WTB: Speed Concept non-UCI seatpost

for a 2012 model (which makes it Gen 1, I think). Trek site has them for $199 … ouch.

Anyone have? I would consider swapping the UCI version.

I want to use a different saddle (switching from Adamo) and can’t push it far enough forward on the UCI post. Adamo is no problem though.

you don’t need to change the whole thing, just the top adapter, i have the longer version on mine i can send you a pic if you like

unfortunately the UCI legal version doesn’t have the changeable clamp. Mine looks like this:


ah, that suck dude. i have seen a team issue live strong branded uci legal frame and the seat post slot was a different size and shape just a heads up. I am in the same boat as you but i am looking for a stem and i don’t want to get fleeced for $200 either. It would be great if they had a loyalty program, so we could trade in the stuff that does not fit
good luck.