WTC at it again, now in Ultra running

So came across this article and seems like what they did to many, many independent triathlons in the past, is now a template for ultra running. But looks like many of the top runners are taking a stand and trying to force their hands before it is too late. Pro triathletes were never powerful enough to do something like this, but new race series have been successful in changing the way WTC now schedules it races.

I wish them luck, maybe since it is such a small group they can get enough participation in the boycott and really affect some change. Get them to understand in the long run it would be better if the two groups worked together as a unit, and not as adversaries.

I’ve been a vocal opponent of the Ironman brand for years, not because of their product, but because of their business practice of destroying the grass roots races that fed participation in the sport.

Shutting this one down because we have the (already linked to) thread.