I have a armored Ruster sports hen house bike case that I am looking to trade for a traditional bike box. I got a new bike with too much integration to travel inside the hen house. Used the hen house for 1.5 seasons, maybe 8 trips. Never got charged a bike fee traveling with it!
Would also be willing to buy a bike box or sell the hen house in separate transactions.
Let me know if anyone has anything.
I’m looking to pick up one of these and replace a TriCo Ironcase.
Sending you a PM.
If you want to sell outright, pm me with a price.
I have a Trico Iron Case that has only been used a couple of times to ship a bike back and forth to Phoenix during moves. I’d be never interested in swapping for the Hen House. Do you also have the wheel bag? Will you be getting rid of that, also, or keeping it?
Good luck that would be an awesome trade if I had one
I have now made it to Boulder and am still looking to purchase a traditional bike box, sell my Hen House or make a trade.
did you ever get my message about shipping box size?
Also, did you get my message about me covering shipping.
Still looking? Would a Thule 669 bike case meet your needs?

I have a armored Ruster sports hen house bike case that I am looking to trade for a traditional bike box. I got a new bike with too much integration to travel inside the hen house. Used the hen house for 1.5 seasons, maybe 8 trips. Never got charged a bike fee traveling with it!
Would also be willing to buy a bike box or sell the hen house in separate transactions.
Let me know if anyone has anything.
IF you are still looking I have a brand new Aerus Biospeed:
I posted looking to trade a hard case for a hen house. Do you have a hen house to sell or trade for? I have a choice of two hard cases.
I replied to your PM. Did you get it? email is andrewthomaswhite gmail