From the article…
" In his late 30s, he’ll get into marathons, and they’ll lead to triathlons and eventually to the Ironman competition. Yeah, that means a trip to Hawaii, but instead of chilling on the beach you’ll be cheering him on from the sidelines. Having fun yet?"
The real question is: Why are you reading Cosmopolitan dating tips?
The real question is: Why are you reading Cosmopolitan dating tips?
I knew that would come up. It was on the main page when I was on yahoo. I get a good kick out of some of those lists they put up.
From the article…
" In his late 30s, he’ll get into marathons, and they’ll lead to triathlons and eventually to the Ironman competition. Yeah, that means a trip to Hawaii, but instead of chilling on the beach you’ll be cheering him on from the sidelines. Having fun yet?"
Fuck, I am only 22 and I have done everything yet
From the article: “Adrenaline Junkie This dude skydives, surfs, runs with the bulls – anything for that rush. And he has the sick abs and chiseled arms to prove it. But to keep him happy, you need to be in perpetual motion too. This guy does not like to sit around, and he doesn’t like for you to sit around either. And it isn’t just a phase. In his late 30s, he’ll get into marathons, and they’ll lead to triathlons and eventually to the Ironman competition. Yeah, that means a trip to Hawaii, but instead of chilling on the beach you’ll be cheering him on from the sidelines. Having fun yet?”
The writer thinks this is bad? Silly boy, this is a minimum qualification in my dating book Perhaps I’ll update my dating profile: “Wanted: Adrenaline Junkie. Lesser Men Need Not Apply.”
Only 22? Good lawd…I got underwear older 'n that (hahaha!)
Hey…think of it this way: By the time you hit your late 30s, you’ll have such a huge aerobic base you won’t need to do much but maybe swim a thousand yards a week, bike 25 miles and run 3 or 4 miles a week to maintain that sub-9 hour Ironman fitness the next 10 years of racing’ll get you to.
'Course, all that other crazy stuff (BASE jumping, climbing Everest, wrestling 50 foot Anaconda snakes, etc.) these women want men to do nowadays, in order to get their attention, could lead to a permanent disability, but that’s the price we pay for companionship these days, huh?
wait a minute… If I waited until my late 30’s to start running marathons, making it to Kona would just be part of the natural progression? Damn it, why didn’t someone tell me earlier
From the article…
" In his late 30s, he’ll get into marathons, and they’ll lead to triathlons and eventually to the Ironman competition. Yeah, that means a trip to Hawaii, but instead of chilling on the beach you’ll be cheering him on from the sidelines. Having fun yet?"
It sounds like the writer of the article has an ax to grind with an ex.
Man, that’s dumb on several levels.
Triathletes are adrenaline junkies? I don’t see it. I don’t know about the rest of you, but most of the dedicated triathletes I know were never ones that would have been into extreme sports or events.
And it’s just automatic that if you get into marathons, you’ll do triathlons, and, of course, you’ll get to go to Kona? I must be doing something horribly wrong, then.
Don’t click on Yahoo news articles. Unless, you want more articles on the same subject to show up in your Yahoo news list.
They profile you based on the subject lines you click on and send you more articles and advertising based on subjects you’ve selected in news articles.
And since most of their news stories have mis-leading subjects, you get fooled into areas you may not have an interested in. Its more of that guerilla crap.
This article from Cosmo may not be something you want associated with your profile. You might be fine with it, but I personally don’t like anyone filtering the news I choose to receive.
Pretty accurate.
I do not know but to me Adrenaline Junkie and running marathons/Ironmans can’t be further apart. There is nothing more boring than Marathon/Ironman compared to what Adrenaline Junkies do.
well…this article was written by a comedian after all. not meant as a serious analysis.
How do you know? The author is listed as Cosmo.
i assumed that will forte had something to do with it. if it wasn’t meant to be funny, then getting forte as the ‘model’ was an odd choice.
I do not know but to me Adrenaline Junkie and running marathons/Ironmans can’t be further apart. There is nothing more boring than Marathon/Ironman compared to what Adrenaline Junkies do.
Not really it’s just a different kind of adrenaline rush.
How do you know? The author is listed as Cosmo.
At the top, in big ol’ letters below the title, it says “Saturday Night Live’s hilarious Will Forte brings to life good-on-paper dudes who are really just chumps in disguise. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.” And then there’s the big picture of Will Forte at the top of the article…
But you get a nice adrenaline rush when you finish-At least I did when I finished in Lake Placid the first time. Not so much the 2nd time. Probably won’t the 3rd time either. Ok, you’re right.
It’s referring to the pictures, smarty pants. Thus the “brings to life”. Then it says “by Cosmo”. Nice try though.
Yeah, I fit that mold.