Im looking to buy a Xlab Sonic Wing rear hydration please get back to me with a price and picture, you can email me or post on this.
I’ve got one. Won’t include cagesor the rear seatpost hole sticker, but will include all mounting hardware and straps. Have to do a little research on price, don’t have one off the top of my head. PM me if interested and I’m sure we can work something out.
i have this - if its of interest to you.;search_string=thomson;#3740338
What color were you looking for? We have a couple available. Red or White. Hardware, straps and anti-drag disc is included. Red is brand new but with black graphics instead of red. White was used as a demo and has mounting marks on it. Let me know via email and I can send pics and prices.
I am also looking for 2 of these but compatible with cervelo seatpost
I am also looking for 2 of these but compatible with cervelo seatpost
I thought Sonic’s were Cervelo specific?
You are probably right. I just got my bike a week ago and it is also my first tri bike so all this behind the seatpost business is new to me.
What color were you looking for? We have a couple available. Red or White. Hardware, straps and anti-drag disc is included. Red is brand new but with black graphics instead of red. White was used as a demo and has mounting marks on it. Let me know via email and I can send pics and prices.
If the OP is not interested, I am.
I’m interested in the white one and maybe the red pm me so we can talk prices
I have xlab carbon sonic wing, been fitted on p2 but never used, comes w/ all hardward including the sonic nut.
Pictures can be emailed just pm your info. Looking for $90 shipped in US.
Thanks, T
What color were you looking for? We have a couple available. Red or White. Hardware, straps and anti-drag disc is included. Red is brand new but with black graphics instead of red. White was used as a demo and has mounting marks on it. Let me know via email and I can send pics and prices.
If the OP is not interested, I am.
Hi, I am too new to the forum to PM. Please email me and I can let you know if the OP doesn’t want either of them.
White and Red Sonic Wings have been sold.
I’m looking for either a withe or red one
teckert, still have the carbon sonic wing?
still got it, pm you email and i can get you pictures/work out a deal