Xterra Richmond after 100k MTB Race?

Depending on the Xterra and work schedule for 2013 I thought about doing a 100k MTB race the week before. Normally the Mohican 100k is the week before Xterra Richmond and I am thinking about doing both. I live in Ohio and we only have one Xterra race that is pretty good but I thought about trying Richmond because of the bike course and make it a small vacation with the family.

The Mohican 100k will more than likely kick my butt(LOTS of climbing) but I am not sure if I can train properly and still fit in swimming and running? I am not a good triathlete but I enjoy it and have done one Xterra and about 4 sprints along with a 16 mile MTB race.

Any advise or tips for training? I would like to find a good plan that could make this work.