Please let me know what you’ve got. Thanks!
hey Jose, I have a medium easton attack tt aerobars with a 31.8 clamp on my ad if you are interested:…;;page=unread#unread
I’m selling a size large (uncut) if the medium is to small.
I’d love to trade my medium for your large.
I just got mine last week. Brand new in box condition. The hardware bag is still scealed. I mounted it my stem and realized the Easton sizing chart ran small. Only seem a stem clamp. Never even been outside or seen bartape. Stickers still on them. It does have a 26mm clamp - as opposed to 31.8 but I can send you a generic 90mm 6 degree rise, 4 bolt face plate stem.
What condition is yours?
I’m not really looking to trade, but if you’re interested in purchasing let me know.
Alex is this still for sale??
Medium Easton Attack, is it the older version with no adjustment, size medium?
How much if still for sale?
Sorry dude, long gone