million dollars. Right now he has money from the DC hotel sale, but not enough. Mostly he has a lot of highly mortgaged properties, that he has over enflated the value of, that nobody else wants.

I was told on good accord a couple of weeks ago that this kind of money wasn’t a big deal. He has 80 million supporters and just needs 5 from each.

Trump is offering $100million.

Does he think he is buying lawn furniture off of FB Marketplace with that lowball offer?

Judge Engoron: “Don’t lowball me. I know what I’ve got here.”

Trump is offering $100million.

Does he think he is buying lawn furniture off of FB Marketplace with that lowball offer?

If you read the AG’s response, you’ll see that the Supreme Court Appellate Division has no authority to reduce the amount of the judgment in considering the stay motion: it’s law. No idea what the “lawyers” think they can get away with here.

Once again it isn’t so much the lawyers as it is the orange once telling them what to try to do. He can’t comprehend he is not above the law and that is due to no one ever holding him accountable in his life.

Trump is offering $100million.

Does he think he is buying lawn furniture off of FB Marketplace with that lowball offer?

This has been Trump’s MO since the 80’s with my Union;

First he tries to screw you

Next he stalls

Then he tries to negotiate

Then he loses in court

Tries to stall again

Tries to renegotiate

Finally, pays up

Of course, he never owed us a half a million dollars. Right now he has money from the DC hotel sale, but not enough. Mostly he has a lot of highly mortgaged properties, that he has over enflated the value of, that nobody else wants.

That would be half a billion, with a “b”.

Trump is offering $100million.

Does he think he is buying lawn furniture off of FB Marketplace with that lowball offer?

This has been Trump’s MO since the 80’s with my Union;

First he tries to screw you

Next he stalls

Then he tries to negotiate

Then he loses in court

Tries to stall again

Tries to renegotiate

Finally, pays up

Of course, he never owed us a half a million dollars. Right now he has money from the DC hotel sale, but not enough. Mostly he has a lot of highly mortgaged properties, that he has over enflated the value of, that nobody else wants.

That would be half a billion, with a “b”.

Yes, my mistake, Trump is F@cked!

Yes, my mistake, Trump is F@cked!

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

I was told on good accord a couple of weeks ago that this kind of money wasn’t a big deal. He has 80 million supporters and just needs 5 from each.

Oh, it is indeed a lot of money. If he can put it together remains to be seen, but at this point he is not in the “putting it together phase” of Trump money handling. According to others, he is in the stall and refuse to pay stage. We will see if he gets to the paying it stage.


Put in a similar situation I would try the same thing. There is absolutely no harm in asking, even when the rules are hard and fast against you. I do it on a much smaller scale (with far less at risk) 3 or 4 times a year. Once in a while it turns out better than I expected or hoped.

Wayne Gretzky to Bob McKenzie from a 1983 interview where Bob asked Wayne why he took so many shots during the season: “You miss one hundred precent of the shots you don’t take, even though there is a 1-5% probably of scoring.”

We will see if he gets to the paying it stage.
When he refuses to pay: can’t the State of NY seize assets like real estate, attach his bank accounts, etc?