WTT: Triathlon/Road race wheels for MTN race wheels

I have recently decided to do the Transrockies Stage race next August. I have been told by every good MTN biker I ride with that a good set of light but hardy race wheels is a must. I have too much on my credit card already to even think about getting MTN bike race wheels. So I thought maybe there would be someone out there who is coming off a competitive MTN race season and looking to do the opposite as me.

What I want:

Disk specific light MTN race wheels. Like Stan’s Olympic with Revolution spokes, or maybe some Mavic CrossMax SL’s.

What I have to trade:

2001 Mavic Cosmic Carbones. Very nice wheels, amazing hubs. Heavier than Zipps, but a fraction of the cost.

2003 RENN Clincher 575: Lots of good MoJo in this wheel.

Maybe, if someone has something really good, I would trade my HED3D bought directly from Greg Bennet in 2004. Very good MoJo in this bad boy.



PM sent

bump to try again.
