Just had a friend of mine pass on a little rumor about a new off road triathlon in Pueblo, Colorado. I heard it will be on the trails around the lake. Some of my favorite trails down there and am wondering if anyone else has heard about it or seen anything official yet? Those trails are fast and flowy in areas but nice and technical in others. The right course would be fun!
Yeah this race is a go! It’s gonna be a blast. I wish I could pass on more information about the course, but the pre-ride and other events haven’t quite happened yet. I’ll let you know when I learn more.
Can you share the date of the race? Thanks.
Right now it is scheduled for September 9th.
Has anyone asked Xterra on their facebook page to confirm? I know they reply to questions on their FB page. September would be perfect weather down there. Any info on when a webpage or something will be up? I have heard a big buzz about the event already.
This event will be pretty sweet! I can confirm it’s happening. The webpage and other information should be up soon and I’ll update you guys when I learn more.
New race just opened registration, XTERRA Curt Gowdy. The mountain biking up there is some of the best in the entire region, this race should be awesome.
Can you get me the race director info and as much info about the race as you can? I would love to seethe emails - very interested in it. PM is fine if you don’t want info public yet. Thanks.
so far I only know that this event will be produced and that a top knotch high quality event can be expected. there should be a video and other info released as soon as the course clears which I will make sure you get ahold of as soon as it is completed. I have little course information other then there will be a 15 mile bike and 4 mile run. I’ll have more updates soon.
Cool. Please keep me in the loop and update as you get them.
not a problem! there should be an event page soon
Hey everyone and thanks for the interest in XTERRA Pueblo. This event is confirmed for September 9th, 2012 and it will be an awesome event! The website will be public by new years and registration will be open at that time as well. The XTERRA website is updating a number of events over the next two weeks including this event as well. This is going to be a great event and an awesome course. It will be attainable for beginners but challenging enough to reward the more experienced athletes. The website will contain very detailed course maps, a course preview video, and any information you need. We will jump back on here and update this thread when all information is available.
Also, if you are local to Colorado , make sure the check out the Rocky Mountain State Games Triathlon in 2012. PEAK Multisport has partnered with the Sports corporation to make this event bigger, better, and the premier event of the state games!
according to the best information on which i rely, this event is not yet confirmed. there is one thing you can do that will set my mind at ease, and let me know that, yes, in fact this race is taking place!
Consider it confirmed. Please visit our website for details: http://www.xterrapueblo.com
to get a quick preview of the venue and course, check out this video: http://www.vimeo.com/33529264
we would love to have a visit from the slowman himself
At the risk of sounding like a braggart, it’s going to be a really fun and well organized race! Dave and I (Ken) are the race directors and we have multiple years experience directing and working events with USA triathlon, Ironman North America, and independently. On top of that, we race as well, so we do everything we can to provide the benefits that racers appreciate. We have friends at the sharp end of the spear as well as the… well, the back of the spear, and we take them all into account. This race will be attainable for all levels but challenging enough to reward the experienced racer.
Registration will be open January 1st.
as i stated - and i suppose you’d need a bit of inside knowledge of how slowtwitch works - the ONE PLACE i go to KNOW FOR SURE whether a race IS ACTUALLY OCCURRING fails to list your race. accordingly, i cannot know, for certain, whether i’m dreaming there’s an xterra race in pueblo (which is a cool idea!) or whether there is in fact a race taking place there.
clue: you can help me with solve my problem in about 4 minutes.
if you can’t figure this out quickly enough, i’m sure a fellow slowtwitcher will come to your rescue.
HA!!! I have officially been hit with the shovel and the problem has been corrected. thank you sir!
Sounds like a great event, but for the life of me, I cannot see if there is a swim or not. I assume there is a swim, if so, how long is it, wetusits or not? I need to know if i should throw down the gauntlet to slowman or not. 4 mile run on trials i like, ride should be fun, but i needs me a lead out of the water…
There is a swim, we just have not put up a map of that yet. We literally are doing that this week. 1000 meter swim. Wetsuit could go either way and will be a “day of race” decision as we expect the water temps to be mid 70’s. We will also be posting a run course video once we get a chance to get down there with a group and take some video. (ie: good weather) it will be scenic for athletes and spectators alike… if you’re the type to look around once or twice during a race.
Good deal, thanks for the info. Also what are the start and top elevations of the race? Personally the higher the better for me, just nice to know how much the swim is going to hurt. I remember dan doing a race near Mammoth where the swim was about 7000ft, he forgot about the adjusted pacing you have to have, and he said he literally was looking for a lifeguard at one point in the race. I’ve been there myself, but now know what to expect at altitudes in the water.